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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Just out of curiosity, does a burning building always become burning rubble when it is destroyed? Edit: Just ran a little test with about a dozen burning buildings and three 240mm spotters. Everyone of the buildings became burning rubble, so Wildman wouldn't have gained any LOS from destroying them. [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  2. Those damn KV-1s. Everyone of the scenarios in the demo has at least...Ooops, nevermind
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: So, when did a "tech support forum" show up?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, about 7,466 posts ago http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=8
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Now play nice! Miniature gaming has many benefits that even CM does not. -dale<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So true! With miniatures I can launch a full scale assault on the house cat. Lets see CM top that!
  5. PL, Just letting you know that your link to the original FAQ is not working.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms: My basic understanding was that you get to keep whatever ground you're holding at the end of an operation, with a little no-man's-land in between.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The scenario designer determines the distance of no-man's land, so it could be several hundred meters in this one. Also, the computer tends to straighten out the line between battles, So you have to make sure no units flank you. Being that you started with a night battles means there is a possibility that a unit did sneak by your flank, therby causing the big shift in the front lines.
  7. Question: What does the Sturmkompanie in CM actually represent? Is it an ad hoc force, thrown together from various units to form an instant reserve, or a specifically trained organization used in high priority missions? A search brought up this thread, with a very interesting exchange between JasonC and Abbott’s “respectable source” (Fionn?): http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=018849 And these two quotes in particular: “The Strumkompanie was part of a larger battalion formation specifically tasked for assaults. In Normandy/Cherbourg there was a distinct Sturm battalion that counter attacked the paratroopers in St. Mere Eglise. It was definitely not an ad hoc unit. They were issued a high percentage of automatic weapons” “Sturmkompanien AS CM models them are Army assets. Each German Army had 1 Sturm Battalion attached. These were organised along identical lines in different theatres etc and were the hard core of an Army's attacking force ( along with the usual organic Tiger Abteilung).” The reason for my question is due to a recent QB game I finished, in which I was given a Sturmkompanie, along with other units. The problem was they all were conscripts. Now, if the Sturmkopanie in CM is an ad hoc force then this would make sense. But if CM models them as quoted above then I see a problem. That is, you cannot have a unit that is “the hard core of an army’s attacking force”(i.e. highly trained) and also be of conscript quality. IOW, there is a level of training required to make a Sturmkompanie, just like German para and mountain troops. So, which is it? Anyone know for sure? [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  8. The cool thing about units of the 12th SS Panzerklownische is you can mount an entire platoon in a kubelwagon (apparently passenger restrictions don't apply to this unit),have them dismount in a remote corner of the map, and forget about them. Go back in a couple of turns and Presto you have a regiment.
  9. Just curious, How different is this to say a third party setting up a scenario for players A & B?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: To dismount a gun, it takes a minute or even two (!) in CM. Modern russian army has the following exercise: tow starts 50 m away from the firing position; tow gets to the firing position, makes an U-turn and stops; the gun's crew disembarks from tow, dismounts the gun, loads, aims and fires. To pass the exercise, the crew had to hit the target within 45 seconds.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just curious, how many shells did the crew unload in those 45 seconds? If all the crew is busy getting the gun setup who is left to unload additional shells? Granted, the guns in CM do take longer to deploy than the examples listed in this thread, but what you get is a gun with a full loadout. Something to consider.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Commonwealth troops suck. Especially the Canadians. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whenever I play the Canadians I usually have a reserve of American troops standing by, ready to bail them out of trouble, and to show them how to win the battle. The same for the British troops. wooooooOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH THUMP! OW, hey I was just kidding!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Kingfish or someone, please correct me on this if I screwed up the source of the scenario.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> John, Although you mistakenly listed the wrong source for the scenario, you did point Ellros to one of the finest scenario sites out there, so no harm done. Good to have you back. I'm looking forward to reading your posts again, especially on what happens when German flak guns encounter Canadian vehicles (Ooops, didn't mean to bring that up again) Ellros, You need to do two things: 1) Go to Der kessel and d/l every scenario they have. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. 2)E-mail me (see my profile) to get the "To the last man" scenario. It's a Wild Bill creation, need I say more?
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man: Anyone want me to edit it so its more readable?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nah, but can you translate it into Portugese? That would be really helpful.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heinz 25th PzReg: Rexford, who are "we"? Heinz<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We have been assimilated. We are one.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: [QB]I would also add the 101st airborne at Bastogne and elsewhere, as well as the 82d airborne at Arnhem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't you mean the Brit 1st AB at Arnhem?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: What time periods is it available in, anyone know?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> June, and mostly around the Utah beach / airborne DZs. They didn't last very long after that.
  17. Chrisy, Mummys calling. Be a good lad and run home, before the boys here get bored and light your hair on fire...again.
  18. A Stugs a better buy. Better armor, smaller target, more ammo (I think), plus it will shrug off those pesky 2" and 60mm mortar rounds (most of the time)
  19. Head, IMO, because CM deals with ground combat at a tactical level, air is modeled to only affect what happens on the ground. Opposing air units occupying the same airspace wouldn’t affect each other anymore so than opposing arty units within range of one another.
  20. Dammit! If Jesse Ventura can fire a mini-gun from the hip so should my guys!!! BTS Fix or...oh nevermind.
  21. Damn, the kid bailed on us. Quick, someone think of something stupid to argue about, we gotta get rid of all this beer.
  22. WAIT! Don't eat the pizza, dalem used the cheesegrater to... Aw, damn I'm too late.
  23. One difference is that, because of their specialized training, GB and FJ units will never show up as conscripts.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: Heck, they are so far to the rear, no enema's are there either!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Must be a probe scenario.
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