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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Hello Everyone! "Der Kessel" is once again updated! wot do we have? well for starters we have three new members to help continue and support our quality of maps, battles and operations. what has been updated, Two yes two new Historical battles from TheDesertFox: The Crown of Thorns and Operation SPRING (Second Battle for Tilly la Campagne), one new semi-historical Battles from Germanboy: Into the East and one from PeterNZ: Polder Grave. And three amzing maps: Bocage, City Fight, Tank Country by Berlichtingen so come one come all… and I'm off to sleep at my work station at work now. ZZzzzz mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-07-2001).]
  2. barbie doll na... try a german girl, besides most germans shun glorifing war.. its a hard life here. She is far from a barbie doll, yes shes a perdy and talks alot but inteligent she is.. more so then me... but then again most women love talking about thier problems and feelings and us guys end up nodding and maybe burp, scrach our bellys and say... "uhhh sex?" shes not into war games thats it.. I tried my bestest to drag her in but it didn't work.. I would be glad to play a gal again and heck I may loose but I could loose to a wet bath sponge... but and I say but if I start winning, I'll put gummie bears to valum pills that the (lady) I am playing will lose intrest faster then you can pull on your liederhosen. btw kitty when is my return file comming back?? its been 2 months now.
  3. bah! women.. I tried getting my wife to play.. let her win once to get her interest.. she won the next battle by chance of taking two fecking Churchhills.. guh.. third game started loosing bad.. she lost interest.. Like kitty, played her got my ass whiped the first two times.. third game she starts loosing... she lost interest, and I never saw a return file.. Typical. *wah I'm losing, I'll pretend that I have to wash my hair or have a appointment with my Aunte Buttsy* women cant play CM unless they win, they start loosing and the tv goes on and watch soap operas *runs for the car* ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. well la de fecking da, sounds to me as some reborn Hiram here is all soft and says.. HI.. how cute, how *BUaaaaHH* oh.. I hear industrial cleaner will get that vomit off your shoes. well Herzlich und Gluewunch, a new peng thread made by the one and only bald eagle Matt man of no taste . I tell you this guy is a… [edit by Mad Matt] a real nice guy, has lots of parties and is a chick magnet, I'll let mensch live and not ban him on the note he makes me laugh, this is your last warning mensch [/edit by Mad Matt] …and thats the reason why he has to go to the doctors every Friday!! ha! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. steve.. yes that is correct, using a high tech device you were randomly chosen to play three people out of your division section... not all other five.. that means a faster more cruel semi final result... <h3>people!! official rules are here stated above due to lack of sleep, no sex, and long hours working I missed a few rules. The terrain is defined, but if both players agree to anything ..it goes</h3> Lt. Reapers email, if someone does not have his email and he does not surface by the days end... he gets bumped to reserves and someone from there on the waiting list will take his place. wolfpack... if ya suck.. ya suck, if ya suck bad you fall by the waysides. I think we all suck here thats why its called the not so super bowl.. we are just seeing which of us geeks can beat the rest of us in a round of folly and luck.. =) mensch ------ update I just got a set up from Slug heh ooh goodie, Tiger and I are just starting to get the game started all engines reved and soldiers are lock and loading. Still no word from Big Ron.. *sigh* [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-07-2001).]
  6. well its nice that pete pete the guy with da sheep did not mention our battle.. but since we are on page 14 now..going on 15 I just want to say this before its locked up!! HI MOM!
  7. I agree with tiger, I dl his tiger and loved his detail, I added some dirt and grime, changed the painting to factory yellow, added meshing and leaves... was happy.. I mailed him and waited over a month till I heard from him to release it with credit to him on the base skin. I could have posted it early but thats not my style.. being a designer and artist that touches a nerve when someone steals your work and pastes thier name on it... and with the new digital laws being made one can get in real trouble doing that even though you think they are public.
  8. IMHO the AVRE sux.. BUT! i took one when there was fog.. just enough to see 70m no more.. it cleaned house.. well more like took them down and caused havoc on the enemy who bolted when those mortar rounds started going off. AVRE in fog = kick ass AVRE in anything else = waste o points ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-06-2001).]
  9. Cubes again my sorrys and many bowings of forgivness.. you are in ted is out due to NSSB I delays. mensch note to all players if your name is first in the match ups IE: Panzer Leader(allies) vs. von shrad(axis) Panzer Leader must make the first set up file his name is first on the match up
  10. Berli you laughable tellytubby.. you make me giggle like the pilsberry dough boy.. *giggle* you fruitless attack on my MG nest is proving.. more difficult as you though it would be.. my AT bunker has proved that zippos don't always brew up but still come to a bloody mess... ha ha hahahahaha! and HA! again.. ooh you made my day , may I call you la la? your remind me of a la la... how do I know what la la looks like you ask? easy i got exclusive act photos from Maces wife of Mace in his favorate "take me baby" sex suit... funny that how it turns out to be a teletubby suit... go figure.. I pegged him as a sheep suit kinda guy.
