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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Replacement players inherit whatever situation, and scores, the drop out leaves them. 99% of the time it is usually a disaster, as the drop out's strategy goes tits up and he loses interest in trying to salvage the mess he created (or in the case of certain scenarios the mess he was given ). VC's case represents that rare 1%. It also should be seen as an incentive for players to sign up as replacements, because you never know what you are dealt. Most of the time it is a pair of deuces, but there is that possibility, however rare, that you find yourself with aces over kings.
  2. Ok, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I've come up with so far Highest Nabla score is 1.09. 4% of that is .0436 (bonus per AAR submitted) x 3(number of scenarios)= .1308 (max bonus a player can get) The highest score for group 1 is Victor Charlie's 0.39. The next in line for that group is Green Hornet with -.05. If GH was awarded the max bonus his new score would be .0808, which is not enough to overtake VC. Using the same process I show the runner ups in groups 2 & 3 as not having enough even with max bonus applied to overcome the leaders in their respective groups. Therefore, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, the winners for The Rumblings of War V tournament are: Victor Charlie in Group 1 Walpurgis Night in Group 2 Steve S in Group 3
  3. ded is the username of the guy who took over for you on one of your games. Because the Nabla program requires the same name be enterered for all 3 games TB155 went ahead and merged the two names.
  4. You can also reach a point where too many craters will slow down the game, as evidenced by "To the Volga".
  5. And here she be: The Twelve Finalists' Scores/Ranking 1) Walpurgis_Nacht..........1.09 2) Steve_S..................0.58 3) Victor_Charlie...........0.39 4) Malakovski...............0.06 5) Green_Hornet............-0.05 6) Londoner................-0.08 7) Flenser_Holien..........-0.18 8) Steve_McClaire..........-0.30 9) Panzertwat..............-0.30 10) Sivodsi................-0.48 11) Stoneage...............-0.49 12) Tlkillerich_Platehead..-0.75 All Participants Scores/Ranking (Finalists have "**") 1) **Walpurgis_Nacht 1.09 2) Kanonier_Reichmann 0.99 3) **Steve_S 0.58 4) Grimthane 0.50 5) Elmar 0.43 6) Ankulin 0.42 7) **Victor_Charlie 0.39 8) Big_Dog 0.31 9) BigDuke6 0.30 10) John_Bertles 0.19 11) Sandy 0.16 12) Stikkypixie 0.13 13) **Malakovski 0.06 14) Michael_Dorosh -0.01 15) mPisi -0.04 16) **Green_Hornet -0.05 17) Dangerous_Dave -0.07 18) **Londoner -0.08 19) Melnibone -0.09 20) **Flenser_Holien -0.18 21) Sripe -0.21 22) Other_means -0.29 23) **Steve_McClaire -0.30 24) **Panzertwat -0.30 25) John_O -0.32 26) **Sivodsi -0.48 27) **Stoneage -0.49 28) Diesel_Taylor -0.60 29) Green_as_Jade_ded -0.70 30) The_Enigma -0.74 31) **Tlkillerich_Platehead -0.75 32) Frenchy -0.91 Scenario Scores (alphabetical) # St_Nazaire Ankulin -0.14 BigDuke6 0.96 Big_Dog -1.25 Dangerous_Dave 0.14 Diesel_Taylor 0.14 Elmar 0.86 Flenser_Holien -0.59 Frenchy -0.26 Green_Hornet -0.66 Green_as_Jade_ded -1.03 Grimthane 0.88 John_Bertles 0.26 John_O -0.14 Kanonier_Reichmann 1.06 Londoner 0.66 Malakovski 0.59 Melnibone -0.88 Michael_Dorosh 0.59 Other_means -0.91 Panzertwat 0.00 Sandy -0.26 Sivodsi -1.67 Sripe -0.59 Steve_McClaire 0.00 Steve_S 0.99 Stikkypixie -0.14 Stoneage -1.09 The_Enigma 0.26 Tlkillerich_Platehead 0.00 Victor_Charlie 0.00 Walpurgis_Nacht 1.16 mPisi 0.14 # Tiger_Valley Ankulin 0.45 BigDuke6 -0.45 Big_Dog 1.15 Dangerous_Dave 0.05 Diesel_Taylor -0.45 Elmar 0.93 Flenser_Holien 0.05 Frenchy -1.58 Green_Hornet -0.14 Green_as_Jade_ded -0.05 Grimthane 0.63 John_Bertles 0.45 John_O -0.98 Kanonier_Reichmann 1.07 Londoner 0.23 Malakovski 0.39 Melnibone 0.76 Michael_Dorosh -0.63 Other_means 0.05 Panzertwat -0.23 Sandy -0.39 Sivodsi -0.05 Sripe -0.05 Steve_McClaire 0.05 Steve_S -0.05 Stikkypixie 0.39 Stoneage -0.39 The_Enigma -1.28 Tlkillerich_Platehead -1.97 Victor_Charlie 0.14 Walpurgis_Nacht 1.20 mPisi -0.76 # Loaded_for_Bear Ankulin 0.94 BigDuke6 0.40 Big_Dog 1.04 Dangerous_Dave -0.40 Diesel_Taylor -1.48 Elmar -0.50 Flenser_Holien 0.00 Frenchy -0.87 Green_Hornet 0.67 Green_as_Jade_ded -1.01 Grimthane 0.00 John_Bertles -0.15 John_O 0.15 Kanonier_Reichmann 0.85 Londoner -1.14 Malakovski -0.81 Melnibone -0.15 Michael_Dorosh 0.00 Other_means 0.00 Panzertwat -0.67 Sandy 1.13 Sivodsi 0.28 Sripe 0.00 Steve_McClaire -0.94 Steve_S 0.80 Stikkypixie 0.15 Stoneage 0.00 The_Enigma -1.21 Tlkillerich_Platehead -0.28 Victor_Charlie 1.01 Walpurgis_Nacht 0.90 mPisi 0.50 Still have to calculate the AAR bonuses, but the section leaders may be so far ahead that those in second place may not be able to overtake them.
