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Everything posted by mensch

  1. I'v noticed a few things in the past half year, real cess'ers are leaving for other things, be it the bought a new sex toy which they are totaly taken up with or they have also realized something I have noticed. The cess has become more then a small school yard where the little boys can say "neener neener neener" and pull on the one girls hair, while she kicks them in the leg in the chance to prove her manhood but in a girls way (since she was banned, kicking the boys in the "glocken", and the boys were banned in pulling her training bra). what ever happened to the witty long writings? where is the sharp tounges of insults that would make a novelist proud? Even the quite funny and humorus description of a battle once it was finished are lost to the fast food way of "Lorak, rack'm up Mace (looser) Me (winner)" how droll, how dry. I must admit that Peng comes in off and on and writes up some of his classic long rants or insane thoughts, Senachai also but I regret he is falling to the wayside to de-evolving to the short natter which has been comming out of the pool. This "did not!" "did to!" arguments are as exciting and funny as watching condensation form on a nuka cola bottle in a humid groggy summer. Other "vets" of the Cess are gone because of this fact, some are visiting less and less, and in the end, fade away. Why? becuase the interest and the challange to out wit or outsmart the fellow pooler with the charm of a playwright is gone. Maybe thats the evelution of the cess, more the fast food responces, the fill the tank 1/10ths full and drive to the next tank station. Sure the new guys maybe don't have the time or thier fingers hurt after typing "did to!!", before the poolers would spend at the looks of it a good 30 minutes to write practicaly a small short story which brought the joy of reading and then wiping the tear from your eye, laughing. now one spends the 30 minutes flipping through four pages in hopes something worth reading is there. I'm not innocent either, I have done my one liners and short post, but at least I realize how dull that is, and will try to make better of my posts. some poolers have style (ie OSGF) which he writes in a strange language which I alone spend ten minutes figuring out what the heck he wrote, or at least wording the text in a scottish accent, then laugh. some gone poolers are right, one wrote a lengthy comment or description and left, comes the next day and sees that the cess has grown only 1 page!!! but when ya opened it, it was like opening a book of wonders and wit! each post had about more then 50 lines of smartass comments and blather, now one comes in and sees the cess has expaned 4 pages and all drivel! MY god Peng could come in and make one post worth of text which now is used up in four pages, by a odd 8 poolers. call me moldy, call me "the village idiot" if you will, but at least this idiot is realizing the village is dying. Does that mean I leave? most likely not, this idiot wishes and will try to change the pool to what it was, the old drinking hole used to be a meeting point where the lads came to jarr and listen.. now the watering hole has become a tavern filled with bar flies which blech and ask why the beer nuts taste like cigarettes?? and not realizing they are eating out of the ashtray. disapointed, hmm maybe. upset? hmm I'm not sure. one thing I do miss is the wonderful writings which one could spend hours reading, much of the immune system the cess had was those long writings, many of the riffraff from ouside stepped in and were shocked by how many words are in the English language and left. now any kid off the street can come in and say "whazza Peng?"... ask yourself why the kid is asking that?? its because the cess is no more then a one stop leave a message at the tone, we'll call you don't call us thread. before the kid would have came in and spent the last 10 minutes reading a write up from Peng and Senachai and realized "wow, ok this is what is about" as the emortal words of a wonderful writer and composer of text "feh". Ich habe wirklich die Schnauze voll.
  2. oops update on the scores page and the rules and second round standing page.. *cough* make sure to bookmark them if, well .. you want. NSSB II first round scores NSSB II Second round rules and standings
  3. those silly PUMAs.. considering a handfull were made in the 100's?? (calling all GROGS come in GROGS!!) if I recolect there were a few hundreds made not quite 1000 but seeing the PUMAs used in quick battle you think they be main recce units. cuz everyone knows the germans used the Bratwurstfeldkocherwagen Mk IV for all those recce missions.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump: only work 20 minutes, but charge for the full hour. Speedbump <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DAMN GOVERMENT WORKERS!! Lawyers are worse they charge you while 1. eating 2. taking a crap 3. breathing 4. nose picking. at least they have the decency of labeling it 1. business lunch meetings 2. Talking 3. Business Enviorment Evaluation 4. Resourcing {edited for an stupid fecking hard return Mensch - uh today} [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I've stolen many a man's soul and faith<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and sends a many mens souls to hell or limbo... hhahahaha.. it was a wonderful barrage.. look.. look at'm run, DIE! and cry "oh berli you egg! your killing us!!"
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: And, Munch, why didn't you fix it for me to get into the second round of your twisted compo? TRAITOR!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HMM... maybe.. because.... uh... YOU SUX! muhahahahaha
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: 500 pixels man, 500 pixels!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dave?? you call yourself a designer?? what do you work on a 14" monitor?? LOL foo.. heres a tip.. come up with us to at least 1990 and get a real monitor.. or a real graphics card. jeez
  8. For the first time I agree with Mad Mott!! for that the creator is a MORON.. the newbie is a MORON. And the rest of you nobs are just that NOBS... worst nob is BERLICHAN for all those nobs that could not see my pic becuase of another MORONIC company.. GEOCRAPS, here it is
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bluefish: Whats going on here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well lookie 'ere, now everybody say it with all your heart and with gusto <center>MORON!<b/></center>
  10. much like his talent for taking a big dive and droping dead like a good little sea cucumber. lookie berli the dying wonder! bloody hell geocities.. grr... thank god I'm moving away from the gits.. just hit refresh and you get the pic. [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  11. yesh.. do that, and I promise not to devulge your comical slap stick tactical bozo the clown manouvers. this is about 600m of our 25km wide battle but its pretty much the same everywhere. Berli.. I mean Cerli the dying wonder. damn geocities.. OOOOHH I'm so glad I'm leaving it for a new home.. just hit the refresh button and you get the pic. [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  12. unlike having flags which some person we will not name here we will call him. Cerli rushes the flags only to get hammered by 120mm, 107mm, 170mm arty and 150mm rickets.. then realize that maybe this suxs to have a flag where he can die at. I feel your pain brother, I *snicker*.. realy feel sorry *giggle* for you.... let me *chuckle* help you, expect this *hehe* to keep on going for another 4 minutes of game play.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Try a no flag meeting engagement on a custom map<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya.. nice going mr. evil.. now I'm wandering the map like a chicken without a head...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Oh god, I crack myself up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hey.. I was wondering why my SUPER MUTANT STRONG MEDICINE was a little less.. davie boy got into them.. *THWACK!* and don't do that again you cheeze nobbing Carrot freek!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: So I have to blame mensch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> leck mich.
