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Everything posted by mensch

  1. I was wondering whats up with style in CMBO.. gameyness has been talked about or at least blathered to no end by those Croda followers. BUT! is it stylish to say, you've wacked 3 Rifle squads in one large building.. and your opponent continues to send guys in there! so.. you set your 88mm level set and fire away at the building.. then stop to make him think your out of HE (naturaly say on a tcp/ip message.. "crap had to watch those HE rounds!.. plan B!".. so he runs in and you let loose with a flamethrower that was waiting in the other small house next to it.. naturaly waiting that he took the second floor.. SO now yo have a house full of dead guys and at least one or two squads screaming "HOT HOT HOT!" runnning down the stairs in terror.. ++que the 88mm!!++ *boom* …and then the house goes up like a bad movie explosion! have you style in wacking those pesky rifle squads?
  2. ok, aside from the normal Boot Lickers here in the thread.. anyone ever bother to read OFSFABDSDEF45Z or what ever alphabet he chooses for his god damn fecking name? I mean he spells worse then me!! Most of it dribble and for a good serious yawn. Where does this guy come from? why the heck does he not use deodrant and I am quiet disturbed he puts hamsters in his shorts. right so why pick on OFGH? why not hes a twit.. moron peck and a sea cucumber all mixed into one.. with traces of Hillbilly and Coon! now.. I'm off to go play with Stukas red little wagon.. or was her name Lindy? Libby? Lola? ach it won't matter of the name it will just be Oh baby, come to papa.. whos your daddy..and assorted screams. edited for berlis sake ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-26-2001).]
  3. Capt! you made my week.. after 80hours of work, not sleeping much.. ticked off I have not played much..I read this... man you made my day.. I busted my spleen reading this.. thanks from a very tired and exausted Webmonkey. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!" -The_Capt
  4. never seen that.. I'll try it out on my G4. =) update later. update: No prob here.. quit on the first try.. I'll give it a wack at home on me old 6500/300 power mac. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-25-2001).]
  5. bite.. not spit.. .. here I'll spell it for you B I T E ... learn it.. live with it. why no updates.. well maybe these 80 hour work weeks are doing it.. so bite me
  6. me you git. (germanlad) hahaha.. yes I still have the file, no I have not touched it and yes eventually I will.. you know why and Live With It. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan
  7. that be right preacher boy.. go back to your bibles and insest. er... insence..er.. the stuff you sniff all day to get a cheep high. I suggest you start up a game with..oh.. croda.. I hear he's a easy win and he doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear" - but then again he doesn't know the meaning of most words. I guess why no one noticed you is becuase you look different... you did something no? You look like a one eyed budgie with a squint now..oh thats it... move along nothing here to see.. please don't feed the budgie. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan
  8. Most wicked sir (senachopo), whom to call brother would even infect my mouth i have swollowed a book worm and behold! Menschspeare.
  9. true they were rare.. but there were alot of things that were rare.. IE.. PUMAs.. but everyone (or appears to) buy them like they are on 5 for 1 sales at Gallierie Kaufhof!.... or 120mm Mortars.. used not often but at 105pts for 60 shots of nasty fireworks.. I take them most of the time. go figure... best bet is use historical maps made by people who want and are willing to make things as real as possible for you.. that way you won't end up against a opponent who just bought 4 Jagdpanthers with 6 Pumas for scouting and 2 120mm Mortar FOs to make sure your AT assets are dust. =) ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan
  10. posted by Peter of the Land of Kiwis: "…but don't bother with those silly number games unless they are actually going to prove or highlight something useful that can't be concluded through simple reading/research. ok... 4!.. its even, round and can be put on things like houses, cars and bodybags. Much like the bodybags you'll be needing for our battle.. and yes I have 4 snipers/sharpshooters which I brought in from the U.S. to kill your Snipers... Unfortunatly they have taken to a small German Boy who seems to be fixing our boots quite well, and has high hope that one day he will have 4 dollars to buy those 4 shiny new apples he saw at Fourderstr. 4 in Fourburg. funny that but it will take a Fourtnight for him to make those 4 dollars... oh ya.. HI MOM! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan
  11. *bows* your welcome me lady, the complaints I have heard of you I do not all believe;'tis my slowness that I do not, for I know you lack not folly to commit them and have ability enough to make such knaveries yours. the rest of you Boys, apes, braggarts, jacks, milksops go to, you're all dry fools, I'll no more of you. You're not worth another word, else I'd call you knaves ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-22-2001).]
  12. <center> </center> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-21-2001).]
  13. blatherd by a old wind bag: You goat-kissing toad! THERE WAS/IS NO GAME! Kitty *yawn* you insults are failing, hard to imagine you breathe oxygen. file is in your email, challanges states *yawn* I tire or your insults.. it appears to me you can't insult someone without involving testicles and your typical female "ugh i am woman hear me roar!" routine. =/ ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-21-2001).]
