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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Thanks, mensch... you make Lawyer look classy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> why thank ye... does that mean you'll be wanting another bowl Mr. Chuckles?
  2. ok... Chef Mensch is NOW serving soup!! who wants some?? <center> </center>
  3. good crumpets no? anyone want the recipie? 1 cup flower 1 L Scotch 4 Heads of High grade (put your substance here) 4 Cockroaches 2 er.. mushrooms of some sort.. they were white with red dots.. those bad? dash of ground up Field Fairies.. (let out in sun to dry after grounding them up.. wear ear plugs they scream alot while you do it) bake at 250ºC serves 20
  4. *non-cess mode on* StevetheRat and Croda, as NSSB II director, some players are wondering where the heck you are.. Croda Jadayne is wanting to know if your still alive?? just a week to go and then its what ever your score is.. if one of you send in a file for me to review otherwise you get a "0" for a score. danke *non-cess mode off* eat my crumpets you lot!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I for one am happy that Mensch's frontal lobotomy appears successful, as his latest contribution to the pool was much more coherent than normal. Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> why thank you kind little girl. I see your mummie dressed you today, very smashing those red little shoes and that dress go well with you.. but a little tip missy... shave the legs... *mace wispers something* whats that? uh no I have not seen your little dog and your tin man friend *wink wink* is asking for a lube job again from you.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner: Yeah, you too, mensch. And send me a goldang turn!!!! It's been a week already. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> uh.. send me a return file.. the last one we had.. I am sure I sent something to you.. but between me and you I think mr. Mailer Daemon ate it.
  7. I wish to share a little story with you all... once a pond a time there was a little dog.. his name was.. well it don't matter cuz he gets run over by a car anyhow.. anyhow this cat like to play with a ball.. and this ball was.. well not important because the cat ate it... causing it to panic because it blocked him from going to the washroom and run out on the street and get run over.. anyhow this ferret who ate this rock as so mentioned thought why do I have short legs and not long legs oh.. say like a horse.. but that would be silly seeing horse legs on a chicken... actually this is a stupid story and has no moral behind it... aside maybe don't make stupid stories like this.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armornut: I am poor and cheap Right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> right.. you are. ;p
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nedlam: The only person I've ever known to do this sort of thing is John Rambo. I think he was special forces in Vietnam, not World War II.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> actually there is a cheat mode.. you click on the mg unit and hit return, this brings up the stats of this unit. close it. do this five times and then order the unit to go in hide. then do the get info and close it again five times. after this your MG unit is changed to "RAMBI" (trademark laws forbid BTS to use RAMBO).. This unit can now run and shoot on the run, jump quite long distances, the nifty featrue is after the unit is reduced to 1 man it has a bow and arrow with explosive heads which it can shoot at tanks and blow them up. if you type in "Nam was hell" in tcp/ip mode it may go in movie mode which when the enemy shoots at them bullets fall short kicking up a lot of dirt and making for real cool movie sceens but all of this at the cost of loosing heavy vocabulary. off and on it yells "adrian!" but that I still can not figure out. real cool bug but many don't use it cus its to "gamey"
  10. I like Rickets.. does that help?.. big ones small ones sometimes in pairs.. *cough* ..
  11. Whoa! wait a sec... Hiram Snoody.. now.. he sucks beyond suckyness.. quantum suck.. na.. quark Suck more like it .. does this make peng.. not so bad to loose against? does this make our foundation on suckyness of Peng ... *gasp* obsolete??? is there more shame to loose to the Hiram? do we get a § next to our name if we loose to him now?.. jeez be afraid, be very afraid... the village idiot changed hands to Hiram.. sorry peng... you just suck.. but Hiram.. takes the cake.
  12. Hahahaha heheheee ho hoh ohhhh! hee hehehe hahaha MATT I didn't start this one this time.. hahhahahahaaha! hehehehe! *foosh foosh* go the rickets!!! *foosh* *cough* uh.. HI MOM!!
