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Everything posted by mensch

  1. 15 Dec 2001 woot! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  2. how come my glacis at 88 degrees hurts everytime I come in these Grog threads and read them? ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  3. <center><h2>run run for the hills!!!!</h2></center> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 04-02-2001).]
  4. you egg if you had a wife asking you if those blue socks go with these pants and uncle whats his name is visiting on tuesday, oh did I mention I used your credit card to get that shirt I said I wanted, sorry I didn't mean turn off the power to the living room I I wanted to see if the kitchen sockets were working, did I crash your computer? no honney.. a crashed computer means something happened inside like a BUS error or a system error... I just lost POWER to my computer.. no no.. its ok that TCP/IP game was not important.. I was winning its ok.. those only happen once in a blue moon, my what nice socks you have... now where did I put that gun?
  5. unlike my wife... Greg: "damn! damn! damn!" wife: "you having problems with your tank thingies?" Greg: "uh.. well damn! my Panther, just rounded a corner and targeted that Sherman missed four times!!" wife: "panther? ho how cute you have cats in the game?" frustrated husband: "no, its a tank. Apparently they made them here in Hannover" wife eyes glazing over: "uh huh... you think I should take two pairs of shoes or three for the week holiday with my cousin Sabina" anoyed husband: "I said they made them here in Hannover, one of the better tanks made in WWII, aside from T-34 the russians made" Wife: "ooh those russians were not nice shooting those soliders in that sniper movie" More anoyed husband: "That was ENEMY AT THE GATES not that sniper movie" wife: "dark blue or black?" Husband now totaly confused: "what?? (background explosion of a tank going up) feck! my Panther! that was 800m hull down! no fecking way" wife: "tee hee, anyhow Marcus has a birthday on Thursday you think we should bring a red wine?" Husband: "jeezus my SMG squad just got taken out by a fecking zook!!!" wife: "and then Marion called she said she would like to have coffee with us on Saturday" Husband whos given up hope talking to wife as another half squad gets blown away by a HT: "Take two black, red is fine and NO on the coffee i have to many pbems to handle then" wife now confused: "huh?" husband now relived his StuH is rocking: "you do the math" *puts earphones on* [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 04-02-2001).]
  6. its not a bug... suprizingly when one is shooting one can see where they are targeting via.. tracers and screams of pain followed to the sounds of BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA you can tell where the fire is comming from.. if you can see bullets kicking up around you you can most likely see where they are comming from or at least for the 5 seconds you popped your head up over that stone wall. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  7. Wot he say? jeez.. I think my OGWSTF Worterbuch is out of date... Penner.. yours truely Menscho
  8. what.. eh? not you too with arpil fools jokes ne? heres a bagguette.. now go play in the Boccage.
  9. you egg. its people like you who make me mad!! I mean I wake up after a long night at a party.. my mind is still fuzzy and a coffee in my hand.. and think..heck .. lets look whats new on the board.. and I see this!!! ok after wiping the coffee off my monitor after I spit it out I find its a april fool joke. funny guy..now I'm off to clean my keyboard.
  10. ROTFL!! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "Married men live longer than single men; however, they are also more willing to die."
  11. you egg!... true.. but I did mention if you having trouble contacting your opponents, to ask DR. STUPID (thats me) for help. He (v.Shard) is still waiting for a set up!! there is a month left almost.. ok about a month and a bit till round two starts... I have to make adjustments if ya (that be all of you) problems getting started...its been almost a month now since it started. DR. STUPID
  12. happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you!! happy birthday dear Emma! happy birthday to you! here I stuck Maces head in a oven and baked it .. it appears his head was a strawberry.. but at least a strawberry has more braincells then mace... here *places 20 candles on the macecake* blow them out emma.. make a wish!
  13. master of the NSSB II watches with a bit of anoyance... WHY HAVE YOU MORTALS NOT MENTIONED TO ME THIS MAN IS AWOL? *lighting bolt*
  14. it appears Pete stole money and is being interviewed direct from his cell in jail, His bunkmate Butch I hear is holding him very close. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  15. Actually BTS modeled the MGs very well in CMBO, I mean if a squad of Five can take out a MG nest over a open field in SPR with only one casulty.. much like CMBO when I rush MG nests with a half squad and take it out.. TA! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  16. ah ho.. speaking Garlic huh? well slap my monkey and pull my chain, I may be one of the Undead but a vampire I am not! Garlic.. I LOVE GARLIC *Haaaoooo* breathe that in you Kilt wearing sheep shagger! Just recieved the file back from ya and it appears I am playing someone in the ranks of Crodie! Whoohoo! easy win! Listen OberMasterButtHugger your "oh I dropped the soap can you pick it up for me?" may work for Snotachie but this battle is going to be sweet, I bought the plack to mount your ugly mug on and a bucket to cover it so I don't have to loose my morning breakfast. You incompetent wurtzelpopper DIE LOTS NOW™ wadda Kissenknicker ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-29-2001).]
  17. I found it a problem on matts ftp server for macs.. every mac I tried got the same problem.. dl as normal till its finishing up.. it seems to stall.. on the pc no problem but on mac forget it. I guess matt is sending us a message. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  18. I find this disscusion quite lame, and would not bother speculating what BTS will do or make any hopes. I just await what they have to give in a semi-press release for OS X. If they support it great stuff, if they don't also great stuff!. Why well they can spend the next few months re-writing code or say ok CMBO is for 9.0 or less and CM 2 will have the OS X in mind... I rather they spend few months on CM2 for OS X then for OS 9.0+.. as for the FLAMING TROLL MS Users, as me dad said if everyone bothered to take care of thier backyard and not complain and nit pick on the other peoples yards every one would have nice back yards... well I did never understand him then and don't now.. I guess there was a message in his saying.. but I'll leave that as that. I hate TROLLS, as worse as Biggots and Shoe Fly Pie.
  19. wot he say? who left the door open to let these damn for-in-ers in? oh I get it your talk with your mouth full.. tell you what.. take the potato out of yer mouth me boy and we can talk over a cold glass of blood about your "to be" loss against the one and only mensch. I suggest some sun would help your pasty white complection too! so assuming you are human and not some wierd sicko like Hiram. I wack your pasty face with a rock and hope it does two things, 1) knocks out that potato out of your mouth that the rest of us can understand ya. 2) make some improvements to your ugly mug. you my sir are to be set up (more ways then one.) I know you understand english cuz you use every fecking alphabet in your name so use them. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  20. my personal peev is there are no dogs barking when your in a village or farmland.. theres tons of dogs or at least the ones not eaten buy starving troops since the food truck got shot up by jabbos. what about cows!.. aside from that one mod no MOOing or baahhh from sheep (mace would love this one) DO SOMEFINK! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  21. jsnadorsef you make me chuckle.. laugh.. man that was the most funniest movies I saw in years.. keep up the good work.. thre rest of you.. go play with your stuffed bunnies.
  22. see seee.. style.. thats style.. you suckerd the enemy in thinking "oh ho.. the saps are out of ammo, att'em boys" *rattle of gun fire and things that go bang "oh ho... the suckers thought we were out of ammo!"
  23. ok does that rule out my Kilt? as for the gameyness of saying "ouch" that hurt or oh damn out of HE on a chat in tcp/ip.. I don't think so. If the sap wants to think his arty is doing damage as I type "oh! damn.. my HQ!.. oooh.. I think I saw helmets and boots fly on that last volley!"... then hes more thick as prune juice in winter at the north pole. muhahha.. belive me or not.. "wolf wolf!!"
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