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Everything posted by mensch

  1. right nothing from him yet in my email, but I'll keep a note of his delay and problems. Hope all is ok and the rest of you have a understanding... off to get a tan... whoohoo!
  2. right SCORES.. are all avaliable here: NSSB II FIRST ROUND FINAL SCORES and for the people who are in the second round should have gotten a email from me with the rules and set ups. If you did not you can click on the red button on the score page to see the set ups, or if your to lazy click here: NSSB II SECOND ROUND SETUP, AND RULES
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: No offense, Mensch, but these things are better handled by sane people.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFL.... Hahahahah!!!! foo! your a sad excuse for a protoplast your actually LOOSING our game, let me enlighten you all here in the cess, gather 'round and Uncle Mensch will tell a comical story. "once 'pon a time there was a mad man who always rushed the flags first to get the quick points (dat be me boys and girls) so menschy learned from his mistakes finding its easyer to attack a flag then defend it. Menschies Bagguette Boys stayed back moving up slowly only allowing a small group to take the flage and see what the Mr.Winnie Senachai would do... mr. I know everything yourgoing to loose rushed his companies of troops to the flag and the middle of the town, meanwhile Menschys troop of Greyhounds managed to take out about 5 HT'S and a Puma me finks and a Recoiless rifle, still not commiting his two companies of Snail eaters. meanwhile dropping 60mm mortar fire and 120 VT arty on mr. ouch ouch my troops are getting slaughtered senachipoo. now that every building is blow'n up real good like God took a like'n to 'em hes upset...moral of the story, watch out Mensch has learned alot from Mr. Berlichan and PeterPeterPepperNZ, I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I am all out of ASS.. er no wait.. well you understand." now run allong now you little rats.. menschy has to plan Senachies next turn of pain.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: All those postings lost? Well, crap, guess I'll have to start over. Lorak, scribe thusly. Moriarty, 98; Mark IV, 2. Win for me. Moriarty, 90; Berli 10. Win for me. Moriarty, 96; Seniletea, 4. Win for me. Moriarty, 80; Peng, 20. Win for me. Moriarty, 82; Geier, 18. Win for me. Moriarty, 76; Mensch, 24. Win for me. Moriarty, 99; Blousemouse, 1. Win for me. Moriarty, 98; Goanna, 2. Win for me. Moriarty, 80; Lorak, 20. Win for me. Moriarty, 98; Chupacabra, 2. Win for me. Moriarty, 78; Germanboy, 22. Win for me. Moriarty, 94; Mace, 6. Win for me. Moriarty, 99; jd, 1. Win for me. Moriarty, 99; Lawyer, 1. Win for me. Moriarty, 99; Joe Pshaw, 1. Win for me. Ah, what a great day. OK, Lorak, you can unscribe all you just did. Just kidding (of course).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> of course I did get a better score then all those other nobs.. muhahahaha
  5. Ideas for CM2 that we managed to slap together for BTS is now lost and toast.. UN-less BTS copied it and saved it on another drive... AAAAHHHHH! the horror of it all if they are lost. *sigh* I'm going to get hammered now.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: So what did it? The canucks or the grogs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I say it was you.. HANG THE WITCH!!!
  7. quite scarry.. in.. fact. how they know you were hacking in the system? wow.. technology these days.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Petopylae: blather.. hot air and such... not to mention a bad smell comming from his mouth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I see someone likes me out there.. how, quaint. you my grubby pal..are in for a fun time™
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I just don't know what I'll do...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> there is a book you can buy at AMZONE called how to drown your sorrows 1001 ways with Bleach.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Uh, what the hell?!?!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no hell is where the Devils and bad boogy men live.. this is UNDEAD land where dead people wander the streets looking for thier next hit of embalming fluid.