  13. whine bitch complain.. jeez Jadsndorf getta grip.. Lorak read what you posted.. its just your not important to pay attention to.. ROTFL... go lorak go!! yes it was a no.. idea what the score was, I never bothered to look. yup I gave up it was like flogging a dead whore.. uh.. horse... *cough* now whose up for a real battle... say uh.. like nothing in the scopes of what berli and I stepped in.. and boy does that smell... berli is lucky he found his troops.. I'm missing a Company somewhere if you see a bunch of Jerries running around looking kinda lost please point them in our direction so as they can die lots.
  14. well croda.. funny guy.. wheres my turn you nob.. at least I posted a animated smile to pull and bug the Peng man him self. I am not better then you.. that is true... you can't rate my better life form spiecies with a sea cucumber as you.
  15. I'm sure this will make peng... happy? sad? anyhow.. the guy who brought us all the happyness in the world has passed away.. *sniff* actually *sigh* <center></center> Harvey R. Ball, the man credited with creating the world-famous yellow Smiley face, died on 12th April after a long illness. Ball, a graphic artist from Worcester, Massachusetts, created the image in 1963 for a subsidiary of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company. The company’s promotions director, Joy Young, commissioned Ball to create a smile button for a morale boosting campaign. The company originally printed up 100 buttons but they were such a big hit, they ended up handing them out by the thousands. The rest, of course, is history. Ironically, the image which was created with the wholesome intent of increasing company morale at the State Mutual Life Assurance Company became adopted as one of the most visible symbols of the drug culture. Harvey R. Ball was paid a flat fee of $45 for his artwork.
  16. I know what matts going to do! sooo next on my list... HI MOM!
  17. Roight.. its time to spread out a bit here and vent my frustrations onna looser, someone who has no skill or class, someone who smells like dried peaches on a dead roadkill.. someone who is gamey and can't spell his own name IMMADOOFUS.. yes I speak of Senachopoo.. our one and only marine gimp! but I figure he'll wet his pants at another crack at mensch master of draws. foo!
  18. soo a small update: joe and his cockroaches he thinks he may win but with my STUG.. *snicker* that fires 1 round ever three seconds.. good luck lad.. ROTFL Stucka well this test operations was to be cool but I still can't figure out why "battalion reinforcments" don't come?? anyone? (serious) we won't count this as a pool game even though I am loosing.. you see I waaaas supposed to get two more companies to counter his battalion.. but.. fecking scenario designer does not explain this crap battalion reinforcements. berlichan lost bad to me 92 to 8 LOL I set him up with a doozy this time 5000 pts to re-enact the battle of that bulge thing. die lots wanker meekses cuz nothing serriously happening now. yawn.. more later Iskamandor he thinks hes winning.. LOL nob.. everyone knows mensch only allows draws now!! Jeffy boy of wonder again thinks hes winning.. look at the score dude.. its looks like an immenent draw! LOL Mace of Perth I set up again with this outback thornydevildun dee again.. and with snow since we loved it so much.. lets see if he don't piss his pants and not accept me challange... you egg. Geier Pickleless wonder well all I hope is he gets my rounds.. I keep getting bounces from his email account.. dude. maybe you have to empty your in box a bit. OFGFSMAN this guy cheets.. gamey map edge hugger!! die lots you hetzer popping nob! you could not use a proper angle of attack even if it kissed you on your backside. Pengkomon it may look like I'll have a fecking astriks next to my fecking name.. no worry.. loosing to peng is ok.. its like getting herpies... once you got it you always have it.. I just hope I can send my bad luck to other players and they too loose to peng. PeterOz the nob sends off a turn a week so not much going on.. he rants and raves how he is killing me.. but every time I look at the film he takes out what? 3 Priests and 6 troops and a HT.. big deal... what do you think the other 2 priests and big tanks are for.. I hope you can defeat a battalion and a company of stuff me boy.. I got more where that came from!!! dats wat.. go fly a kite now in a electrical storm..