  14. no problem fluffkat.. that file I have... but after requesting for it from you some months ago I ended up lost for words... I'll set you up good on a new battle.. if that last responce was an acceptance to my challange.. you see.. maybe they do things different in Cali but the rest of the world goes like this.. a challange is given (verbal, oral, physical - no mace this is not a porno) the challangee then says "oh i am called a coward am I?, I accept your challange my sir waste of space" the challanger then goes on to huff and puff and follow through the challange. not like your example where the challanger (that be me) calls you lame, looser and coward and you the challangee ignores this for months years decades on end.. only to show up after the four comming of Benny Hill and say "whats this you twit? he is lying..etc.." so using my only usable braincell I will fire a synaps and assume that was an acceptance to my challange.. email with the challange and loves and kisses are on your way at my day end. *smooch* don't cough up a hair ball.. you were ignoring me like i had a barney suit on.
  15. typical woman...look lady! if you can hold up such a title... our game was if you forgot a nice valley.. I was germans and you had the fecking HILL!!! anyhow.. it faded away when you lost intrest for some strange reason..maybe something sparkley was in the room and distracted you.. who knows... BUT!!! the challange still stands.. if you ever able to accept.. so miss I HAVENOIDEAWHATMENSCHISTALKINGABOUT. simple answer.. there are two choices.. can you count to two? answer A: Yes mensch I accept your new challange to try to put you to shame! answer B: No mensch I decline because I'm scared of starting to loose then never send back a returnfile only to hide the fact I was playing you before and try to paste some silly bees on him to hide the fact I AM A COWARD! now go wash your hair, take a brownie.. relax heres a free ticket to go take a tour at a dimond factory.. and think of your BLOODY ANSWER TO MY FECKING CHALLANGE.
  16. Head for the Dykes!!!!... and wait a second.. Fuerte people have been banned for less stupid crap then what your posting.. get a grip man... you have no girl do you? heres a tip.. impress them by brushing your teeth and washing more then four times a month. now.. berli... eat this brownie and can you hold my smoke.. I have to go beat up a Fuerte now.
  17. ya I guess it would be boring if one spent 600pts on a a tac nuke.. boom.. game over on the third PBEM file... then we could call it Post CM Radiation Survival.. watching any survivers throwing up and mutating into teletubies.
  18. no fumes my boy!!! Brownies!! i just baked them.. in HOLLAND!! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-19-2001).]
  19. you alls stink.. and more so Berli for dying large in my pbem with him.. come on boy bring out your other sherman.. I need to laugh hard. as for the rest of you lot.. no this is not Sweden, no its not England.. it's Holland...yes Holland.. you heard me.. its all redlight district and Coffee shops till Mad Moot locks it up after 10 or so pages.!! no Dimond steeling and best of all .. no SHEEP! thank you, brownie?.. I just baked them!
  20. Small-harmles-Russian-spy-boys™ are for example.. that young lad Seanahoo plays with.. is a Small-harmles-Russian-spy-boy™ as disturbing as it is.. he (the boy) runs between Snoochapoo and us informing us on how to beat him in pbems and such only to let us fall in a sence of security we explain how we will kill him with what and so on. On the other side they (he goes though 4 a week) informs him of our plans and such. Sometimes we get upset at these Small-harmles-Russian-spy-boys™ and tell them to stay home after informing them of our favorate attack, only to find them after and punish them by sticking them in a sheep costume and locking them in Maces Cesspool bedroom.... tis evil yes.. but considering what Snoochie does with them.. its a vacation for them.
  21. before this thread gets locked once again by the bald but burly Moot Mott, I like to say HI MOM!! to my pbem players I spew a dark green evil TACO BELL Bean cloud at your direction** the rest of you lot make me spew chunks bigger then Texas...but at least those chunks smell and look better then the state. **not responcible for killing Small-harmles-Russian-spy-boys™
  22. yes more.. I want more donut shops in germany.. I want my peanut butter bread to fall not face up on the floor.. I want a new computer I want to see if I can beat germanlad in a game..
  23. saw it last night, not bad... not great.. spent half the time explaining to my wife why the russian army did this and did that.... the german sniper character could have used more devleopment.. and what we did learn from this "master" making the mistake at the end of the film which I thought was a week american type ending for all those hopless idiots that need a ending.. winner looser...which this movie fails to get accross there are no winners and no loosers.. As for effects, not bad, the backdrop of stalingrad was wel done and unerving everywhere you went there were dead bodys all over the place... *ick* I give this a 6 out of 10 if anyone realy would care what my rating would be... crap ending.. made for those Republicans. ;D ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan
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