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Everything posted by mensch

  1. eyy somethings is wrong heres.. I think there is some hanging chits (sit down Mace).. the numbers are all fummeled!! CRODA DO SOMEFINK!
  2. lets see my uncle is 65 that makes him five years older then my mom.. so counting in leap years and lost time everytime the power went out then divide by the amount of times i visited a porno site it works out to 45.5 add my losses to germanlad thats 49.5 then to the number of times I hit my head on the toilet seat praying to the God of Hangovers 67.6. now remove any odd numbers -7 we get 60.6. so... adding the amout of energy i put in to work.. 61, and now the age I was when Julie McFeelie saw me without my draws on. 74 yup 74 I am sure of it!!!
  3. Actually I was watching it fall and fall and fall.. and did not do a thing.. why? I don't care.. like a little boy who RIPS the wings off a fly to watch it walk around like a HAPLESS git waiting for DEATH to prounce on it at any MOMENT. It was fun... I got my kicks.. how about you RAT? now were is my shotgun I want to shoot something.
  4. HA. ..hahaha..haha..hehe hehe hoo hoooo ho! ..*cough* sorry.. I live in germany.. it took exactly 8 days to get to me.. aahh I remember when I first got it in the mail.. jumping up and down saying to myself .. "ooh goodie goodie goodie!!" carefuly placed it in my CD drive not to scratch it.. turned my volume on my stereo to 20 and freeked out the neighbors thinking the war has started again..LOL (vol. 11 on my stereo you can hear "ach mein Bein" in the stairwell in my house 18 you can hear "ach mein Bein" at the entrance of the apartment) I think the Wienerwalt workers on the main floor thought all hell was breaking loose on the second floor. mUHahahaHAhaha! more so when I first tried rockets! Foosh Foosh BOOOOOM! and yes I do get strange looks from my neighbors when I run out quick to the Kiosk to grab some munchies swearing "god damn Cromwell, no way could it have taken out my Jagdtiger at 1000m!!... oh hi Frau Brutlo..*walks further down the stairs, HA! I'll use my 88mm AT to take it out if it moves out from behind that house!!" ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. and... *Punt* from page two. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  6. aaww cute.. ey crass alter! hast du ein problem? ey? Pengkomon can I play with the new guest? can I can I? I want to test out this new Ebola virus, pleeeeese!! well he is in the right place I see he is Pale like most English gits... here hold this tea while I load my gun.
  7. thats easy.. wait for da rules =D they be comming out on Sunday midday (my sunday midday) heh..
  8. hey where did you get that picutre? that was before I knew you could enter a tank through a hatch!.. funny guys at the motor pool telling me the only way in is through the tail pipe.
  9. Point taken.. and mothballs going back in the closet.. =) (wie peinlich) Lt.Reaper you have been upped from Reserve Division (Ost) to active duty in Division (Nord) ALPHA Nord, I'll be needing an email addy from you.
  10. Hey Cubes you were moved up from "Reserve Division (Ost)" to full status in the "BRAVO Nord" congrads, Ted had other things he had to take care of.. his time is streched at the momment (I'll put ted on a reserve status, just incase)
  11. <center><h2>RIGHT I HAVE CLOSED THE NSSB NO MORE ENTRIES ARE ACCEPTED!*</h2></center> Sorry Cubes, any other entries will be bench players, incase of dropouts due to illness, personal problems, etc.. which will leave another player hanging without a score. you lads will be the fillers if you don't mind. right.. still doing technical stuff to hard to explain here but look for an update in the next days. mensch. here what we got.. have fun drooling, laughing or crying. Division (Nord) ALPHA Nord Jadayne (douglas.kaufman@keysystem.com) Ace (knoechel@interchange.ubc.ca) Lt.Reaper (no email avaliable) Philistine (a.philistine@verizon.net) CupOHemlock (raven@staffnet.com) Croda (creelmans@panetwork.com) BRAVO Nord von shrad (stuka@jcn1.com) Boru (boru@concentric.net) Panzer Leader (jbarnes7@kc.rr.com) Private Pike (private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk) mike8g (mike8@lycos.com) Cubes (gbell1@bigpond.net.au) Division (Süd) CHARLIE Süd von Lucke (blane2@flash.net) mensch (gregory.mudry@mailcity.com) scooleen (scooleen@steelservice.inc.com) SuperSlug (bevans@home.com) Big Ron (neil.mcdowell@btinternet.com) Tiger (jshki@bellsouth.net) DELTA Süd stevetherat (therat@thelair.co.uk) Terence (tnelan@greyinteractive.com) Michael Dorosh (madorosh@home.com) Wolfpack (SphaV@aol.com) Ksak (ksak@adelphia.net) Arien (arien@ladybugnet.net) Reserve Division (Ost) ECHO ost Speedbump (jeffersonm_44060@yahoo.com) THumpre (aewert@home.com) Pacestick (pzima@bigpond.net.au) Egbert (tbradley@2-penny.com) Cleavis (ferret_706@yahoo.com) FOXTROT (Ost) <h3>*</h3>remember if there is enough people to make a new division before monday I'll put in a new division. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-03-2001).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-04-2001).]