  11. well now since all is FUBAR and we lost the PENG thread to some unknown error.. I know many will blame the cess for this error but we all know the cess can only cause the end of the world and not the end of the the BTS forum. so rules: 1) sound of like you got a pair, and challenge someone with style and some class or thus be called a MORON. 2) Panzy Looter may stay away... far away.. I personaly think he hacked into the system and blew it up, wait.. he couldn't find his arse with both hands.. ok so that rules him out. 3) anyone who comes in here asking "whats a peng" will be thus called MORON. 4) wellcome to the world of the undead. (this should be a cake walk, considering most of you guys have a personality of a corpse so bugger off.. and by the way someone lost a arm at the door)
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: It's a sunny friday in Paris and I'm getting sentimental.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> does that mean your going to bathe this month?
  13. ok.. fine.. PENG is a confessor. I blame my campaign manager PooBroom for my failure, why? hes French, nuf said my Vice Pres OFAG I blame too since he can't speak english or is constantly drunk.. but being scottish thats a norm isn't it? I'm off ... smell you later. Plus I need to add Seanachpo is against me since he is loosing in our game, foo! hes doing a wonderfull up the middle attack.. it makes it easyer now since i was flanking him anyhow... let the shooting of bratwurst eaters and sauerkraut poofers begin!! [ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  14. Thanks Stuka... hmmm has anyone seen my underwear? its pink with little white teddybears on it.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: I thought Peng was Obi Wan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no Peng is Jar Jar Binks...
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: ACHTUNG! *WARNING* To all German speaking people... DO NOT READ THIS JOKE! This is the very same joke that was developed by the Britisher intelligence pig dogs and subsequently used against our brave troops towards the end of the war to seal our untimely defeat! I urge all Germans to immediately avert thy eyes and not look. I happenned to glance at the first 3 words of this despicable- would of been a war crime if we won the war- instrument of torture and nearly had a coronary from that brief exposure. ACHTUNG! *WARNING* <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mist!! ich bin blind!!
  17. scooleen, your email is dead and your opponents are looking for you (NSSB II) if you can please contact me or your opponents on whats up. Hope all is ok with you. If anyone has contact to scooleen could you please inform him on the deadline for NSSB II.. thanks mensch
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Sweeeet!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes..isn't it.. *looks around* Say Berli it that a fly on your head? *wacks Berli with a stinky Fish* WHERES MY TURN YOU NOG!??
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: …now if a certain Stug or two should HAPPEN to stumble into a clever ambush that resulted in a victory for ME my mood MIGHT undergo a change and in the flush of victory I MIGHT be tempted to overlook the flaws of certain candidates and vote for them. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> BLOODY LOBBIST, thank god for my Hotel policies...
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally confessed by MrPeng: I cast my Vote for menschy-pooh. [snipit] i have no faith in anything MrPeng (176Fred's Mrs)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> first off.. I like to thank Pengsy for his vote of trust to ME... and I am sure he has no hanging chit to argue over either. As the faith thing I would like to bring the lad to the light... BEER.. no not LIGHT BEER, that's for wankers and Teenage kids thinking they be walking on the wild side by drinking anything with a "%" symbol next to it.. yes I am sure Peng has faith in BEER... I mean just look at him! someone like that must have been born with the stuff running through his blood!....that or some rare tropical disease. But at any rate I am sure he has some confessions to tell since he is well, 46 on the top 50 wanted in the US of A. tell menschy your darkest secrets and devily deeds... then I can advise you what to do! I work both ends for the religious types I can tell them where to go.. and if your not religious I can still tell you where to go.. either way its to hell.. so hanker down and pull up those diapers, Papa is home back from his Postal job he just lost and gave a 7.62mm farewell to his coworkers and boss.. and wants to make sure the family understands why daddy did what he did. VOTE FOR ME AND I'LL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASYER THEN EATING FRENCH TOAST ON A BACK OF RHINO THAT HAS A BAD CASE OF DIARRHEA
