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Everything posted by mensch

  1. well thats a fine trick.... I know everyone hates me.. but this draws the camels back out of the hay stack!!! you gits you can all play in your sandbox! I'm taking Lisa McGuyer to the back of the school house and play Doctor... keep your sandbox.. beside I heard Kitty was using it since I am still holding her Litterbox as ransom.
  2. LT. Reaper has surfaced!!! his email is cdnichols@voyager.net. welcome on board LT.Reaper.. I was loading a round in my rifle to bump you down to reserves.. ooh nice touch.. Jadyane messaged me as I was just killing your position.. (could make a real cool hollywood movie where the hero saves the world in the last 2 seconds).. ok ok.. maybe not but heh.. and Tiger.. I'll wack you yet...*wack wack*
  3. Well lock me up and give me a good dose of those relaxing drugs.. the pool was locked up. HA! foo! you think you can kill the cesspool?? well I shake my hand at you if it were not for this straightjacket... well I'm off to bounce of some of those padded walls they so kindly gave me... DOCTOR, DOCTOR I'm not feeling so good quick my inner croda is nawing its way out! *gasp, choke*
  4. funny as hell.. damn hamster truppen... heh.. LOL.. damn splitting a side... only in England.. so before this gets the big ol rusty lock HI MOM!
  5. Please sound off if your partner has not contacted you or responded to your emails...I'll pulling out me ol'pain-bat.. and get to cracking some skulls. - Officer Mensch
  6. Lawyer, the maps are jut that maps, you can create your own setup zones and choose your own forces. Another way to use the maps is if you have a pbem'er which you want to play with and you agree on the map all you do is edit the deployment zones to your liking and save the map. since the Axis comes up first for buying troops when making your own battle, send the file to the Allied player first for him to buy his stuff, he saves the game and sends it to you (the axis player) and then you open it up and buy your troops.. save the game and open it up in battles/operations and take your side that you agreed on.. deploy your stuff and poof like a normal battle. er I hope this is making sence.. maybe germanboy can describe it better since english is my mother language and I can't write if my life counted on it (sad no?). the other option is get a third party to set up the map with forces and send you the file. germanboy? wat says you? as for the smallermaps I a have a few on the works or finished I'll have to give them to the brothers to pick and weed though to get thier approval. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-09-2001).]
  7. OFFICIAL CESSPOOL CHALLANGE GOING OUT TO THE KITTY OF KATS. may all your fur fall off and then be exibited in a Ripleys Belive it or Not show if you don't accept. as it goes the feline in question has wooped my ass in varrious forms with varrious objects... this is not the point, the point is.. damn where was I.. oh yes.. Kitty I have your Catnip ball and your Litterbox, if you ever want to see them again take up my challange, the winner gets what ever from the other player as a request. (damn I better win) Anyhow here it is... I woop your fuzzy butt in a Attack, you can take the Jerries or Allies I don't care cuz I'm going to win. I know you like Large things so lets make this one 2000pts. Large map, Large Hills and Modest Tree coverage, heck make it a Village while we are at it. it can be overcast or sunny I don't care.. and make it ohh sundown! if you have the fur for it take my challange in your hands..(ooh careful now, eeeaasy,..ahhh there you go) now do anything accept and you will be held as the cat that took on mad Mensch, decline and I post your putty (scanned) on the board and I keep your catnip and litterbox for mommentos.. besides I need something to smoke and my ashtray is full. official *slap* on the behind to commence the challange! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  8. yes.. your answer is……… ++sorry ERROR 508 Time out++ ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. Kwazydog did the same to me, but he gave me Qbert.. the git.. so I went straight to the lad with the cash. Steve. Besides he said I make him laugh and hes planing sometink very special for me..I don't know if that was a good thing, he went on a laughing binge on the phone then hung up.. last thing I heard was "...wadda sap!".. I think that last comment was ment for Matt since well.. he said he likes me.. right? RIGHT???
  10. what a man can have his dreams.. it keeps the reality away and hidden.heh.. yes.. I see that I will win the NSSB II, all will hail me as king of the Gits and given a cute little crown, flowers given to me and I make a speach how I would help the enviorment and I like to cook and talk about bellybutton lint... besides I would get to make guest appearences cutting ribons on opening CM websites and make a swimsuit calender..ooh oooh.. I think I broke a synaps.
  11. hey great... Dieppe? heh.. ouch.. that was no fun. (yes I know it was before op. overlord) but would be interesting to see. to bad there are no costal mods for beaches and Larger landing craft. - Steve? update? heh ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. gee why cant you be so passive and slave like in the cesspool? I hope me sir I get to woop your buttocks in the second round.
