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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. You do not get a "Opponent has received reinforcements" message. The only way to be 100% sure is to have your own units in LOS of his arrival point, but then again you don't know where that is either.
  2. Don't think of it as a regular tank, but more as a specialized assault gun. The main weapon was a 290mm spigot mortar firing a shaped charge, and was intended to destroy concrete bunkers and the like.
  3. Can you fire a Tripod-mounted Bren while riding on a galloping horse? I think so, and futhermore I think it would be real easy to code it in, along with houses set at 5 degree increments.
  4. As far as the AI is concerned, one flag lost is all flags lost.
  5. Just a bit of friendly advice, but you you may want to hold off on posting screenshots and talking about FOW sensitive material while the tournament is in progress.
  6. Isn't that the same thing? ducks and runs for cover before Emma shows up
  7. The scenarios used in the Rumblings of War tournament were rated for balance at the end of each round, and almost all were in the 45-55 range or better. This is based on scores and feedback from the 72 players that played each scenario.
  8. FYI, I may be offline for some time. Some chick named Katrina is coming to visit. Hopefully she doesn't stay long.
  9. Wild Bill pack sent to Birdgunner, Richie and Gpig. Anyone else?
  10. You play several custom made scenarios against other players who are assigned to your group or section. In the case of this tournament, and the very similar but larger ROWs, the winners of the first round proceed to the finals, where there is another round of scenarios and playing before the ultimate winner is announced. In some tournaments you could go up several levels before reaching the top. The games are generally played via PBEM, although TCP is an option. Most scenarios are small to medium affairs, and average about 30 turns give or take. The scenarios are arranged so that FOW is preserved throughout the setup and game. The intense competition, played on custom scenarios, and the general comraderie between players makes for a very enjoyable experience. Many who have played cared not whether they won or lost, but were there simply for the experience.
  11. Relax. My scenarios feature the other side of a typical soldiers life during WW2. You know, hanging around the base, cleaning their gear, maybe some vehicle maintenance. Things like that. I leave the death and destruction to the other designers. That stuff bores the hell out of me.
  12. Good luck to all, and have fun...you lucky bastards
  13. The Germans would disassemble each vehicle into man-portable packs, lug them over each mountain range, then reassemble them when they reached the lower elevations. This was done time after time, allowing them to move entire Panzer Korps over the mountains.
  14. On a related note, I found this article while looking for info on another battle. Unfortunately, there is very little mention of the German counterattack (Paragraph 65). Edit: Scroll down to the bottom for some nice OOB info on Op Totalize. Also, I would kill to have access to the reference maps. [ August 22, 2005, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  15. I would also suggest trying a Romanian formation, either Cavalry or Mountain. Look here Hmmm...always wanted to design the battle for Nalchik.
  16. What dates? Also, you said the russian are defending, but aren't dug-in. Seems odd.
  17. This is assuming that the defender will open up with a weapon system (or multiple systems) that will reveal itself when firing. But what if the defender used a hidden onboard mortar spotted by a HQ? Or arty spotter? Or even a sharpshooter?
  18. You did bury them with the detonators pointing up, right?
  19. It would be nearly impossible to duplicate all the of same parameters and conditions. A second delay in target lock, or an extra 5 meters of distance between tanks, or a 1-2 degree shift in alignment, can be all the difference in the world in this game. My advice, let them go H2H. Uncle Joe can always make more.
  20. Welcome back, Ollie BTW, where the heck is Warphead?
  21. Just a guess, but what I think DF did was get in as much of that August 8th battle as possible into a 60-turn scenario, so a few things are not exactly as described in the reference materials, both in time and location. Note that with the exception of a few padlocked units in Gaumesnil, most German units in that hamlet are able to redeploy further back into the German setup zone near Cintheaux. This gives you the option of either recreating the initial fight for Gaumesnil, or moving the troops back as though they were stragglers from the RAF bombings, but reorganized into platoon formations. Meyer describes how he personally rallied these shocked survivors as they retreated past him at Cintheaux. He is, and had given me permission recently to use several of his maps in some of my scenarios (although not Cintheaux-Totalize). Look here. BTW, while you are asking for permission also ask him to finish up his operation Perch pack. He already completed the morning battle, the one where Wittman goes on a rampage, but there are another half-dozen scenarios to go. The maps are the best CMBO normandy maps I've seen.
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