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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Bloody Buron - CMBO Second to last battle in the Op. One 14" spotter, one salvo - 5 Mark IVs, 2 Kubelwagons, about two platoons+ of infantry, and the town they were deployed in (forget the name). Needless to say nothing much happened in the last battle.
  2. Not sure about Ops, but Sergei is the man to see about scenarios involving the pinecone and toothpick warriors of the north.
  3. Gone for good, or temporary website problems?
  4. That is weird how the casualties and KIAs are so close. Not by design, I can tell you that. I basically placed the first "installment" on the map and just let fly. I think the 6000+ points of heavy artillery and Rockets contributed to a few of those casualties.
  5. In case anyone is interested, I converted two of Franko's CMBO scenarios (August Bank Holiday & Taurus over the Odon) to CMAK, both which features plenty of Shermans / Big Cat duels. E-mail me if you want them. My address is in my profile.
  6. By all means, go right ahead. This one will probably not be released, much like "wolf" of ROW IV, so anything you show now won't spoil anyone's game.
  7. Holien, Thanks again for picking up a game. I've sent you the passwords and briefings to the address listed in your profile. Let me know if you have not received them by tomorrow. Elmar, I can have the Russians surrender on the copy I have and send you the saved game file. Would that help?
  8. Not a scenario, but you may want to try Tank Warning by Franko. A static Op, it depicts the Russian attack on the 1st SS Division's position on that day.
  9. Assault guns are either the M8 howitzer motor carriage, or the larger 105mm equipped Shermans. I believe the 105 Shermans started to replace the smaller vehicles sometime in Sept '44, at least in the ETO. M7 Priests would not be considered assault guns since they were rarely brought up to the front line for DF work. I believe the 105mm "cannons" were the shorter barreled M3 guns issued directly to the regiments, 6 guns making up the regiment's Cannon company. Apart from the shorter barrel they differed little with the regular M2 105mm howitzers found in division arty units, and were more often than not used as an additional battery for IDF support.
  10. Oh yes it will Never underestimate the power of beer and breasts. Enough of both and I'll have you believing Ecuador defeated Bangladesh at Kursk. [ November 03, 2005, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  11. At first I thought you were mistaken, but further research shows you were right after all. The HG did see action in Tunisia, with parts arriving as early as Nov '42. Interesting. Division Herman Goering
  12. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took advantage of the extended deadline to send in those scores Perhaps the next ROW will feature 1-turn scenarios. Even then I'll wait two months before some get around to sending in their scores.
  13. Looking for info on what Axis divisions were destroyed in the Tunisian Bridgehead, May '43. In his "History of the Second World War", B.H. Liddel Hart mentions the Axis losing 8 divisions, or around 150,000-170,000 troops. Can anyone tell me which of these divisions (or their remnants) were still on the line when the allies launched their final drive on Tunis: 10th Pz 15th Pz 21st Pz 90th Light 164th Light 999th Light 334th Infantry Division Von Manteuffel 'Superga' infantry 'Giovani Fascisti' infantry ‘La Spezia’ infantry ‘Pistoia’ infantry ‘Centauro’ Armored
  14. Nothing serious, just Newborns and Hurricanes, in that order. I welcomed the first, but can do without the second, especially when the two are so close together.
  15. Sorry, but got more pressing things to deal with at the moment. Judging by the responses so far it appears we still have a long ways to go, something which I hoped wasn't the case. In any event, my mind is not on ROW at the moment, so put the extra time to good use and burn thru those turns.
  16. Not sure if it means anything, but a few of the scores do not add up to 100. Anyway, a quick calculation for my own curiosity revealed the following averages: Last road out (5 Games) 69.4 American / 28.8 German The bloody stream (6 Games) 63.5 German / 30.5 British What were we thinking (6 games) 68 German / 31.3 American
  17. Don't rely on them alone to suppress a soft target. Instead, use them in conjunction with other assets, such as a MG42 HMG team or bunker, which does the suppression. Once the MG has pinned the enemy unit have the 75 pound away. The ROF ensures the unit will get hammered with several rounds in a turn, usually breaking it. Their best deployments are in trenches, with said MG team alongside, and a HQ if possible. This should be placed behind the FLOT and keyholed to cover only a section of front.
  18. This is the latest, and final, thread for the Rumblings of War V Tournament. As with all ROW threads, this one begins with The Tournament Manual. Here are the latest games completed as of 10/16/05: St. Nazaire Green Hornet - Londoner Sividosi - Walpurgis Nacht Steve McClaire - Platehead Steve S - Stoneage Dangerous Dave - Ankulin GAJ - Big Duke 6 Kanonier Reichmann - Big Dog The Enigma - Frenchy Elmar Biljsma - Melnibone John Bertles - Sandy Other means - Grimthane Tiger Valley Walpurgis Nacht - TlKillerich Ankulin - Big Duke 6 GAJ - Dangerous Dave Big Dog - Frenchy The Enigma - Kanonier Reichmann Melnibone - mPisi John Bertles - Diesel Taylor Sripe - Other means Loaded for Bear Steve McClaire - Walpurgis nacht Big Duke 6 - Dangerous Dave Ankulin - ded Frenchy - Kanonier Reichmann Sandy - Diesel Taylor While we've made some progress since the last update, most of it has been with the non-finalists. To date we are waiting for one more finalist score for St. Nazaire, and 5 (out of 6) for both Tiger and Bear. This with 4 days left in the tourney. Therefore, it appears an extension is in order, but for how long I don't know. I'll start asking (again) for progress reports to see where we are. The new date will be posted here, so keep an eye on it. Also, don't slack off on the AARs, since they are needed to determine final scores and winners.
  19. May I recommend this lovely "Gate of Hell Door Bell" After all, even Satan doesn't like to get the **** scared out of him when the utility guy comes 'round to check the meter.
  20. That, and destroying a good number of allied units surely helps, both in points for kills and also to make the task of exiting easier.
  21. Is mine still being stored in the cellar, way in the back, behind those old books?
  22. Ales Dvorak, My e-mails to you keeps bouncing back. Do you have an alternate address?
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