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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: I don't know if someone has done one already, but I read Donald Burgett's "Seven Roads to Hell" the other day and the battle for Noville sounds like it would make a good scenario or operation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Already done. Wild Bill's 'Team Desorby' is an operation, and depicts the actual fight for Noville, while the scenario '7 roads to hell' depicts the American retreat from Noville and the German attempts to cut them off. I have both, so just e-mail me if you want them.
  2. I can't wait for the ones with the hairy upper lip and the underarm hair.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A final question: has anyone been able to determine the direction from which a concealed mortar is firing by watching the fall of its shot?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure have. The pattern will be a straight line pointings towards the mortar. I once had a platoon pinned down from an unseen mortar, but by following the pattern back I found the patch of woods they were hiding in. Two DF 105mm rounds later and the barrage stopped, followed by two stun crews staggering towards the rear. My opponent was not amused.
  4. A blast from the past: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=003757
  5. I agree with everything except #3. While a well placed air strike can make a huge difference, the chances of that happening are very slim. Either they don't show when you need them, completely miss the targets, or bomb your own guys. For the price of a Jabo (200/300 points) you can get a lot of artillery, which you can control directly, has more decisive results, and last a helluva lot longer.
  6. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=020310
  7. A close assault can blow off a track, or damage the engine, making a Stug a sitting duck. Now imagine the crew, buttoned-up, unable to defend themselves, listening to a shower of grenades bouncing atop their vehicle. First chance they get they'd bail out. Nothing frightens tankers more than having their vehicle fireball with themselves in it.
  8. John, Is he the guy you said you were going to "Take down in ten"? What was that prediction again, 95-5? Oh, did you tell him you like to play without FOW before you started?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>what exactly is zimmerit armor?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It either prevents magnetic mines from sticking to the tank, or prevents kids from spray painting graffiti on the tank.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: "Ding-Ding-Ding!" We have a winnah! I just ran a 300pt Infantry QB, Meeting Engagement, and got a GB platoon, 2 mortars, and 1 MG42. Choose the right parameters folks, and you can get just about anything...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What were the parameters that you chose?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rarity does influence computer purchase.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But if I were to fire up a QB with the parameters set to when the GBs saw action then one would think the chances of getting them would improve. Makes sense, doesn't it? Well, I've done it and still no GBs. Maybe I'm unlucky but I think I could generate a hundred QBs set to Jan / Feb '45 and still not see one GB. However i'll probably see a few Jagdtigers, Ostwinds and dozens of Pumas. How many other people have seen GB units generated by the computer?
  12. Ever since I first installed the game I have played hundreds of QBs. Most I've generated myself, but a good portion have been sent to me for PBEM matches. Every possible setting I have seen: Clear, rain, dry, wet, day night, rural, city, 300 pt thru 5,000 pt, June thru may. In all those games I have yet to see a GB unit, and others have posted similar experiences. Any reason why the computer doesn't choose these units?
  13. A few off the top of my head: The Arnhem Op Germanboy's 'To the last man' Knock 'em all down (Forgot the author) The first came with the game, the second you can get at http://www.derkessel.de/, and the third I can't remember where I got it but if you are interested drop me a line and I can e-mail it to you later on tonight. My address is in my profile.
  14. If I hear one more song from Celine Dion I will nuke you all!
  15. Some advantages to RTS games: The intensity of non-stop action, the tension of split second decisions, the triumph of watching it all come together, the agony of watching it all fall apart, the heart racing, blood pumping, sweat pouring, mind bending exitement that comes from continuous combat! One advantage to turn-based games: The ability to sit back and enjoy, I mean really enjoy that...Ice...Cold...Beer Guess where my next $45 is going to go.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the two C shells are on the back rack, it'll take me half a minute to get rid of the HE one in the tube and slam in the C round. I have no chance against this thing with my HE, and I have a smoke round on the ready rack. Gunner, load smoke, driver, reverse! That's what I would have done. Orders from higher ups? Can k my a... CM models this kind of "under fire" behaviour of troops excellently, and you'll never know what you get until it happens. Great stuff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Moon, Are you saying that CM models ammo layout / access within the vehicle when the Tac AI determines Hit probability?
  17. Bil's victory in 'Chance encounter' still rates as one of the best. http://www.combatmission.com/aars/game5/game5.asp Ironically, soon after that game he plays Fionn in 'The sunken lane'. Talk about the pendulum swinging the other way.
  18. Perhaps he's referring to the 22nd Armd. brigade's charge at Bir el Gubi.
  19. Would this happen to be the huge, 75 turn assault by the 12th SS Pz against the Royal Winnipeg rifles? If so, The Author is Andy Thomas (Grunto)
  20. I have something that you might be interested in. It's an Op depicting the British assault on the Dutch city of S. Hertongenbosch in Oct '44. 10,000+ pt British force against 7,000 Pt German. Map size is 3600 x 2000. The entire map is visible from the start, so it plays more like a huge scenario than an Op. E-mail me if you want it, my address is in my profile.
  21. Double blind means that both opponents haven't played the scenario, so full FOW is preserved.
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