  11. ok got some responces.. saw a few errors in da rules, but all updates to the rules will be here, any disputes or questions, you should first look here for the official status. Q&A Q: is this tourny a pbem only or could we play tcp/ip? A: yes to both tcp/ip is naturaly faster and more effective, but knowing some people may have to break for a bit, then save the game (one of you two playing) and continue with pbem, one can always change back to tcp/ip easly. Q: I saw a indifferency in the rules, you on drugs? A: sometimes, yes.. but true there were some errors on the rules due to my lack of sleep, drugs, loud music and a headache the size of texas. Any updates changes to the rules will be posted here and they stay the official rules until someone else notices my lack of brains (sit down croda) Q: who sends the starting file? A: the person who state first off the challange. (ie: Croda(allies) vs. Ace(axis)) this means Croda is the allies and must send a starting file to Ace who will be naturaly playing the axis. Q: I suck do you think I will make it to the semi finals? A: don't bother me I have enough problems winnng as it is. Q: do only three people from each sub division go to the semi finals? A: yes.. do I have to draw a picture to explain this?? my brain hurts..oh wait I don't have one.. Q: my email of the rules did not come and was bumped to the reserves, why?? (up comming question for sure) A: pay attention to the BTS Fourms.. look for a thread called CM Not-So-Superbowl II, it has the rules there, and states we have started, and your email bounced back to me and I figure your a tapfer lad and visit here often enough to see updates. Plus you did not respond to your opponents emails and you were put on the bench while a willing eager sideline man took your spot. Q: Will we be using any of Fionn's short-75 or panther-76 rules, or is it again left to our discretion? A: no fionn can keep his rules, I expect you lads to be a wee bit honerable in buying things (OOB) and stuff.. try to be reasonable, we may suck at playing but lets not be childeren picking equipment. well thats it for now.. I am off to glue whats left of my pigion eaten brain back in my head. mensch [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-05-2001).]
  12. ahh good point private pike... I forgot that along with my brain which I left on a park bench yesterday. <h3>Terrain: this is left up to both players to agree on (yes you have to communicate with your battle buddy) if both sides can not agree on a terrain type settings they go as follows. first round: Farmland, Modest Hills, Moderate trees second round: Village, slight Hills, Heavy Trees Final round: Rural, Modest Hills, Light trees use only these settings if both players can not agree to the settings... I figure its your death you choose the land you want to die on.. but at least die with your boots on, ok?</h3>
  13. I have.. my M8 was making a fast dash between cover and it decided to engage a StuG... ARRGGH!.. they were regulars but it pissed me off watching it put on the breaks and fire off three rounds that gleeefuly bounced off the hull of the StuG.. no suprise there only to end up in a spectacular explotion killing all the crew but one.. so pissed off I sent him forward to get slaughtered by something.. which he did the bastard. I won't name the git I was playing cuz he will just say.. "dem da breaks" har har.. funny guy.
  14. <h3>please note that there was a typo in the rules I sent out, and it is fixed here on this thread... </h3> and guys give me a break..if you see a loophole.. just tell me and I'll fix it.. working weekends till 2:00 am sat and sunday has done wonders for my not.. thinking.. straight.. things.. stuff... ya. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-05-2001).]
