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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. You can type it like this: [ url=insertamazonlinkhere]Amazon Link Without the space between the [ url at the start. All the best Andreas
  2. Gary - can you edit your link so that the page fits on a small screen? Thanks! I doubt 'Grenadiers' gets around to the Ardennes, seeing that Meier was captured at Falaise. All the best Andreas
  3. Unfortunately that Mac has copped it due to powercuts, and I am awaiting the verdict of my captice Mac techy as to whether it is just the power supply (toss-up on whether to repair it or not) or also the motherboard (total write off) that got fried. Used G4s of that type still sell for about Euro 200, and I find it hard to justify that expense, when compared to a brandnew PC - Euro 700 including an LG 19" screen, which would be bigger than the one I currently have. Thanks again Schrulli and Redwolf! Such is life. All the best Andreas
  4. Remember you are talking to someone who still has a Radeon 7500 with 32MB. So all this will probably an improvement in speed, even though I shall lose fog. All the best Andreas
  5. I am not sure if Hungarian Volksdeutsche were drafted into the Wehrmacht. I doubt it, and I know that Hungarian units were all over the place towards the end of the war, so I'd think it is more likely he was with one of those. All the best Andreas
  6. Finally found something that I think is better in terms of price and video performance, at a place selling end of the line models. HP Pavilion m7329.fr Processor: Athlon 64 3400+ Memory : 512 Mo HDD: 200 GB 7,200 RPM Drives : DVD+RW DL Video: PCI-x 16 NVIDIA GeForce 6200SE TurboCache (256Mo dedicated) Extra: TV Tuner (analogue and Digital) Just another memory stick, and it would be alright, I guess. Cost is €439, comes with manufacturer's warranty. All the best Andreas
  7. Thanks Schrulli. All the best Andreas
  8. I'd like that. The problem with that solution for me though is that I have never done something like that, and would not have the first clue if the seller of an item (who would speak a language I am not entirely comfortable in) is fleecing me. I also don't have an old copy of windows, so would have to buy that in any case. A high-end machine from the shop is not in the budget, and once I start spending real money, I'd get an iMac. Other than that it's a much better idea. All the best Andreas
  9. That does not strike me as very impressive, but I can see the seeds of the obesity problem in the US right there. All the best Andreas
  10. Well, if it is expandable, that should be good enough for me. Just need to remember to get a TFT screen that can do both, VGA and DVI. Thanks a lot! All the best Andreas
  11. The machine I am thinking about is this one: http://www.bizrate.co.uk/desktopcomputers/pid426013843/information.html No idea what the motherboard is, but there is a PCI-x slot, so I guess expandability is okay. Thanks a lot! Andreas
  12. There appears to be a series of both Nvidia and ATI chipsets out there that operate by sharing the main RAM. Is that correct? The description I have is: Chipset nVidia nForce 4 C51G Graphics Processor/Memory: nVidia GeForce 6100 / Up to 128 Mo If so, how do these chipsets perform with CMx1, how are they likely to perform with CMx2, and how do they perform with e.g. Il-2? Also, in a computer so equipped, would it be possible to install a proper graphics card at a later stage? Thanks a lot for any advice. All the best Andreas
  13. Not necessarily, but all Germans, being Ueber, spoke fluent English, French, Russian, and Kisuaheli. All the best Andreas
  14. One notable difference being that German Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions had at least one HT-equipped battalion in its TO&E. US and CW infantry divisions were for the most part truck-mounted. </font>
  15. Hungarian 2nd Army was destroyed on the Donets in January 1943. Thereafter I believe only Hungarian security divisions were active, and new regular formations were only ready to be sent out over a year later. During Beta-testing CMBB, I played a QB TCP, all set to random. I got the Hungarians in summer 43. My opponent got tanks. Slaughter. All the best Andreas
  16. Provide good picture motives for the BBC website. All the best Andreas
  17. Here is the Apple link to the programme: https://support.apple.com/ibook_powerbook/batteryexchange Excellent timing. For the last four weeks I have been holding off on buying a new battery, since the old one is pretty much dead (1 hour lifetime). Thanks for the heads-up. All the best Andreas
  18. The text maybe. The drawings are pure Manga. Not bad if you are into Grogporn. All the best Andreas
  19. Nope, they pretty much lost all their tanks, AFAIK, and some guns to boot, as well as some personnel. They were on a ferry trip from Greece to Italy, whence they were to be put on trains. Both ships hit mines laid by HMS Abdiel. All the best Andreas
  20. He was also involved in a drop onto an axis airfield in Tunisia, where the paras were supposed to hold and... Well, I guess you know the rest of the story. MD - I do not think Berli is active in designing anymore. Would love to be wrong though. All the best Andreas
  21. They might have. But in that case German 18th Army at Leningrad would most likely have been destroyed, and 16th Army would have been in great danger. The divisions of 11th Army arrived just in the nick of time to help defend against a very ambitious Red Army offensive. Bidermann is wrong on this one. All the best Andreas
  22. Longleftflank - sorry, never even heard of it. From what I have heard Kehrig is what one must have read to consider himself educated on Stalingrad. One day I'll win the lottery and find a copy, in that order. All the best Andreas
  23. Jochen - Zug geschickt von meiner Forumemail. Warpy - PBEM? Alles Gute Andreas
  24. You are. On the Kriegsgliederung in Steets' book it is labelled IV./79, which to me says it was an integral part of AR79, the artillery regiment of 1. Gebirgsdivision. If it had been Heerestruppen as you suggest, it would have had a separate number and designation, such as these here. All the best Andreas
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