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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Well, they can always hope to lose the elections, and then blame anything and everything on lily-livered, weak-willed, limp-wristed, freedom-hating, not-true-blue members of that other party which they do not belong to. All the best Andreas
  2. Extremely well done, I am impressed. Someone has talent. Is that a map of mine in the last seconds of the video? Looks like 'Schönhauser Allee', my CMBB CD Berlin map, but I can't be sure. All the best Andreas
  3. Hi - I am looking for winter camo and basic grey HT camo mods for both the 251/1 and the 250/1. I am designing a scenario featuring these, and suffered temporary blindness at the butt-ugly textures I currently have for them, especially the 250. I am sure if I held a glass of milk in front of the screen it would curdle immediately, that's how ugly they are. Who has done the best modding job for these? Thanks a lot in advance. Andreas
  4. It is not quite as simple and straightforward as that. All the best Andreas
  5. Quibble away! It is an article by John Simpson, one of these typical BBC hacks who is long on being full of himself, and short on analytical capacity. I see him as the Jeremy Clarkson of war reporting. All the best Andreas
  6. BTW - I have written a few book reviews covering some of the titles, which you will be able to find at the link below: http://www.axishistory.com/index.php?id=5641 All the best Andreas
  7. Thanks for the correction on experience Steve. All the best Andreas
  8. That's because I cunningly misspelled his name - it is Rolf Hinze. http://books.stonebooks.com/cgi-bin/foxweb.exe/base/author?hinze_rolf Abebooks is usually much cheaper than Amazon, always check there first. As you suspect, it is a clearing house for second-hand dealers. All the best Andreas
  9. I think you are a nutcase if you truly believe that I am Stalinist, and you have never bothered to read one sentence of mine referring to modern politics. But do have fun on your soap-box, and do not hesitate to express your thoughts in a coherent manner, whenever you are ready to do so, because at the moment, what your rambling indictment of me has to do with this thread is beyond me. Well, I guess now at least you can point to an attack by me, unlike before, so I guess it was good for something. All the best Andreas
  10. At Iassy, 4th Guards Airborne division was used in creating the initial breakthrough in a sector that was expected to be quite difficult, taking strongpoint Leontina. All the best Andreas
  11. And all I did was politely point out my feelings on the matter in my first post in this subject. I did not attack you, and indeed have not done so throughout this topic. If you feel differently, please show me where I have done so. Then of course I was gratuitously insulted by painfbat who deliberately quoted me partially so that he could put the boot in. And somehow that is my fault in your opinion. Interesting try on your and his part to shift blame, but it won't work. If you have issues with the hijacking of your topic you can raise them with painfbat, don't come to me about it. Until he came in this was a perfectly civil discussion on the merit or otherwise of protecting this monument, with a range of opinions expressed in a polite manner. If he has such issues with me that he can not refrain from provoking me without any reason, that is his mental problem, not mine. Shame he had to ruin your thread with it though. So in short, get a grip and take your complaint to the one who did the damage. It isn't me. All the best Andreas
  12. Proper preparation ensuring enough boots on the ground on the day combat ended, riot control preventing the lawlessness of the days after the fall of the regime, no disbanding of the Iraqi army, immediate and large-scale refurb of civilian infrastructure, using Iraqi labour as much as possible, co-option of the tribal leaders, etc. pp. These could have made a difference, and that is what I am referring to when I talk of a window of opportunity. It only refers to Iraq BTW. Afghanistan is a whole different story. All the best Andreas
  13. You obviously don't know him. He is actually quite seriously deranged. Just like me, but worse. All the best Andreas
  14. Good thing I hedged my bets. Tu payeras pour ça au café Jeudi! A+ Andreas
  15. Don't know if somebody linked this already, but it is more fodder for the depression. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5371394.stm Missing the 2003/4 window will one day be remarked upon in historical studies as the turning point of the campaign. It went downhill from there, with no chance of recovery. All the best Andreas
  16. All I need to know about the Cretan attitude to their German occupiers I get from looking at the cover picture of the official Greek Army Historic Institute study on the battle of Crete. The cover shows a painting of a civilian dress Cretan farmer who is busy battering a wounded German paratrooper to death with a rock - on the inside, the name of the farmer is given. All the best Andreas
  17. I'd like to see some pictures of Dutch government funded monuments to commemorate the heroism and soldierly attitude of the Luftwaffe aircrew who bombed Rotterdam. Or the paratroopers who dropped on Ypenburg (maybe a compromise can be found in which the Dutch government sponsors the removal of the Crete monument to Ypenburg). Or the German soldiers who so valiantly defended Walcheren, with no regard to their own, or indeed the Dutch inhabitants safety and property. Maybe a picture of the monument to the Waffen-SS who valiantly defended Arnhem (it would be nice if it contained 'Meine Ehre heisst Treue' in the dedication) could be shown. Shouldn't you consider a general monument commemorating the valiant German defense of the Netherlands during the Hungerwinter 44/45? Then posters from the UK could chip in with pictures of monuments to German flyers killed during the Blitz, or German submariners killed while trying to sink cargo ships. Liverpool Harbour strikes me as an appropriate place for the latter, while the former could be placed somewhere near Canary Wharf. French posters no doubt have tons of pictures of monuments commemorating German soldiers fighting the resistance in the Vercors, the Auvergne, and the Alpes Maritimes, and of course one to commemorate the Meuse crossing at Sedan. German posters will no doubt be able to find many monuments to the heroes of Bomber Command in their cities. Norwegians could contribute with pictures of monuments to Dietls Gebirgsjäger at Narvik? I would not actually be knocked over if some of these do exist, but I would be very surprised if their upkeep was funded by either the government of the formerly occupied country, or indeed the German government. All the best Andreas
  18. http://www.bh.org.il/Communities/Archive/rome.asp http://www.archives.gov/iwg/reports/june-2000.html All the best Andreas
  19. I think that is only a MG-bearing tankette, right? No idea in any case. All the best Andreas
  20. The T60 could be carried in a Hamilcar glider. That's it I think. All the best Andreas
  21. Gosh, thanks man, I had almost forgotten all about those Kuwaiti oil fires that I slogged through a few years back. Anyway, some of this conversation reminds me of . . . </font>
  22. I am not sure what this has to do with anything, but in any case, The Netherlands has a much smaller territory than Greece, but a lot more population today, and I should think it was similar in 1940. Netherlands: 16,407,491 Greece: 10,668,354 According to the CIA factbook. All the best Andreas
  23. I won't go into the hypocritical rant that accompanied it, which also misses pretty much any point it is trying to make. So just to point this out: I see no reason that German taxpayers' money should be spend on anything having the word 'Grossdeutschland' in it, or indeed a honourable mention of the Fahneneid, which prevented officers from taking up arms against Hitler due to a mistaken notion of honour. End of story. If you see it differently, you are wrong. In my view the Volksbund should be funded through government grants (I have no idea if it is or not), and the care of monuments such as the cemetary at Maleme is important enough for taxpayers' money to go it. But having that cemetary fulfills all the requirements of warning future generations. There is no need to officially support the preservation of hero worshipping such as the FJ-monument, in fact I think it would be counter to this aim. So, all your childish ranting is for nothing, and makes you look ridiculous. And if you don't like my tone, don't quote me out of context next time. Sorry I had to use multiple syllable words again. But in any case you can go and get stuffed. Andreas [ September 25, 2006, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
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