  13. ho ho! quite the marmet you be huh? I made a deal with Steve.. I got a software from him to let me win automaticaly even if I am loosing.. no chance monkey boy =)
  14. Good point Stevethemouse!! lads.. as offical notice take steves notes into view with troop selection for paras thank you
  15. thats a nice trick I would love to see... considering I am a Hunting Dog.
  16. death wish.. FEH!!.. whats the worse she can do.. insult me?? ooh big deal!! shes 5000km away from me! so she showing up on my doorstep would be... "interesting" if anything she would take up the challange again and stick to her GUNS... and not pull a "hmm hes winning I'll just pretend I have cramps and can't play anymore" attitude... besides she makes me blush like a little 13 year old boy who just got his first kiss. she makes me laugh.. thats why I kill her last.
  17. originaly posted by the Feline named Katty: "LOL What?? That's so not true! We were playing and you said, "Wahhh! I'm sleepy! I want to go sleep!" I said, "No way, lamer. You can either stay and finish or leave and I'm counting it as a surrender for you." You left, I won. Get it straight you lil' pissant. =P" well if it ain't the cats meow.. yes my fuzzy little furball you did yes want to continue. but that was our TCP/IP game.. our PBEM and I'll spell it slowly for you P B E M was started was going.. and then stopped as I was starting to win so be so kind to send the return file which I have been waiting for oooh 2 FECKING MONTHS NOW!!. If you lost the file, well you lost it... set me up agian 1000pts attack.. you defend since, to you it appears I am attacking you... ooh did i wuffle your fur da wong way? I got a iching to finish at least one pbem with you and its going to be this one. all the catnip in the world ain't going to save you this time. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. 89 D Marks, burned out a CD Drive due to constant playing 280 DM, hours on end playing average 6 hours a day works out to 24% of my year playing the game, hours arguing with a woman that is in the house (i think its my wife). But all in all I have almost forgoten what its like to go out heh.. but more fun then you can shake your inner croda at! works out to be about 0.17 Pf per hour, may increase if this woman who is bugging me calls a lawyer. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. last time I checked the british paras and polish paras did not parachute any tanks or anyfink... the americans were the onlyones who realy said .."hey lets stick a jeep in this glider and watch it drop like a stone when we have to land" the Falschirmjägers were also a a very strong ground force in Normandy, they had 88s, Arty and even Infantry support Tanks.. the germans were in France for a long time giving them the chance to set up nice defences and bring alot of shiny new tanks in to play where as the paratroopers had about 40kg of equipment to hold them out for almost 48 hours maybe more... if you want to take paras good for you.. I would if I wanted to but felt naaaa.... rules stay ... no mixing.. for example I asked my opponent what they want and told them what I am taking.. then locked that troop type in the set up to ensure that we played what we said and no supprizes come when I read I'm facing Heer and all of a sudden have SS Hamster truppen knocking on my door.
  20. its still not going to help you in our match in NSSB II
  21. right looking into it... I upped some new zips... tested it here on a NT station with winzip.. and it works now.. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-07-2001).]
  22. uh which image links? could you email me with the details, browser, op sys, is java on, etc.. and I'll look into it.. I use goLive and BB edit. thanks for the support
  23. Hello Everyone! "Der Kessel" is once again updated! wot do we have? well for starters we have three new members to help continue and support our quality of maps, battles and operations. what has been updated, Two yes two new Historical battles from TheDesertFox: The Crown of Thorns and Operation SPRING (Second Battle for Tilly la Campagne), one new semi-historical battle from Germanboy: Into the East and one from PeterNZ: Polder Grave. And three amzing maps: Bocage, City Fight, Tank Country by Berlichtingen so come one come all… and I'm off to sleep at my work station at work now. ZZzzzz mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-07-2001).]
  24. Hello Everyone! "Der Kessel" is once again updated! wot do we have? well for starters we have three new members to help continue and support our quality of maps, battles and operations. what has been updated, Two yes two new Historical battles from TheDesertFox: The Crown of Thorns and Operation SPRING (Second Battle for Tilly la Campagne), one new semi-historical battle from Germanboy: Into the East and one from PeterNZ: Polder Grave. And three amzing maps: Bocage, City Fight, Tank Country by Berlichtingen so come one come all… and I'm off to sleep at my work station at work now. ZZzzzz mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-07-2001).]
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