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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Well deck the halls with guts and excrement!... it appears the kitty is alive since she posted on some other threads... so I guess she has abandoned the pool.. and my challange that was standing for weeks on end.. IGNORED... LORAK!!! rack this up STUKA (willy git englander): LOSS 39pts MENSCH (Deutschlands Finest): WIN 61pts for the declined challange from kittykat.. I move that she be thrown in a box with only 1 breathing hole.. and MENSCH (takewhateverarmyiwant): WIN KITTY (shotforbeingacowardandnotevenmailingmeoricqingmeorpostinginthisworthlessthread): LOSS LORAK put a big fat "†" symbol next to kittys loss as a "frightened by madmensch" now for the rest of you gits find a long rusty pipe and stick it where the sun don't shine... (RUN MACE RUN!!) ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. "...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily." -Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-19-2001).]
  2. Hey dima, you can check out my site "Der Kessel".. we have alot of Historical and Semi-Historical Battles and Operations. Also a few maps that you can download and create your own if your not to into making your own maps. ------------------ <a href="http://www.derkessel.com">www.derkessel.com</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. I just saw Iskander pic at the cesspool... what a moral booster.. jeez I'm going to kick your drunken white ass on our game.. I never felt so much better then after seeing your pic... I'm glad to know that there are still people in this world who take up the "damnfooyouugly" positions... I guess you and mace get along well huh? must have been that ugly stick youse were wacked with as a child, no? heres a tip.. I posted Crodas wifes picture If you can improve ya outlook like her.. ya on the right road to attractiveness... now I'm off to laugh hard.. bye HI MOM!
  4. hawkei, welcome to the pool.. NOW FECK OFF! nice to see no one mentioned me over a day and a half.. who cares =/ I'm off to do some Fecking work... you all sux, i sux.. but at least I don't have a girl like Crodas. now go put some ankle weights on and play in a lake.
  5. that may be true Pete.. but if you are single player with the mind set I am against the world you will die fast and a horrible death. If you join a group that forms a Division or trys to and makes quordinated attacks with combined arms and not just infantry running around the place and tanks doing what they want without listening to the Tank Group commander.. your attack will fail. FPS games are mostly like that.. free for all, but with no real plan of attack.. just kill.. in WWII online if you manage to take out a bridge you stall the enemy from advancing allowing you to bring up support... or if you managed to wipe out or capture a supply base the other side has less well.. supplies to use. I have played FPS often enough to see a group (which I was fighting agains) that actually used Unit command and combined firepower of coverfire and advance.. we had no chance.. my fecking team were all rambos thinking they could take on the world.. we lost needless to say.. when "bub" left his flank position that he was supposed to be covering for us cuz." all the action was by the warehouse, and I wanted some action!".. well thanks "bub" your leaving your position allowed four guys to slip buy us now we have attackers infront and behind... in the end pete.. sure I don't mind if those dolts want to make Rambo IIIIV or somefink.. the people that will shine through are the ones that will work together with combined arms. when people see "oh it works and damn how did it work" they will do the same. Now I'm not saying which game is better or comparing apples to oranges, but WWII online have a many groups that want to form fighting units.. you follow a chain of command and bla bla and so forth.. you don't follow the rules you get kicked out of the team.. and I'm sure it would spread like wildfire that your not a team player. Since the game is not out, and is in beta testing I am not going to point fingers saying it suck or it rocks, I have my expecations on what its going to be like and hope it is.. if not then, my loss no one elses... does that mean I will stop playing CM.. not a chance in hell. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  6. well poot and wipe my grimey face.. a new peng thread.. and look its packed full with village idiots and a peng (first class city idiot). as for Meeks.. jeezus.. how was I supposted to win.. is the computer allowed to buy Jabbos? I was like 300pts short in that attack... and the fecking computer bought for me three Cromwells!!! against four Hezters.. not bloody likely they would have been great in hammering his positions with each having 40 odd HE rounds but with 1 C round each and no AP.. I stood no chance.. feck a Churchill has enough problems knocking out a Hezter never mind those stupid Cromwells!! oh well I guess that program steve gave me was a virus and not a cheat utilitiy. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  7. excuse me herr Dipsheit but we are continuing that game tonight, if you are online, it happens that my computer as you know was having much problems after installing some new hires mods.. I will install the default mods so we can continue.. then T-Offline had the gall not to let me back in the internet. .. there is such a thing as autosave files.. or you so yellow bellied to take this as a win... I'll save that sucker for you and send it as normal pbem... jeez.. this guy is trying real hard to get wins.... you, my sir are slurm.
