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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. The Op has to last longer than a day in order to get repaired vehicles back in line. Here's a question: Does the amount of damage affect the turn around time? IOW, does a vehicle that ran over a minefield (and is abandoned) take longer than one that just threw a track in the mud?
  2. How did you get the obstacles in the game? Also, what Mods are you using?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snake Eyes: Does your Bofors have a 150mm of armor to protect the crew while it gets into position?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I could be wrong on this, but AFAIK the AVRE only had 80+mm of armor, while the crocs and VIII had the 150+.
  4. Another thing to consider is the location (and strength) of enemy units when the game ends. The original version of Team Desorby used to end prematurely if German units were able to flank the town, even though the Americans were in complete control. The newer versions play all the way thru, but probably still take into account the final deployments when it tallies the score.
  5. Funny how it worked out that I was the second guy to post on both threads. I'll ask my original question: Will there be a follow / convoy command in CM2?
  6. How badly mauled are your forces? You mentioned that many of your tanks are destroyed, perhaps your losses were so severe that a draw was declared. [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: There seems to be some confusion here. I think it is clear that they are only talking about people who simply disappear without a trace, with no explanation or surrender. Such ilk are well deserving of blacklisting.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And if that person suddenly had a death in the family, perhaps someone close like a spouse or child. Or how about being involved in a major car accident, or suffered a heartattack? How can you tell the difference between someone who just got bored with the game and someone who is going thru a real life tragedy? Think about it. Guys, its just a game.
  8. I've lost your e-mail. Please resend, and make sure to include your number. Thanks
  9. Kinda, but the timing is tricky, and it doesn't always work. Example: I had a crack 234/1 hiding behind a small rise, having just reversed there when he encountered a strong armored force in the distance. I gave him a short move command, to the top of the rise, and then an immediate reverse. The first time he picked off a HT and scooted back down before the Shermans could lock on. The next turn another HT, the next a universal carrier. Each time the he got off one shot before rolling out of sight.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Let me add my "search" gripe since I love to whine. Searching by member number is not nearly as useful as searching by name. I didn't realize how much name searching I used to do. Would it be possible to get a list of registered users and their member numbers? Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ask, and ye shall recieve... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000477 This list hasn't been updated for quite some time, so there might be a few that aren't included, but the majority are there.
  11. I've read the Mao Tse-Tung downloaded Mods, whats that tell you?
  12. Andy, Is the updated version availible from Manx's site? If not, can you send me the latest and greatest? Thanks
  13. 1)What is the experience level of your tank? A Vet will react quicker than a Green tank. 2)Was your tank buttoned up? Did he take a casualty? This will limit visibility a great deal. 3)Are you sure your tank can see the enemy tank? What might look like a clear LOS from camera #3 might not be so at ground level.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [CoFR]Archangel: Exhaustion, can a unit come out of it in the course of one battle, (25 turns?) [CoFR]Archangel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, usually after a few turns it will revert to the next highest setting (Pinned?). Also, I believe a unit's morale state has an effect as well, so a routed and exhausted unit will take longer than one that is just exhausted. At least that's what I've observed.
  15. Everythings fine as long as we don't let the damn Swedes in here.
  16. Narrowing your search helps a great deal. Limiting the time frame or putting in a specific subject (For instance 'Panther' as opposed to 'German tanks')will usually work. Also, if you're looking for a post from someone in particular you can find him / her with this (shameless plug ) http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000477
  17. ****Spoiler**** * * * * I used the tanks to steamroll a path thru the town, blasting the houses as they went. The HTs followed a turn behind, ready to provide MG support if needed. I lost a Cromwell to a Mark IV and a HT to an Inf gun, while another Cromwell was immobolized (who apparently got so pissed that he blew away two guns, a shreck team and a squad inside a house). Once my Challengers took out both Mark IVs I blitzed the HTs thru, guns blazing, across the bridge and off the map. The A.I. bailed after that.
  18. Here's one along the same lines, but weirder. I had a Platoon of Polish Engineers walking up a small wooded ridge, with the flamethrower following behind. The Engineers get ambushed just as they crest by a dug-in platoon on the reverse slope. Now for the weird part. The Flamethrower is still halfway down the slope, definetly out of LOS of the Germans. He fires anyways and the flame goes into the ridge and exits out the other side, routing a German squad.
  19. This brings up a very interesting question: Why didn't the Germans develop a Rhino-type device? It's not like the terrain of Normandy was new to them. The Allies landed in June '44 and by July had a solution to the Bocage problem. The Germans were there since June '40 and were still without one 4 years later.
  20. Chuck, I highly recommend Wild Bill's "To the last man" and Moon's "Utrechseweg" (the latter is an Op). I can e-mail them to you if you're interested, just drop me a line.
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