  21. ParProom you are giving top secret campaign secrets away... dammnit wheres my OFSFG?? he should be yelling at you now saying funny things like "wee Beasties" and "Eyy Spill mee Hagus!" VOTE FOR ME AND I PROMICE TO MAKE MACE GET A REAL HAIRCUT. [ 05-09-2004: Message copied and pasted by: mensch ]
  22. so thats how my wife beat me in a hotseat game... damn gamey wife!!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: My vote would have to go for Hiram/Phan or mensch. Lorak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what an election? great! I'm all for it.. uh.. yes.. my opponent Hiram/Phan is not worthy.. because.. well hes a Skizo... I mean its as bad as that Peng/Mr. Happy thing going.. next thing you know thier picture is in the Cess Newspaper over a scandel of sum sort involving 4 lbs of unsalted butter and a South American Water Frog.. no I say vote for me cuz I'll make sure everyone of you get a pot in a chicken and jobs for everyone all be it crappy jobs which pay not more then some sweatshop kids recycling used condoms to bubblegum wrappers. yes me name is Gregory or Greg or Gregoir or Georg or or or.. no I'm not one to step on anyones feet.. ok maybe romp on them with steeltoed boots but never step look on the bright side most humans have two lobes and only think with half of them... Hiram/Philles has only half a lobe and uses half of it because everyone knows half a loaf of bread is better then a fresh muffin in the oven... or something like that. Heck I like Politics although finding those tics can be a chore I tell you that but better then Mites.. those just make your skin crawl and cause nasty rashes that smell, right mace? vote for me because I can't be influenced by lobby groups! my hotel states no loitering in the lobby .. so they can't influence me see!! its great! as my vice president I nomiate OFSDFS because he says real smart stuff with wierd wordes <--see!! and well I am sure he spells potato with an "e" at the end. and would say funny stuff that no one understands they just laugh because they know if you upset the old chap he may say "oooh ye mayke me hoppe lyke ey konstepated Lypericon! ye doo!" beside being constipated is sad cus that means he may explode one day and that would if anything make us all regret we didn't buy those wetsuits at the californial "surfer dudes heaven" shop for $45.95 (and if you buy now you get a free blonde sufer dude wig for free!!) so... what says you all do I get the job? by the way ... what are we voting for anyhow? some how I feel I need the aid of a Lawyer to explain the small print.. is there any competent lawyers in the house? I mean aside from that small claims court hippy "lawyer" here in the cess? peace be with you, cus you'll need it we just ran out of toilet paper in the cess WC. [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: At were tha draidful "thump-clank, thump-clank" o' doom welling oot o' tha swirlin', an' clingin' mists tha first alerted mae tae tha awful presence o' Mensch's "terror". Mae wee laddies shifted nervously ain their trenches, as tha awful sound grew louder an' louder. At seemed tae be approachin' up tha hillside track atween tha heavy woods..."thump-clank, thump-clank", ever louder. However, at soon became clear at were ainly Mensch wi' has stupid foot jammed ain a galvanised iron bucket o' porridge, tryin' tae find has way haime. "Boo, hiss, piss on yoo, Jimmy!" tha lads yelled as he "thump-clanked" his cretinous way off aintae tha gloom. *wedges finger up right nostril* O' course, Ah coulda bin mistaken..... Ma bonny wee parents, spawner's o' tha troo terror o' tha CM Glenn an' Heelands, have lighted ain MacDenver fraim Melbourne, Australia. At's a three week stint, an' at's playin' havoc wi mae PBEM'in. Just sae ye knoo. Bastaarrds. An' at's a big "Halloooo" tae Hiram. Ye may be Philled Panties knoo, but ye'll allas be "Hiram" tae mae, laddie. Game updates...everyone's killin' mae daid except Mace an' Mensch. Bastaarrrrds. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> anyone understand what this guy wrote??? I looked at Bablefish but there is no translation from "Moronic OFGSHF" to English...
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