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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. What flag, guns or scenario are you talking about?
  2. Wait for a turn where you get to issue orders. Save the game and then exit. Now go back and re-open the saved game. You now are given three options - Hotseat, e-mail or TCP/IP. Choose TCP/IP. Choose time limit (I suggest none). Hit OK and type in your password. You will now be presented with a screen that says "Waiting for your opponent to connect. Your IP address is"...and then it lists your IP address. E-mail this IP address to your opponent. Your opponent will start CMBO, choose 'Join multiplayer', then 'join network game', then type in the IP address you gave him in the boxes. He will now be connected to your computer and you can resume game from where you saved it. Note that you must stay online when you give your opponent your IP address, otherwise he has nothing to connect to. It is best to work out a schedule of when both of you are online. Also, you can chat while you are in the game. When you get to the map click on the ~ button, which is right above the tab button on the left hand side of the keyboard. Now type in a sentence and it will be displayed on the screen. Your opponent can then answer back using the same method. Good for exchanging insults.
  3. In the early morning hours of July 29th units of the New Zealand 24th Battalion began a slow climb up the ridge north of the Battalion's forward position at Castellare. It's objective was the village of San Michele, a small cluster of buildings situated along the road that runs up to point 261, part of the New Zealand 6th brigade’s preliminary objective. Following a brief firefight the Kiwis overran the few defenders and dug-in, waiting for first light and the remainder of the brigade. However, when dawn broke the first to come calling were not New Zealanders, but the tough veterans from the German 29th Panzergrenadier division. The daylong battle for San Michele was about to begin. Available now at The Proving Grounds
  4. In this scenario there are no flags, and due to the thick fog none of the opposing units begin in LOS of each other. Thus, with nothing to orientate to, the AI chose to move towards its friendly map edge. Unfortunately, that map edge (west side of map) is also the russian exit zone.
  5. There are several CMBO scenarios that feature the Pershing / Super Pershing vs the King Tiger matchup. Wild Bill's "Eldorf" and "A Tiger Hunt" are two that come to mind. There is also WWB's "Too little, too late", and of course Rune's "Clash of the Titans".
  6. You can click on a few of the photos and it will take you to other pages. For example, a third of the way down there is a pic of a Brummbar, and directly underneath a pic of a curious looking tracked vehicle, one I've never seen before. Almost like a German version of the CW universal carrier. Click on the photo and you get this
  7. It is extremely rare, but possible. The Tiger's front does have a few places where an AP round can penetrate, such as vision slits or the hull mounted MG mount. That said, CMBO is the least accurate of the 3 games with regards to penetrations and kills. In CMBO I've killed Tigers with Stuarts and Greyhounds.
  8. Give the vehicle the move order first, at least a turn before ordering the infantry to disembark.
  9. Early war Brit CS tanks, with only smoke rounds for their main guns.
  10. Make sure the parameters are set to either dawn or midday, with clear skies. Anything else will prevent air support from showing up, thus its not available in the purchase screen.
  11. Could have been a squad in command range of a HQ with +2 morale bonus. In any event, if you are going to douse the church with flames why bother sending in a squad anyway?
  12. I'll send you the updated version directly.
  13. Click on the Zone mode button in the map editor to assign setup zones. You will be given a choice of three colors for each side (red, white and blue for allied and green, yellow and black for axis). There is also a grey neutral zone marker. As for reinforcements, these are shown as a marker on the 3D map, with either a green / red (allied) or grey (axis) base. Place the marker where you want the reinforcements to arrive.
  14. Wouldn't work on a map that is set at an angle due to the way the computer redraws the front line.
  15. Here are the completed games as of 09/09/02: St. Nazaire Steve McClaire - Platehead Dave S - Stoneage GAJ - Big Duke 6 Kanonier Reichmann - Big Dog Elmar - Melnibone Tiger Valley Ankulin - Big Duke 6 Big Dog - Ted Johne Bertles - Diesel Taylor Loaded for Bear Sandy - Diesel Taylor If you've completed a game but don't see it listed then you'll need to send me the scores. Make sure to CC your opponent in the e-mail.
  16. Good thing my research dept. caught that mistake 5 months after I released the scenarios!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. Strange. Why did it take so long? The Canadian 2nd Armd Brigade had them from D-day on, and I am almost positive that the Poles had them when they arrived in theater.
  18. For an infantry style engagement try Wild Bill's "A walk in the sun". For Armor I'd go with "Clash of the Titans" by Berli. Both come with the CD. The next step would be something that has infantry and armor working together, of which "Knifefight at Cecina" is a good bet.
  19. Uh...well...there are no replacements. We burned through our list just to get a player for the GAJ / Ankulin game. So, basically its step the **** up and start sending the turns. C'mon, really. 120 days for 3 scenarios is plenty.
  20. Trenches with empty beer cans on the ground and penthouse spreads taped to the sides.
  21. My guess is that is the mortar bomb on the right. Can't tell if it had a standoff spike, or if it a HEAT or HESH round.
  22. Churchill AVRE Note the 5th pic down which shows the main gun. The main gun had to be loaded from outside of the tank, making the loader's job extremely dangerous. In reality this vehicle shouldn't be able to use its main gun if it is buttoned up.
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