  6. Hey Guys, Thank you for the kind words on "Panzers in the Peel". I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now that the tourney is over I would like to release it to the SDII, but would like to first hear from all of you on what suggestions you may have to improve it. I'm already thinking of removing one of the forward minor flags and moving the other back to where the two flanking roads eventually intersect the main road to Asten. Any other ideas? Increase/decrease turns? Add/remove forces? Change the map? Let me know.
  7. I think you may be confusing the 352nd for the 716th, which fought alongside the 352nd on D-day. The former was a field division, while the latter a static division (same as the 343rd) and thus held large numbers of ex-Russian and Poles in its ranks (3 battalions out of 9). Two of the 716th ID's Ost battalions were subordinated to the 352nd on D-day, which may account for the large number of surrenders.
  8. Treeburst155 has agreed to run the finals scores thru the Nabla system. I just sent him the spreadsheet (jbertles, your score has been corrected), so give him a day or three to crunch the numbers.
  9. Hmm, I sent it to the address you have listed in your profile. Anyway, I have John Gawne's "Americans in Brittany - the battle for Brest". In it there is a chart listing all the various units that defended Brest, as well as an OOB of the 2nd FJ, showing which parts fought in Brest, St. Malo, etc. There is also a decent map of hill 103 showing German defensive layouts, gun emplacements, trenches, etc, as well as a write up several paragraphs long describing the battle. I can scan these for you if you are interested. Let me know.
  10. It's up and ready for downloading at The Proving Grounds Enjoy!
  11. Yes, there will be landmarks (see first 4 pics), and no, it is a scenario. At the moment I have it at 65 turns variable, roughly 8500 points combined. Petoria regiment and 3rd Coldstream Guards against the German 356th ID and 508th s.Pz Abtg.
  12. July 27th, 1944 By the last week of July the allied advance on Florence had been shifted to the SW of the city, where the 6th South African armored and 2nd New Zealand divisions were battling their way over a series of succesive ridges in short, alternating hops. On July 23rd elements of the New Zealand 5th, advancing west of Route 2, fought their forward to capture the Villa Bonazza and Villa Strada, a fight that culminated in the bagging of the first Tigers by New Zealand troops. Two days later the 5th Grenadier Guards of the 6th S.African armored division captured "Grenadier Ridge" a series of peaks just north of Greve on route 222. This bought both divisions up against the 'Olga' line, the first of two intermediate delaying positions the I FJ Korp had established south of the city. Here Field Marshal Kesselring wanted to make a stand, but losses incurred from the heavy fighting forced him to withdraw northward to the 'Paula' line, the next defensive position. On July 27th units of the Petoria regiment and 3rd Coldstream Guards, both from the 6th South African division, began their advance up route 222 in pursuit of the retreating Germans. Their objective was Strada in Chianti, an important crossroads town located 6 miles of Florence. How 'bout some pics? This is looking NW towards the town of Strada in Chianti. The distance from the map edge at the bottom of the pic to the town is 2.5 kilometers. The dirt road running WNW eventually leads to a bridge spanning the Borro Calasino. Here is the aforementioned bridge. The Borro Calasino is typical of the many small streams in the area, with numerous places to ford for both men and machines. Here we are looking back towards the SE from the village of C. Poggio. Route 222 takes a 45 degree turn to the NW just before the farm of V. La Palagione. This is looking to the SW, with the bridge over the Borro Calasino to your right and the South Africans coming up on your left. This view is looking straight up route 222 towards Strada in Chianti. The distance from the bend in the road in the foreground to the center of Strada is just shy of 1 kilometer. The road dips down before slowly rising again as you near the town. Finally, the prize. From the upper story windows of Strada in Chianti one has pretty good LOS to most of the map. As before, this one is still in need of briefings, but otherwise is ready for testing. E-mail me if you are interested, or otherwise keep an eye out for the release at The Proving Grounds Special thanks to my partners in crime, Richard Simovitch for his help with the maps and Erik Springelkamp for hosting the pics. [minor rant] BFC, we need more options for map design! Two types of crop tiles doesn't cut it. Get rid of the shack