  16. DOH!!.. FOUL!!! FOUL!! where is that damn Ref!! oh sure looking for his cokebottle glasses!! jeez!!.. uh *cough* turn comming up.. it was a long weekend and the weather was fab!! 30ºC most of the time... ooh it was luverly luverly. *ouch* please don't touch my tan... *ooch*
  17. ++Serious mode ON++ Now my story. I just recently got a new contract to do some uh.. graphics work and translations. And there is a bloody tight end date. If you all would like I can put our game on hold till about August or so, the only games I will be keeping up are my three NSSB II games which I hope to finish off with TCP / IP. If you want I can send in a surrender file if that is your wish or we can put our game on ice till then. Sorry, this contract that just came up is to good to be true and appears that it will be quite fun and give me more new horizons to look at. no I'm not running off with the Gerbilboy, its just I'm all giddy like a mountain goat * you mace and all assorted Ozzies stay away* I'll tell you all later what this contract is about when its done. =P grego ++Serious mode OFF++
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike the bike: Hmm?? So you think that Heer don't have idiots in their ranks? :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> most of my guys I buy are idiots!! it don't matter if they be vets or elite!! I think some coding is gone bad, half of them die the momment I push "go"!!! BTS do somefink!!
  19. True, I think Germanboy got the damaged cd where tanks blow up real fast!!! thank god I don't have that problem. Although I have tried repeatedly mailing steve on this matter but all I got was some letter in the mail from his lawyer stating if I continue emailing him calling him at home and writing letters actions will be taken!! I hope those actions is sending me a non-damaged CD!! he seems awfuly nice getting his lawyer on the job to fix the problem.
  20. crap.. I have been doing it wrong all along!! I was taking pictures with my 30mm camera of the screen running to get them developed at "quickie film - we develop your film in 30 minutes" then running home scanning the suckers and then posting them. gee I thought there must be an easyer way of doing this! boy do I feel like an frenchman.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Now look here mensch, you know that BTS is not going to model higher ratios of dead bodies in CM. Or maybe it's just a flashback to the time your wife trounced you. In that case, carry on.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no I think I got a damaged cd from BTS.. everytime I play a PBEM half my guys die real fast.. its uncanny.
  22. well I got about 20 small 1/75th scale armour and infantry at home. When I set up a PBEM with someone IE. OGSF I see how the map is and make the same map out of my bed covers and boxes for the houses. then i take those cute little soliders and vroom vroom tanks from my collection and set them up, eyeing the landscape made from a collection of dirty clothes and pillows and such i can find or sneek by the wife. when I figured out my set up I plan my attck.. moving my little guys but more so the tanks!!! sputtering "vroom vroom! and *bang pow!!" when they move and shoot. being sure I am planning the most devistating attack on my opponent I run quickly to the computer before the plan fades to thoughts of when i should eat or look for my marbles. setting up the battle exactly as it is on the bed I must move quick if the wife come to the bedroom and sees a mess and cleans it up or *gasp* moves my delicatly placed soldiers and vroom vroom tanks!!! I think she does not understand, one time I thought I planned my Tiger to skirt the pair of socks, er I mean the pair of houses on the left! supported by the gummie bears ( I ran out of Volksgrenadiers) and my wife moved some stuff to find "whites for the wash" damn her.. I made the mistake of taking my cool nifty guys and vroom vroom tank to the right of the socks.. er houses.. That was horrible!! Gummie bears slaughtered and my tiger got bushwacked by a tampon!!! (I ran out of US Bazookas) I try to get eye level with my bed battlefield to see maybe there is a chance to use my heavy hitters (jagdpathers, etc). you have to be very carefull crossing the Bras (bridges, my wife got upset I was using her Tampexes as bridges, but they look so cool realistic with those wings as a arched bridge.. anyhow crossing the bra you have to watch out for pennies (mines) set up right infront of it otherwise you have a problem, be sure to have some Pioniers attached to the tank to take care of those pennies, uh mines.. *whew* is it warm here... ya so like I said set up your battlefield at home with your Axis tanks and stuff, improvise. but word of warning don't use your wifes birth control pills as rough terrain.. they can be real moody about that stuff, even though I told her that they are perfect for my map since my armour can't drive through them it stops them like the little.. *cough* well I think you understand. I hope this helped you alot remember watch out for the tampons, the pennies and the wife if she catches you using her pills as rough terrain.
  23. Don't mind David, he just got in my medicine and now is seeing what I see… I see dead people… *sob* and they are all around us.
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