  15. sorry for the delay there was a little bit o a panic by the work place.. guh If anyone knows of LT. Reapers email please give it to me and I will contact him.. if no one has his email..and no contact is available one of the reserve players will take his place. <center><h2>ok here it is NSSB Setups!!</h2></center> ---------------- First some ground rules. 1)every player is expected to finish the battles they started and to exchange files in a reasonable time. I realize that it is vacation time of the year so it is inevitable that some people will be absent for a time, but try to let players you are playing know beforehand. Please NO QUITTERS! We will publicly Lynch you. =P But if you do have to quit the tourney for some unexpected reason you need to let the opposing players and myself know so we can work it out. 2) The version we will be Playing with will be 1.12. 3) Players should use their forum names and include them in every e-mail sent to minimize confusion. __________________________________________________________________________ The not-so-superbowl has 24 players participating in it. These 24 will be broken into 4 groups of 6 each for the first round of competition. Each player in a group will play 3 random players from the group once and the results of all 3 games will determine who advances. For those who have never played multiple games of CM at the same time, I assure you that it is not hard to keep track of the game at all. Remember it will only be 3 games at a time at the most. The final game scores of a player will be added together and divided by the total of games played that round to find an average score. This I feel will be a better system than a regular bracket for a couple of reasons such as; it will reduce the chances of numerous tie games per round that can only be solved through re-matches, a timely consequence. Also it will reduce the chances of a fluke win. If you make a huge mistake in a game there is still a chance to redeem yourself and advance. And it will help deal with dropped players, although I hope this isn't a problem. After the first round the surviving players (the top three from each division zone) will again be split into groups (ie the top 3 players in Division Nord Alpha and Bravo will be Division (Nord), and the top three players from Division Süd, Charlie and Delta will be Division (Süd)). The players in each of the new combined Division will play each other as in the first round and the score results will again be averaged into a final score, with the highest three scoring players from each group advancing to the Final round. The remaining 3 players from Nord and Süd will go for the mother of all final battles as the first and second round went .. this will result again in three winners(loosers) (ie Brass, Copper and lead medals) THE official Divisions Division (Nord) ALPHA Nord Jadayne (douglas.kaufman@keysystem.com) Ace (knoechel@interchange.ubc.ca) Lt. Reaper (cdnichols@voyager.net) Philistine (a.philistine@verizon.net) CupOHemlock (raven@staffnet.com) Croda (creelmans@panetwork.com) BRAVO Nord von shrad (stuka@jcn1.com) Boru (boru@concentric.net) Panzer Leader (jbarnes7@kc.rr.com) Private Pike (private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk) mike8g (mike8@lycos.com) Cubes (gbell1@bigpond.net.au) Division (Süd) CHARLIE Süd von Lucke (blane2@flash.net) mensch (gregory.mudry@mailcity.com) scooleen (scooleen@steelservicesinc.com) SuperSlug (bevans@home.com) Big Ron (neil.mcdowell@btinternet.com) Tiger (jshki@bellsouth.net) DELTA Süd stevetherat (therat@thelair.co.uk) Terence (tnelan@greyinteractive.com) Michael Dorosh (dadorosh@home.com) Wolfpack (Spharv@aol.com) Ksak (ksak@adelphia.net) Arien (arien@ladybugnet.net) Division (Ost) -Official Reserve players ECHO (Ost) Speedbump (jeffersonm_44060@yahoo.com) THumpre (aewert@home.com) Pacestick (pzima@bigpond.net.au) Egbert (tbradley@2-penny.com) Cleavis (famcginnis@cfl.rr.com) sf_hand (georgelo@home.com) DELTA (Ost) Pascal DI FOLCO (pdifolco@club-internet.fr ) ---------------------------------><------------------------------ the Team ups and sides which you will be playing. Division (Nord) ALPHA Nord Jadayne(allies) vs. Lt. Reaper(axis) Jadayne(allies) vs. Croda(axis) Ace(allies) vs. Lt. Reaper(axis) Croda(allies) vs. CupOHemlock(axis) Croda(allies) vs. Ace(axis) Lt. Reaper(allies) vs. Philistine(axis) CupOHemlock(allies) vs. Ace(axis) Philistine(allies) vs. CupOHemlock(axis) Philistine(allies) vs. Jadayne(axis) BRAVO Nord von shrad(allies) vs. Private Pike(axis) Boru(allies) vs. mike8g(axis) Boru(allies) vs. Panzer Leader(axis) Panzer Leader(allies) vs. mike8g(axis) Panzer Leader(allies) vs. von shrad(axis) Private Pike(allies) vs. Cubes(axis) mike8g(allies) vs. Private Pike(axis) Cubes(allies) vs. Boru(axis) Cubes(allies) vs. von shrad(axis) ----------------- Division (Süd) CHARLIE Süd von Lucke(allies) vs. Tiger(axis) von Lucke(allies) vs. SuperSlug(axis) mensch(allies) vs. Tiger(axis) mensch(allies) vs. Big Ron(axis) scooleen(allies) vs. SuperSlug(axis) scooleen(allies) vs. von Lucke(axis) SuperSlug(allies) vs. mensch(axis) Big Ron(allies) vs. scooleen(axis) Tiger(allies) vs. Big Ron(axis) DELTA Süd stevetherat(allies) vs. Arien(axis) stevetherat(allies) vs. Ksak(axis) Terence(allies) vs. Wolfpack(axis) Michael Dorosh(allies) vs. Terence(axis) Michael Dorosh(allies) vs. Wolfpack(axis) Wolfpack(allies) vs. stevetherat(axis) Ksak(allies) vs. Arien(axis) Ksak(allies) vs. Michael Dorosh(axis) Arien(allies) vs. Terence(axis) ----------------- Reserve Division (Ost) ECHO (Ost) Speedbump (jeffersonm_44060@yahoo.com) THumpre (aewert@home.com) Pacestick (pzima@bigpond.net.au) Egbert (tbradley@2-penny.com) Cleavis (ferret_706@yahoo.com) ---------------------------------><------------------------------ Battle Setup Type: All battles will be combined arms to default unless both players decide otherwise. Forces: Players will decide what Forces they want (ie, americans, poles, ss, falshirmjäger) please inform the other player of which force you chose (to be fair no mixing like a bad drink!!!) if you pick Polish Paras you will play the paras and not buying the best of the best from Americans, brits, etc.. that goes for you german force players too (THIS IS A NEW NSSB RULE.. players found cheeting will be booted and players from the reserves will put in your place) natualy proof will be needed and both files sent to me with passwords so I can evaluate the dispute** ** i will hold password information confidential and will not be given out, if I do you may all tar and feather me in the forum as a quack and I will wear the beard of bees for the rest of my life. Quality: The quality of the troops will be Medium for the first and second round and high for the final. (if both sides agree, they may take lesser troop quality) Purchase units: The first round will be set per the players. The second round will be Automatic. You have to make do with what you receive. The finals(only 6 players left) will be played as 3 battle of each. Battle Type: All battles played will be Meeting engagements. Force Size: First round: 1000 pts. Second rnd: 1250 pts. Final round: 1500 pts. Map Size: First: Small Second: Medium Final: Large Handicap: none Date: The first round will be set in June '44. The second will be Oct '44. And the final round will be April '45. Time: First round will be set to Day. The second to Dawn/Dusk. The third will be random. Weather: First round clear; Second and final round random Game Length: First round 25 turns Second 30 turns Final 35 turns After a battle is finished both players will send me a e-mail detailing the results such as; The division of the game i.e Div.CharlieSüd_Burtha_SGT Bob The name of both players involved, The scores of both players Make sure to sign your name to it please. I will then make note of it here and post results from the different groups on the forum and through E-mails. A start date has not been set yet until I receive word back from all hopefuls. ---------- ***Please take the time to read through these rules and then send me a e-mail telling me if you agree with them and that you still wish to participate. I recommend that you save this E-mail to your HD. If you need a copy just e-mail me and I will send you one.Thank you and I will see you on the battlefield. Mensch (please respond at my private email not my work email. I did that first post cuz its faster and I cant spam so many emails with mailcity) ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-13-2001).]
  16. I don't know about you guys but growing up with a Ukranian Herritage, us "Uks" are damn religious (Othordox or Catholic) I know then (and some still); the Ukranians hated the bulshies and communists (religion is a deep part of the ukranian culture.. a many long stories of how the russian communist state starved the people and tore down a many churches or pillaged the state of Ukraine, cause a great fever of fanatizsim to get revenge on these red ivans) The germans yes invaded Ukraine only to find that the Ukranians hated communisim more so then them (plus handed over unwanteds in thier population very willing and quick - which pleased most of the ss units there), they (the german ss) utilized this hatred to form death squads (the ukranians seeing a chance for revenge on thier neighbours the Russians and Poles; many asked for arms and positions in ss death squads - check the rosters on many of these east units, and camp personal, you'll be supprised how many were Uks.) any how I just hope the Kossaks are included in CM2 (another bunch of nasty guys). I'm sorry I don't want to seem like a flame war but all these athiest saying religion was not a factor in the east.. have got to read up more on the culture or each state (poland, ukraine and russia… and not just war history books, you'll be suprized.
  17. sorry guys. comming soon.. a little panic right now at work..aargh
  18. ROTFL.. david.. you git.. you have chuppy running with a machinegun... and germanlad running beside him, without complaining MG units cant run.... hmmm a dilema... well I'm off to shave now and lets all hope my throat gets slit doing it. my my.. to bad I don't have all my comic books here otherwise I would make a comicbook face mod for CM.. SGT. ROCK kicks ass... and is the only thing worth reading in da whoooolllee world.. go kiss my hamster if you don't think so.
  19. age: 31 mature age: what ever you want age my wife thinks I am the way I act: 19 average.. donno I hate math
  20. *guhgfftgghh* yes thats the sound I make after waking up after staying up till 4:00am.. slight delay on the rules but they will be posted today and mailed of to all us loosers... your chief Looser mensch
  21. if we get 7 more players the third division starts up..
  22. *cough.. choke..sputter...* what!!??? worth buying??? *ahem* its the best 45$ USD I ever spent on a game, the amount of fun, varriation and constant pummelings from my cesspool buddies (ya right buddies... the gits) I have not had this much fun since I discovered there are more things to do with a woman then just google at her and drool on my pants.
  23. well well well whats this... and we were not responsible.. heh.. well, where's my protection money you guys?? you see you pay me money so I don't come in here and make long poems about how Matt hair grows on his palms and not on his head. *looks around for matt* right you have 2 hours..then I come back and make a Ode to Matt Matt the guy with no fur.. (see its worse then you think)
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