  8. I feel croda is like the new CM Missaha.. well not in a Biblical sence.. but more in a Inner Croda speaks out, much like Opra Winfery.. or however you spell her name... His post show wit and sharpness that no other player can show in thier short commings... call me nuffel call me a easter egg four months late of easter.. but this guy.. he scares me.. his wife too... and his son.. well I'll put him in the cubbyhole of "X-Files" I would call him.. an Atritionist, hell keep bugging you and bugging you till your inner croda rips its way out of your chest like a new born Alien ready to jump out and give squishy hugs and loving goodness to everyone. Me finks he is wanting out of the Cess because he found our Cessyness is imune to this.. "INNER CRODA" everyone of us has managed to mentaly eat this pheominomenmem... and further more he needs more followers (slaves?) which brings a new factor of not just being a Atritionist but a Parasite. As for BTS, Steve and Chuck.. I think they have fallen to thier Inner Crodas.. thats why they leashed Mad Mott and that otherguy.. uh.. Kwazypup or somefink. Everyone thinks they are working on CM2 but in reality they are always sitting there hugging thier inner Crodas to the point it borderlines insest... damn I can hear them now making group hugs and singing "Croddaya my Lord" Discusting if you ask me.. why is it when I eat my way out of my straight jacket and hop out the fourth floor of the CessInsanium they lock me up again... but all serriously though.. Croda... use the iron mask..
  9. of course this is CRODAs Kid so I'm not all that shocked after seeing his main squeezes pic....
  10. Well now.. I am shocked.. taken back! I threw up for hours! made appointments with better doctors to fix my mind.. or at least give me a labotomy!!!! after countless email corespondence with Croda!.. I finaly found out why he is so afraid... yes afraid... you know the quote "be afraid... be very afraid".. that came from Croda, he's had a fight with his woman yesterday and said his woman decided to wear less makeup. Which I think Croda likes.. (cue the Circus music) but the git had the gall to send a photo asking me if she looks better without less make up now!!! Croda.. find a steel mask.. and weld that fecker to her... jeezus man! I could not sleep last night due to horrid nightmares!.... PS I'm sending you my Doctors Bill for all those of you who have not seen Crodas Main Squeeze.. here you go.. ++++++spoilier++++++ (take strong drugs now) <h4>The HORROR.. THE HORROR!!</h4> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-14-2001).]
  11. meeks you coward!!!!! where you call all your victories and draws you FORGOT I WON A GAME!!!! TOTAL ALLIED VICTORY YOU GIT!!!!!! jeezus.. ya gamey bastard get it right!! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-14-2001).]
  12. Sweden sux... well not as much as Croda.. but it still sux... what suxs more then sweden and croda... is Kittys absence.. Where da feck is dat cat.. Here puddy puddy puddy.. puss puss puss puss... hmmm fpsst fpsst fpsst.. nope .. damn anyone know how to get hold of this pussy cat?