  19. well it looks like berli don't like loosing much.. jeez I just had to read it here before firing up my CM.. heh.. now now joe if I grow my own and ask you to smoke with me.. don't start complaining your hearing voices or seeing funny patterns and giggle to no end. sheesh... here have another puff.
  20. being a big fan of this strip for some time I found this one which kinda made me think how the talk at BTS is going about a Demo version for CM2 ..heh.. I see chuck as the short fat one.. (ducks)
  21. my question is a Russian HMG squad cost 34pts and the small Russian boy who fixes shoes for germans cost 40pts!!! whats up with that?? BTS you got to get your numbers right... it sucks.. DO SOMEFINK!
  22. no.. it suck.. I hope you choke on a long drink umbrella while your soaking up the sun.. jeez.. can you ask your work to send me a ticket too? I can act as your body guard.. well ok.. I'll guard your dead body till the homicide guys come and find out if it was a umbrella or just pure excitement that killed you. jk.. have fun ya egg.
  23. LORAK.. THE GIT HAS SPOKEN TRUE (mace that is) it was a nasty fight in waist deep snow in a blizzard.. feck..I never seen so many immobiled tanks or bogging in my life! with maces heavy right flank (his) attack he ate a platoon of germanys finest Falschirmjägers.. fat french bastard. but luckly for me I took the important larg VF locations on a strong right flank. it ended in a slug fest which he (mace the git) showed more balls could have won since most of my crap was wallowing in slush and snow. But luckly for me he showed true French tactics.. scared and sloooooow. I think I finaly made contact with the git halfway through the game. anyhow here is the true results of da battle. Mensch (master and the better Manouverist) 94 casulties (24 KIA) 2 vehicles KO Men OK 90 VP: 51 Mace (French shroom and slug eater and Slugouverist) 106 Casulties (33 KIA) 2 vehicles KO Men OK 97 VP: lousy 44 yup a draw.. let it be known I am on a draw streak aside for this wonderful one sided battle I am having with berli. One sided you ask.. well let me say I have taken out 2/3 of his armour in turn 2 and routed a bunch of krauts yelling as the run "nicht schießen, bei Helgas BH nicht schießen!!!" wanker changed tactics.. I was expecting a map hugging gameymanouverist type game but!! he went straight up the middle... like me ha foo!
  24. Harpoonler.. you nob.. I work for a living unlike you jobless socialservice supported bums!!! live with it that your opponent squeezes off a turn a day.. jeez kids today. ------- Geirer you have a real email account.. something that does not bounce like maybe your rubber checks you sign off?? heres what I have gotten 5 fecking times!!! Hi. This is the mailer-daemon. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. <geier@swipnet.se>: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 550 you are not allowed to send mail to <geier@swipnet.se> Giving up. --- Below this line is a copy of the message. Return-Path: <gregory.mudry@mailcity.com> Received: from Unknown/Local ([?.?.?.?]) by mailcity.com; Thu Apr 19 01:13:34 2001 To: geier@swipnet.se Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:13:34 +0100 From: "Gregory Mudry" <gregory.mudry@lycos.com> Message-ID: <PJHIDPPJHFNINAAA@mailcity.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Sent-Mail: off Reply-To: gregory.mudry@lycos.com X-Mailer: MailCity Service Subject: round one X-Sender-Ip: Organization: Lycos Mail (http://mail.lycos.com:80) Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_-=_-EOHBAPPJHFNINAAA" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is a multi-part message in MIME format. You need a MIME compliant mail reader to completely decode it. --=_-=_-EOHBAPPJHFNINAAA Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Language: en Content-Length: 275 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit nope have not played this one.. oh oh.. damn.. it looks.. difficult. btw.. can you zip or stuff the txt file it makes dl faster for me at home on me 33.6 modem =) danke. hehe grego right you Dickes Ei, gibt mir was ich wirklich arbeiten kann. manno.
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