tiles, we can do fine with the 1-story light buildings, and give us actual cultivated fields: [/minor rant] [ January 04, 2006, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  13. St. Nazaire Victor Charlie 61 / Panzertwat 39 Green Hornet 48 / Londoner 52 Sivodsi 15 / Walpurgis night 85 Steve McClaire 61 / Platehead 39 Flenser 50 / Malakovski 50 Steve S 88 / Stoneage 12 Dangerous Dave 63 / Ankulin 37 Green as Jade 36 / BigDuke6 64 Kanonier Reichmann 93 / Big Dog 7 The Enigma 65 / Frenchy 35 Elmar 81 / Melnibone 19 John O 59 / mPisi 41 Diesel Taylor 63 / Stikkypixie 37 John Bertles 65 / Sandy 35 Sripe 50 / Michael Dorosh 50 Other means 40 / Grimthane 60 Axis average - 58.63 Allied average - 41.38 Standard Deviation - 19.49 Loaded for Bear Londoner 37 / Victor Charlie 63 Panzertwat 44 / Green Hornet 56 Tlkillerich 48 / Sivodsi 52 Steve McClaire 40 / Walpurgis Night 60 Stoneage 50 / Flenser 50 Malakovski 42 / Steve S 58 BigDuke6 53 / Dangerous Dave 47 Ankulin 61 / ded 39 Big Dog 64 / The Enigma 36 Frenchy 41 / Kanonier Reichmann 59 Melnibone 49 / John O 51 mPsis 54 / Elmar 46 Stikkypixie 51 / John Bertles 49 Sandy 68 / Diesel Taylor 32 Grimthane 50 / Sripe 50 Other means 50 / Elmar 50 Axis average - 50.13 Allied average - 49.88 Standard Deviation - 8.65 [ January 08, 2006, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  14. Oh, aren't you a treat. May I suggest you rethink your 'suggestion'. After all, you are peddling in stolen merchandise, even if you are giving it away.
  15. The scenario is still in the testing phase, so the 55+ turns is not set in stone. That said, in my own playtest it took the 10 turns to get to Romita and another 15 to be in position to assault the Villa Strada (after a visit from uncle arty), while over on the adjacent ridge the Villa Bonnazza was attacked and cleared by T-40, although with heavy losses to both sides. I should add that I played in hotseat mode, and kept the Germans at default, so the first real contact (apart from some long range tank and gun duels and the occasional sharpshooter fire) didn't happen until the Kiwis had advanced well into the map.
  16. Ropey, I am interested in any photos you have of this area. Please e-mail them to me at the address listed in my profile. BTW, here is a pic of the Tiger of Villa Strada taken by the Kiwis the day after the battle, when they discovered it abandoned in the olive grove.
  17. One exception to this is that you can't cross water barriers using sewer movement. I'm not sure if this applies to one or two-tile water barriers, such as a small pond or fountain within a city. That depends on whether or not the TacAI plots the most direct route from building to building, or has freedom to navigate around to find the best approach routes.
  18. I suggest Boots and Tracks, although it hasn't had any new scenarios posted for quite a while. There is also The Proving Grounds, which has new stuff come in every day or so. Edit: Forgot to mention Richie's scenario pack [ December 29, 2005, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  19. Arrgghhh!!!! I'm the Twistys.com of scenario designers! :mad: :mad: :mad: Thank you for the kind words, but I don't think I rate up there with the top dogs. The guys I draw inspiration from sadly no longer design scenarios for CM. Wild Bill, Andreas & the Desert Fox are still in my book the best out there. DF's maps, especially his Operation Perch series are IMO the most realistic Normandy maps ever created.
  20. Hey, that's one gorgeous looking map Almost looks like the one I'm working on now, only it's a little more towards the NE. BTW, I noticed in your screenshot that you have the olive grove to the left of Villa Bonazza well defended. In my own playtest that became a hornet's nest, requiring two companies of Kiwis and 5 tanks to root out the Fallschirmjagers in there. Mucho fun!
  21. Need some specifics. What units are you assigning overwatch duties? At what range are the enemy units? Covered arcs? In command?
  22. Two that I would recommend: Richie's scenario pack Scroll down to the last 3 downloads. The first is a scenario, and the other two Ops. The other recommendation is the Op designed by Simovitch on the fighting near Elsenborn ridge. Do a search of his e-mail and drop him a line. He may have others scenarios to offer.
  23. Experience will affect a unit's targetting and accuracy, so a vet FB will more often than not identify and hit an enemy unit. That said, its really not worth the points to purchase airpower. For the price of a vet FB you can purchase a reg arty spotter in the 105/155mm range and a couple of TRPs. [ December 25, 2005, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
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