  12. deanco does that mean you want to join the ranks of the Not so SuperPlayers?
  13. sorry Jadayne.. all placements are random by the throw of the voodoo bones ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. and there was great nashig of teeth. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-01-2001).]
  15. Whats a virus? Gee I never had one on my mac.. well.. maybe in 1989 something called a MBDF or somefink.. but all it did was make my files bigger by a few kB an dats was it... got rid of it with a 100kb freeware virus scanner... since then nothing.. I would not call that a virus as much as a joke. *shrugs*
  16. Pecker at least I dont have elf ears. I don't live in rags you nimbletwit, its those damn moths that ruin my classy stunning clothes
  17. <h2>ROIGHT! all you lot that want to go at the second run at NSSB II!</h2> This is the official page.. not some dug up thing from the archives.. bookmark it if you have problems finding it.. this is what I got so far as people pls correct any typos in emails or names (some sent emails without saying who they are on the forum sorry if I got your alias wrong) (in no order) ----------- Wolfpack (SphaV@aol.com) mensch (gregory.mudry@mailcity.com) von shrad (stuka@jcn1.com) Michael Dorosh (madorosh@home.com) Panzer Leader (jbarnes7@kc.rr.com) Tiger (jshki@bellsouth.net) <h5>Ted (Ted_Ramos@Ademco.com)</h5> (must drop out - replacement is:Cubes (gbell1@bigpond.net.au) Lt.Reaper (no email avaliable) Terence (tnelan@greyinteractive.com) von Lucke (blane2@flash.net) Ksak (ksak@adelphia.net) Ace (knoechel@interchange.ubc.ca) Jadayne (douglas.kaufman@keysystem.com) Croda (creelmans@panetwork.com) Big Ron (neil.mcdowell@btinternet.com) scooleen (scooleen@steelservice.inc.com) Private Pike (private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk) CupOHemlock (raven@staffnet.com) Boru (boru@concentric.net) mike8g (mike8@lycos.com) SuperSlug (bevans@home.com) stevetherat (therat@thelair.co.uk) Philistine (a.philistine@verizon.net) Arien/b] (arien@ladybugnet.net) <center><h2>That leaves 0 slots still open!</h2></center> Inna sence we are closed, I will be doing some background work to difficult to explain here.. IF and IF i get up to 12 more requests I will open up a new division. <center><h3>possible new Division</h3></center> Speedbump (jeffersonm_44060@yahoo.com) THumpre (aewert@home.com) Pacestick (pzima@bigpond.net.au) ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-04-2001).]
  18. <h2>ok people.. listen up.. I brought this puppy back from the grave</h2> so seeing the responce to it i made the new NSSB II found here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016800.html so heh.. calm down guys.. there room for everyone.. gee didn't they say that for lifeboats on the titanic?
  19. jd can you do that in the washroom.. your "hobbies" are spooking the lurkers on this page. Ickyaner! thats who it was.. I would have been remembered if your name made sence. ok Ickyander your set up is comming in the mail (thats eMail you git) I'm sure the guy would have looked in his post box in the morning.. jeez where do these guys come from? its like someone hit the idiot tree and a bunch fell off and landed in here.
  20. ROTFL Terence... well so far five emails plus one .. uh post card from Jadayne the git. heh.. mike8g yes both will do, tpc/ip and pbem... i realize some people live all over the place and sometimes in two places at once. =) (your cue mace) anyhow.. yes the emails are tinkling in and I hope when I wake up in the morning I'll have a few more to add to the roster. I figure 20 loosers.. er I mean players including myself in the NSSB II. I figure I'll last in round one like the last NSSB thanks von Lucke. as for the first one I hear its still going... OMG. I hope ours will go a wee bit faster. I know I am preparing for the second go at NSSB by paining bright big targets on my tanks. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-28-2001).]
  21. oooh es ist Herr Ichkennemehralsdu ok croda.. you have a spot on the superbowl..and your my personal enigma right..<center> <h2>eMail me if you want to join</h2></center> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-28-2001).]
  22. allrighty.. I found the rules.. I'll change them a bit, and I hope since tcp/ip is in effect it will go a wee bit faster. I may do set maps for the turny. I'll have to see. I think it would be interesting. I'll try to make four "Gruppen" Alpha, Brovo, Charlie and Delta. but I'll have to see how many responces I get, eMail me if your interested and I'll make up the list.. Requirements: you suck..well relative no ringers, profis or somefink like that (peng your welcome to play if you want) more to come. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  23. well if I can dig up the rules from the last one I would'nt mind starting a new on.. that was fun as hell. show me some hands here people who would be interested to make the NSSB II come true?? mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  24. acually I am quite happy we're in England.. I just stumbled on this and thank god were no longer down under. <center> </center> eeewwww!
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