  13. think of it as two professional killers with egos bigger then Germanboys and ran in to a mirror image of himself. German sniper: "aak! american!" american sniper: "aak! german!" German sniper: ey, nice rifle!" american sniper "thanks... say yours is nice too.., I'll watch what you do!" German sniper: "ok, hmm wait.. everyone is too close" american sniper: "well let me look.. hmm yup.. *bang bang* German sniper: "good shot.. I think that was Lars in the 12th Sturm abteilung" american: "heh.. like shooting a ground boombang in Yolks canyon!" german sniper: "whats a ground boombang?" american sniper looks out the window and sees a Stuart comming around the bend* go out side and stand next to that lamp post! if you look east to the farmhouse you'll see one. German Sniper "wow my first ground boombang!!" *runs outside* I DON'T SEE ONE!! american sniper: wave your arms around!! they come out thinking your a wounded bird!!! German sniper: "LIKE THI.." *BOOOM!!! BANG!!* Stuart Gunner: "looks like Thomas suckered another one of those german snipers again"
  14. jadayne no wacking the NSSB II players.. it's not nice... *bump*
  15. Two fecking days and the peng thread almost hit second page, and grew to 1.5 pages.. woooh.. damn sweeds. Anyhow stuck in Braunschweig on my wifes computer, no games.. well except for Moorhuhnjagd.. *guh* at least i have my Drum Tobacco and a book on Panzer Tactics. Updates well.. I don't know WHILE MY FECKING GAME IS IN HANNOVER AND I had no chance to play since I worked the whole weekend.. feh.. who cares. Kitty is up and dead for me, that or she found some new tomcat to go meow with in some alleyway.. LORAK, here ye here ye.. it has been days and days since here since I posted my challange.. one last resort of ICQ'ing here to death and email will be the last chance.. then I give my challange as a cowardess decline and accept her surrender. (jeez if this does not get her to react I don't know what will.. hmmm leather briefs??) anyhow everyone read everyone saw.. the challange states and you all can kiss my bal.. *cough* *looks for matt* yes as I was saying it looks like I will have a new cat fur bathroom mat this week. and Bullethead yes I got your fecking map.. jeezus rocky fecking mountains or what.. heh .. me likes, only thing is you are a little chinsy on the FO's arn't you.. I'M fecking attacking not doing a fecking sunday stroll.. heres a tip.. this is what I normaly take for such an attack.. 2 120mm mortar FO's 4 105mm FO's and if I can a 81mm FO... get with the program dude!! anyhow I accept your map.. maybe girllylad will decline again on the cheep excuse of "this terrain is undefendable, bla cry.. bla.. i wet my pants".. I set up my troops and will be mailing the git tommorow morning. well off to smoke, read and cry like a senachapoo, that my CM is in Hannover.
  16. welcome to the CLUB.. please leave your girlfriend/wife at the door, remove the following from things you used to do 1. going out 2. talking normaly 3. dreaming of *put girls name here* in your dreams, you'll be dreaming of plotting moves driving tanks and shooting big guns thank you oh.. and HI MOM!
  17. yes tiger.. dat was a nasty fight.. I was even more shocked by your troop selection!! I must say playing tcp/ip made that round with Tiger go fast.. but it was damn fun.. his first tcp/ip too! so everyone go wack him on the shoulder hard for a congrads on his first tcp/ip game. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. Bulletbutt, gerbillad may decline this one too if he finds the field does not fancy his liking.. the git.. har har har... and divid Arkon you kann come here close and untie me so I can slap you silly.. this is a original peng thread cuz of many things.. One I am here two it has CHALLENGE in it three Mace made a grubby appearence only thing that is missing is Peng and that loud mouth nitt Seanachopoo back to electrical therapy. =)
  19. well battle one of three is done for me and Tiger.. he used evil Sturmhamsters to overwelm my positions.. but my jabbo and two priests put a dampner on his kick the US fannies over france day. but In the end, Tiger ate the mad mensch (barely) 59 to 41!! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-10-2001).]
  20. you dont have a girlfriend or somefink? check with her.. if you do, there has been a few lads here being oppressed by thier ladies....
  21. WTF IS THIS?? <h5>Peng goes to Sweden</h5>.. jeezus.. I didn't even see the bloody thread cuz its not in CAPS!! or CHALLENGE is not there.. well big deal.. Not even PORNO in the titel.. what else is sweden good for?? they have cold weather, tons of mosquitos, beer or anything with % on it cost more then Crack... this sux... you all sux... why couldn't it have gone somewhere where the women are the same the men at least look human and drinking does not cost you to go to the bank for a second morgage on your house!! <h3>HOLLAND PEOPLE!!!</h3> at least we could have had nice chats in some Coffee house or somefink.. but noooooo.. go to Sweden... feh.. I'm going back to my asylum.
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