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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. No need to. There is already a (IMO) perfect recreation of this battle - "Cintheaux-Totalize" by the Desert Fox. You can pick it up at Der Kessel. The original is a CMBO scenario, but I am 99.9% sure he converted it to CMAK. You are probably thinking of "August bank holiday" by Franko, who by the way did design an Op called "tank warning' but that depicted some obscure, small-scale tank skirmish somewhere in Russia - Prokhorovka something or other. E-mail me if you want the CMBO version of ABH. I believe Treeburst is about to release a CMAK conversion with some slight tweaks added in.
  2. But on the flip side if that first shot happens to miss, the squad now has 20 seconds to clear the area before the next round. Given that the 150mm will most likely be keyholed into a very tight spot, this often means the squad escapes with minimal damage. In contrast a 75mm IG will get off 2-3 rounds in the same period of time.
  3. Commenting only on the CMBO guns, I ran the following test: 1x reg 150mm IG (94 points) 3x reg 75mm IG (33 points each for 99 points total) Area fire for one turn 150mm IG fired 3 times. That averages out to 1 shot / 20 seconds. 3x blast factor (164)= 492 3x 75mm guns fired a total of 22 times, for an average of about a round every 8 seconds per gun. 22x blast factor (35)= 770 3 guns will survive longer in a CM fight than one, and with a higher ROF and quicker traverse can cover a larger area.
  4. Gpig, Since you have the book (and I don't :mad: ) can you tell me if it states where the Canadian tanks were deployed when they bagged Wittman? The reason I ask is because there is so much evidence, both physical and eyewitness accounts, that point towards the 1st Northhamptonshire Yeomanry as being the likely culprits. AIUI, the Caen-Falaise road was the boundary line for the two attacking divisions of phase 1 of Op Totalize, which puts the 51st Div and attached 1st NY to the east near St. Aignan de Cramesnil. Wittman's troop advanced parallel to this road, and thus would have had their right flank exposed to the 1st NY. German accounts describe taking fire from the right, and British accounts describe firing on Tigers advancing up the road.
  5. In case you are interested, I have converted the following Wild Bill scenarios to CMAK: Chambois Death of the Titans To the last man Ardennes - Team Desorby A Canadian confrontation A Rock in the flood Aachen Ramelle - saving Pvt Ryan Resolve at Ranville I'll gladly e-mail these out to anyone who wants it. Gotta keep the classics alive.
  6. FYI, My e-mail server is down. Bellsouth says 8+ hours for repair, which when traslated in the real world means sometime tomorrow / Friday. It appears I can receive, but can't send out. Dieseltaylor, I do not have your score for either Bear or Tiger. Kanonier Reichmann / BigDog, I have your score for St. Nazaire.
  7. The (2nd) Fife and Fofar Yeomanry was part of the British 11th armored division, which did not participate in Totalize.
  8. Forget about defending flags. Turn them off when you are in setup and instead focus your deployments and strategy on defeating his attack. If done correctly the flags are yours anyway. In any event, the AI places flags in some of the most ridiculous locations, like in the middle of a wide open field.
  9. OK, we are somewhere near the halfway point for the finals, and I am hoping that everything is going smoothly for everyone. To date I have received only one score, that of Steve McClaire / Platehead in St. Nazaire, but I'm really not expecting many until much later. The 3 scenarios are bigger than the average, and that is why I gave you all 120+ days. BTW, in case you are wondering, the deadline is (still) October 20th.
  10. Sometimes referred as 'Mortar magnets' or 'One shot wonders', the 150mm gun is rarely a good buy. You are better off with a pair of the smaller 75mm IGs, or the 37mm flak, both of which have good ROF and decent traverse. The 75mm Pak40 is another good buy, and can take out most allied tanks. BTW, the 76mm canister is shot from the T34/76, which can shred an infantry squad the same way as the 150mm IG. Look for the 'C' designation in the tank's ammo loadout. That tells you it is carrying canister rounds. The early PzIV armed with the short 75mm also fields a 'C' round. I think the US 37mm gun carrys one too, and there may be others.
  11. Upon d/l a scenario, be it a beta from TGP or a finished product from the new depot, an ice cold Beer is automatically poured into a frosty mug and placed on the desk next to the player. Think outside the box, man!
  12. At first I was tempted to award him a couple of bonus points for being such a good sport, but then realized that could backfire, as it would lead to people "upping the ante". The last thing I need is to find out someone performed Hari-Kari with a Sawzall just to have an extra 10 points added to their score.
  13. At first I was tempted to award him a couple of bonus points for being such a good sport, but then realized that could backfire, as it would lead to people "upping the ante". The last thing I need is to find out someone performed Hari-Kari with a Sawzall just to have an extra 10 points added to their score.
  14. It's the armored bib for the space lobsters of doom scenario.
  15. Just found it on my son's (my old) computer, so I am good to go. I appreciate your offer to help. BTW, is TPG down for some reason?
  16. For some reason Pyewacket's map coverter does not work on my new rig. What I need is for someone to convert a CMAK scenario to CMBO. Both games are patched to the latest version. The scenario is "Worthington Force. V.02". I have the CMAK version, so if you have the map coverter and can spare a few minutes to help out then drop me a line. My address is in my profile. Many thanks.
  17. Edit: the last photo didn't post, so go here instead
  18. Then I stand, or in this case sit, corrected.
  19. You get to choose one from the following three models:
  20. My understanding on this is that the CDs are cut to work on only one type of OS, and are not compatible for both. That said, it may be worth your while to drop the guys at BFC a line and see what it would take to get a PC compatible CD. Who knows, Matt may be in a good mood.
  21. E-mail me directly. My address is in my profile.
  22. Gold Beach and inland Carpiquet to Tilly-sur-Seulles Is someone thinking of designing an Epsom scenario, hmmm??? Edit: Here are a few more: Easy Red and Fox Green Spalding's advance inland 101st Abn Drop 82nd Abn Drop 6th Abn Drop Utah and inland Gap between Juno and Sword German defenses on Sword Beach BTW, here is a scan of aerial photo of sword beach looking inland. Reminds me of the scan of La Bijude you sent me a while back. Wide open and flat as glass, perfect Tiger country. [ July 26, 2005, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
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