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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Send me an e-mail and I will send back what I have. I got a fair number of 82/101 scenarios, plus a few combined arms. Are you interested in only the US beaches, or Commonwealth as well? My address is in my profile.
  2. [shameless plug]Try "All is Fair" and "Raff to the Rescue", both of which came with the CD[/shameless plug]
  3. Not a bug, since both hull and Co-ax share the same ammo pool.
  4. I give you permission to bludgeon me to death the day I bitch about catching a Cobia when I was really hoping for a Grouper.
  5. WTF, its just a computer game. You like, you buy. You no like, you fly. Its that simple.
  6. Will there be Camels? You gotta have Camels, they are the prime movers for insurgent artillery, field kitchens, mobile prayer Mosques, etc.
  7. Any increase in ammo levels above the default will last only one battle in an Operation, and will return to default in the subsequent battles (assuming the resupply level is set high enough to replenish stocks completely)
  8. Try Boots and Tracks. Choose the scenarios that begin with the TCP prefix, those are small to med sized, combined arms battles. Another good site is Der Kessel
  9. My apologies if I have missed it, but my records do not show your scores. Please resend if possible.
  10. Time for a much belated update, and some important info First off, our progress so far: St. Nazaire Green Hornet - Londoner Sividosi - Walpurgis Nacht Steve McClaire - Platehead Steve S - Stoneage ****************** Dangerous Dave - Ankulin GAJ - Big Duke 6 Kanonier Reichmann - Big Dog The Enigma - Frenchy Elmar Biljsma - Melnibone John Bertles - Sandy Tiger Valley Ankulin - Big Duke 6 ******************** Big Dog - Frenchy Melnibone - mPisi John Bertles - Diesel Taylor Sripe - Other means Loaded for Bear Tlkillerich - Sivodsi Steve McClaire - Walpurgis nacht ******************************** Ankulin - ded Frenchy - Kanonier Reichmann Sandy - Diesel Taylor The names above the asterik line are finalist. The official deadline is October 20th, a little over 2 weeks away, and as you can see we still have a long way to go. The good news is I've been contacted by a small group of individuals who are interested in helping out as replacements, so we may pull this off, however unlikely. The bad news is I'm dealing with some major real life issues at the moment, so my free time is limited. I will try to get replacement players in as soon as possible, but will concentrate on the finalists first. Having said all that, I can't help but be a little disappointed in the progress so far. Granted, the scenarios were a bit bigger than the standard ROW battles, but then again I'm hearing of games that are just barely past the halfway point, and guys who have disappeared for months at a time.
  11. Noted. Understood, but the commonwealth refers to the subunits of an armoured brigade as regiments.
  12. I prefer this mortar / carrier combo Less mobile than the uni carrier, and the reload is slower than a 3" mortar, but the blast factor makes up for it
  13. According to this site the British 26th armored brigade had under its command 3 armored and 1 rifle regiments (16/5 Lancers, 17/21 Lancers, 2nd Lothians and 10th Rifle Brigade respectively) during Feb '43. It didn't receive its infantry component (1st Guards Brigade) until March. In the CMAK editor for Feb 43 the infantry selection screen for British Mech Feb '43 gives two options - a Motor Company '42B and a Lorried infantry Battalion '42. My question is which formation choice would best represent the 10th Rifle Bgde?
  14. The next installment in the Brittany Campaign battle pack, The Morlaix Viaduct is now available for testing at The Proving Grounds. Medium / 30 turns / ~3500 points total. This scenario depicts the capture of the largest railroad bridge in France - the Morlaix Viaduct Enjoy!
  15. Besides being universally frowned upon, you stand to lose more than gained by using crews in an offensive role. Consider that each crewman is armed with only a pistol, so the extra FP added to an attack is miniscule, yet they are worth so much point-wise that losing them will negate just about any gain.
  16. Challengers saw service as early as the Normandy campaign Look here
  17. Note that they are only available for the period of June through August, and not every allied formation has access to it. Strangely enough, the Canadians have access to it in August, even though by then their formations were well beyond the range of any NGS, while the British airborne, who held the extreme eastern end of the Normandy perimeter all the way to the sea, do not.
  18. Mick15, Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Not sure about the ceasefire. What were the overall conditions when the CF kicked in? E-mail me to preserve FOW for the others who are testing it. My address is in my profile.
  19. Not sure if Pyewacket's map converter can do what you want, but well worth looking into, as it is a very versatile tool. If that doesn't work you could try the following work around: Go into the editor and choose new operation. Design map to your liking. Choose forces and deployments, setup zones, etc. In the parameter screen choose the following: Operation length - 2 battle Night falls - every other battle Opening battle time slot - 3rd (or 1st if you prefer a dawn/dusk scenario) May initiate night combat - No for both sides Now choose the rest of the parameters. Basically, what this does is create an Op that begins during the day, with the next battle being at night, but since you've prohibited each side from fighting at night the computer will just ignore the second battle. I suggest trying this out first on smaller test Ops. A platoon each and leaving all parameters except the ones listed above at default, see what you get. In my test the two platoons suffered no casualties in the second battle since combat was not allowed. As soon as you hit Go it took you directly to the AAR screen.
  20. One way that this could work would be to have two seperate 'modes'(for lack of a better word) available for each scenario - an open version for testing, in which game parameters and forces are open to editting while in progress, and a final closed version much like a tournament save.
  21. Most of the scenarios and Operations from the old scenario depot were rescued from oblivion and now reside at CMMODs You can also try The Proving Grounds, Boots and Tracks and Der Kessel
  22. Perhaps someone is getting their butts kicked and wants to tilt the odds in their favor. Add another platoon of Panthers? An extra 155mm spotter? A full reload of ammo? While your idea has merit from a designer's POV, it would also lead to widespread cheating.
  23. Use move when no contact is expected, move to contact when you're not quite sure, and advance in short hops to work your way up to attack position. Attacking trenches, foxholes or fortified positions should be done with the assault command. The last 2 commands should always be done with plenty of firepower in overwatch. BTW, an updated version has been uploaded to TPG. This change only affects games being played against the Allied AI.
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