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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Far fetched indeed. This theory assumes that Siedel knew Schweppenburg was going to counterattack despite Rommel's orders to the contrary. Also consider that a German counterattack may have been to the allies benefit. Monty certainly planned for such an attack, and had ordered Crocker to concentrate his armor in anticipation of it. Had it gone off it may have caused grevious damage to the allies -or- to the better part of the German armor reserves in the west. Now there's a 'what-if'
  2. Damn, if you could only shift that map a little to the west
  3. But did that "sinking feeling" begin to sink in at this early stage? If Norrey and Bretteville came as a shock to the German self-confidence, then they surely got a boost from the results of Villers-Bocage or the June 7th attacks at Buron and Authie.
  4. I'll give the 'name to face' thing a go First page, first row, third pic, starting from left to right - Big Mac, ?, WWB, Harv Same page, third row, third pic - Lorak standing, Harv again Third page, middle photo - Jeff and his oldest daughter So, how'd I do?
  5. The first of several in my 'Tour de Brittany', the St. Malo battle pack is now available for download and testing at the Proving Grounds. This 5-scenario pack covers most of the major engagements that occured near St. Malo and Dinard in August 1944. All but one are suitable for either H2H or against the AI. They are best played in the following chronological order: St. Joseph's Hill The lynchpin of the German defenses guarding the land approaches into St. Malo. German guns placed atop this granite hill had a commanding view of the open country to the south. During August 7th-9th troops of Colonel Robert T. Foster's 330th infantry regiment made several attempts at taking the heights, all without success. Now its the 3rd battalion's turn into the meatgrinder. Huge / 45 turns / 8300 points combined Parame Situated on the coast between St. Malo and Cancale, this quiet residential suburb was the scene of vicious street fighting between troops of the 329th infantry regiment and elements of both the German 77th ID and units from Festung St. Malo. Small / 35 turns / 2800 points combined The Chateau By August 11th most of the mainland portions of St. Malo had been secured, but the garrisons of the Citadel and old city still held out. In order to attack these positions the troops of the 330th IR first had to advance down the narrow St. Malo - Parame causeway, and get past the walled fortress of the Chateau. Large / 35 turns / 3000 points combined The Lost Battalion In addition to the main assault on St. Malo a secondary attack was launched on Dinard, a smaller city located on the coast and directly across the harbor. The US 121st infantry regiment was brought in for this attack. On August 6th the 3rd Battalion dicovered a gap in the German line and pushed through several miles. However, the Germans quickly closed the gap behind them, cutting off the 3rd Bn deep in enemy territory. The siege of the lost battalion had begun. Large / 45 turns / 6500 points combined Cezembre Located 3 miles off the coast of St. Malo is the Isle de Cezembre, the site of a German coastal battery. During the battle for the city these guns were able to fire on advancing US troops. Despite the overwhelming allied firepower thrown at them the garrison refused to surrender. Left with no choice the Americans launched an amphibious assault, backed up by the fire from HMS Warpsite. Medium / 35 turns / 7500 points combined *Can only be played against the Axis AI. [ July 10, 2005, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  6. I remember reading somewhere, probably steel inferno, that the Canadian defense of Norrey and Bretteville really screwed up the 12th SS Pz's plans for an early counterattack.
  7. I'm guessing that following last night's welcoming party they are all waiting for someone to post bail.
  8. Can you get into AHF? I tried several times today with no luck.
  9. Got anything on the BEF (Brazilian Expeditionary force)? I think they captured a secondary peak during this Op.
  10. There were no allied, or axis, air attacks in the rain (for the entire war!) which is historically accurate.
  11. For the record, a T34/85 can travel quite a distance on pavement in a minute. It reaches its “planned” destination with time to spare. It fires a round at a MG pillbox which had revealed itself (at the top of the bank, slightly right on the bridge) earlier in the round by opening fire on my platoon on the bank left of the bridge. The round hits, but does no damage. Shortly thereafter a round from an unknown location slams into the T34, killing it. Shortly after that, there is a small indentation in my desk, and a matching one on my forehead. It is AARs like this that inspires us to bring you the ROW tournaments again and again.
  12. But overall you'll find the boost in performance isn't worth the extra cost. Yes, they perform better than a regular unit, but being so expensive you may only get one of each as opposed to 2 or 3 of the other. That right there will offset any advantage you'll get from a crack unit.
  13. Chances are you probably won't, but if by some miracle you do then you will have earned the right to brag, something few have done when playing the underdog side of a Franko Op or scenario. You want to feel pain, load up "Tank warning" and play as the Germans. You will probably think it's no big deal after the first battle, but after that...
  14. Chances are you probably won't, but if by some miracle you do then you will have earned the right to brag, something few have done when playing the underdog side of a Franko Op or scenario. You want to feel pain, load up "Tank warning" and play as the Germans. You will probably think it's no big deal after the first battle, but after that...
  15. Nah, the tournament was all about me scoring some top shelf Scotch from Winecape. The rest of you guys...ah, who cares. Anyway, enjoying the finals?
  16. Try not to waste points on the sexy toys like the big expensive tanks. For the price of a vet Panther you can buy 2 reg StuGs and have enough left over for a Lynx. Same with infantry. A Vet '43 Pzgr platoon costs 165 points. Lower the experience level a notch and you can buy the same platoon plus 2x vet MG42 LMG teams for the same price.
  17. I posted the same question over at the Axis history forum. Same thing, no solid info on any unit or types. Ironically, I came across a website of the 121st Regiment, and they describe being attacked by 4 Mark IVs just south of Dinard. I think this is an example of "Every tank is a Tiger" or in this case "Every StuG is a Mark IV".
  18. E-mail me your address. I think I have some from as far back as ROW I.
  19. ...quietly sends another 900 AAR files from the previous ROWs to Ace, and signs it "From GAJ"...
  20. Yes, your Op has to last longer than one day, and the only way to ensure that is to insert a night battle somewhere in the rotation. Otherwise the computer will assume all the action occurs in one day. That said, your vehicle may not return in the battle immediately following a night battle. It may be a battle or two later, depending on how the replenishment levels are set.
  21. I think the 100th was destroyed further north near Carentan. Zetterling shows them as being subordinate to the 91st Luftlande Div. BTW, on a somewhat related topic, when was the fortress policy put into effect? I read somewhere that it was Jan '44, but somewhere else that it didn't actually go into effect until after the fall of Cherbourg.
  22. Here I come to save the day!!!! Proof of Honor v.02 has just been sent to Jwxspoon.
  23. Here I come to save the day!!!! Proof of Honor v.02 has just been sent to Jwxspoon.
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