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Everything posted by mensch

  1. below average huh? ok that age thing maybe not worth mentioning but I don't remember what that "Sunny" thing people keep talking about. And thanks to BTS I forgot what my wife looks like.. heh.
  2. Just wondering what is the average age group and gender that is playing CM and for kicks occupation and last hobby before CM me 30, male, Web and screen designer, seeing this thing they called the Sun.
  3. I cant walk through the park without thinking, hey perfect spot for a ambush, I wonder if I would have line of sight to that hill... bikers are motorized infantry, city worker trucks are tanks moving slowly over the field. Wheres my Arty! I've got 20 Germans comming on my position! (oh wait a tourist group from Korea)....that bridge has to be secured! enemy forces have taken it and holding it strong.. (oh... just a pair of lovers kissing on it) I need sleep.
  4. I am looking forward to the version from 1939 - 43, balklands, greece, france, poland africa, finland and sweden campaigns... =)
  5. not a real on board super weapon but a FO 300mm Rockets.. *sigh* like a fourth of july fest..well ok its german so its Schutzenfest.. heh. I found the quad 20mm flak does more as a "keep the enemy tanks busy while the heavy stuff takes aim" for infantry I cut up a full rifle squad in one go took about 20 seconds of game play... as for protection Clinton is right lost them real fast to mortar and arty fire, one minute looking to see how my Mark VI is doing and come back to see a smoking crater where my flak was... *sniff*
  6. was playing a few thousand games last night heh... and I noticed when I spotted a AT team and then proceded to shoot the area with a Panzer, with main gun and all it could spit out with the MG's it worked.. naturaly I targeted the area first cuz I could not get a fix on the AT team (pesky little buggers).. so the AT team made it self visable 15 seconds in the game an proceded to fire off two rounds at my Panzer... what baffled me is the panzer continued to fire at the area and not at the AT team... very frustrating and I had to laugh.. I could imagine the conversation in the tank. ++commander++ Fire at that treeline they are bound to come and pop thier heads out if not run for the hills! ++crew++ Jawohl Kommander! ++gunner observation++ AT team! proceding to fire on them Kommander! ++commander++ No dammit keep shooting that treeline! muhahaha die trees die! ++driver++ kommander we have been hit! Jacob shoot that damn AT team with the MG! (looks sees Jacob is dead)... DAMMIT fire the main gun do something, going to back up kommander! ++commander++ Are you nuts!, they are going to expose themselves any minute now! and if you stop firing on those trees I personaly put a bullet in your head! Andreas if you move this tank I see you hang! muahahaa (second round hits the tank) ++driver++ Ok the kommander is dead!, left track is lost... BAIL BAIL! what are those tank comanders on??? ya I read stories the Jerries drank alot before a battle, but those commanders must have found a stash of grass or something! anyone else have this happen? I wont even start on tanks firing on crews while a Firefly is getting a bead on them.. scheesch!
  7. Hey Im game, I would like to be on the german side.. maybe Panzer Comander? (zipper heads never die they just burn up in thier tanks) maybe Panzergrenediers? contact me.. all info above, icq best chance of contact. Mensch.
  8. ya I figured they did something like that.. shooting or so but man did they have heat from every rifle squad in the area and any joe with a firecracker on the field heh... hmmm too bad there is no save function for battles to see the film and post it, would be funny to see all the other flukes and freeky action from other players. as for the jeep it was right behind the Sherm trying to back out, but the halftrack was in the way, nice traffic jam. all I could figure out is that ja they (SS) were Berzerk and freeked out the other two vehilces seeing five fanatical SS troops storm a Sherman?? who knows maybe they were so destraught that they were also on the inivitation list for Bratwurst and Beer like the Tankers in that Sherman
  9. hmmm thanks for the info, I as hoping that some guys at Big Time Software could answer my questions since they got a squad of macs there. I would be interested what I could do to my "puppy" to get the best quality of this Kick A** Game.... *sigh* I think I'm doomed to see not so hot graphics and solid white explosions.. Why why me... cool game though can't wait till the TCP/IP patch comes out.
  10. unbelivable kills, or just a fluke.. I made a quick battle SS vs. U.S. the Ami's had a company strength in Sherm's. anyhow, the SS were Vets and the Ami's were Regulars. I had a SMG squad hiding in a foxhole in trees next to a road and they started to open up as they got heat from a Sherman that just rolled up to them, next thing I saw was unbelivable they move right on the tank and in 20 seconds that tank is abandoned crew lying dead around the tank... what gives! the guys had no Panzerfaust nothing and the tank was buttoned up. They carried on to take out a jeep and a halftrack before a .50 cal wiped them out... can troops go fanatic even when you didn't up the fanatizism factor? cuz I've had the same simmilar situation where a Sturmgruppe paniced and bolted for Berlin. wee that was fun to watch! (uh the SMG unit not seeing 13 guys run home to mama)
  11. Hello, I got a macmagic pro video card (ya its crap but it works - Im waiting for the Voodoo 5 to come out for mac or buying a MP850) Im on a PPC 6500 128MB ram, now heh... I cant get res. higher then 640x480 (cries) I was wondering if there are any tips for me to adjust it so I could atleast get 800x600... I mean I can play UT or Unreal with amazing fog and lighting effects with now slowing of performance and with CM I get just chopy explosions and low detail what gives... ? help?
  12. This would work agains a computer player, er ..maybe and not against a human player, but wouldn't it be nice if one could abandon a tank on order.. to save it?? (worse case scenario) I mean to recover it after the battle in a operation battle? -does this make sence, playing dead? I had a Mark IV and it got a gun hit.. it was on its way to back up behind some trees for cover and a sherman poped it like a zit..now assuming the computer would not target abandoned tanks that would have saved my Panzer. I usually take pot shots at abandoned vehicles and tanks on the field when the battle is not so hot just to make sure the suckers don't come back.. =)
  13. heh, you forgot for sherman commanders. "hey it's our flyboys! open fire!!" "yup it was a one of ours!, those gaping holes have a .50 cal quality - MEDIC!" "lucky for us we took out that Panzerschreck! now move in! they are harmless infantry" (one for the crew inside) "hey after that single rifle shot...the commander has been awfully quiet for some time, Phil go see whats wrong" (another one for the crew) ++driver++ I don't care what you give for an order, I'm not going out there to fix that fuel line! ++gunner++ KING TIGER 11 o'clock! ++driver++ on second thought, doctor said I need more fresh air... cya!
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