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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Carell/Schmidt and Rotmistov claimed ca 5-600 Soviet and ca. 400 German losses. I think that qualifies them as being 'far off the mark'. YMMV. But in case you disagree with me, I have a €100 note here that I would like to change into 5x€20, and 10x€10, and 20x€5. You wouldn't mind doing that for me, would you? Regards Andreas
  2. wwwwoooooossssssshhhhh. That is soooo coool. All the best Andreas
  3. Can we choose to command AT minefields in real time? All the best Andreas
  4. Prokhorovka, the Paul Carell/Rotmistrov version of it. All the best Andreas
  5. The Swiss. Better cheese. All the best Andreas
  6. Heroic Russians with a 57mm ATG and trenches use a combined arms defense to defeat adventurist fascist invader Hitlerites. The end. All the best Andreas
  7. Beer is cheap in Germany. All the best Andreas
  8. Habe versucht ihn in einer anderen Sache zu erreichen, aber keine Chance. Gratuliere zur Beförderung. Falls Du mal Lust auf ein PBEM hast, sag Bescheid! Halt die Ohren steif. Andreas
  9. Moin Erstmal vielen Dank, und ja, das funktioniert noch. Ich antworte noch im Detail. Einhundert!!! Alles Gute Andreas
  10. It beats hating your family in terms of ease and fulfillment. All the best Andreas
  11. Nicht wirklich. And the right way of asking your question is: Echt, ey?, or for increased street cred: Boa, echt ey? Alles Gute Andreas
  12. That would of course be the better side, and the only one worth fighting for! The pics are really nothing special, but I agree with you on the sentiment of going there. All the best Andreas
  13. John (D. Salt) I assumed the MV was identical. Should have checked that before my response. I'll have to check how your figures compare to the in-game figures, assuming they are based on an out-of-game calculation. Thanks for the correction! All the best Andreas
  14. Wouldn't be fair, just remember what happened in 1938 All the best Andreas
  15. But you are Austrian, so who cares. Regards A Piefke
  16. Well, wouldn't it be great if the forum had a search function, eh wot? All the best Andreas
  17. It's Bavarian. It is a combination of two words, the High German Volk (meaning people) and the Bavarian Trumm, which means something big, as in 'Des is a trumm' (that's a big thing). In the combination Volkstrumm, it means a big thing belonging to the people, and was commonly used in Bavaria as a mocking term for Göring. All the best Andreas
  18. No it isn't. This reply would make more sense to you if you knew German. All the best Andreas
  19. Yeah, one of these things. Someone in the dim and distant past wrote it, presumably someone not being able to speak German, and/or unwilling to actually do a bit of research, and it was then quoted so often that it is now The Truth. Friesner in 'Blitzkrieg Legende' thankfully clears that up. He speculates IIRC that the journalist probably came across the term through reading on of those German papers. Jason is however fully correct that it never denoted any type of doctrine, no matter how hard many people ignore that. All the best Andreas
  20. It's great - much prettier than I expected, and than the pictures show. If you ever go there, make sure to go through Paris, so that I can buy you a drink. All the best Andreas
  21. I wish I still had the time for that. Here are the photos. Enjoy All the best Andreas
  22. http://www.cmmc2.org/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=305 http://www.cmmc2.org/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=333 Of course, me being me, I could just not resist the temptation to rub our former opponents noses in this. All the best Andreas
  23. Will do. It is primarily the SW-corner of Louviers, and then down to La Haye Comté, Les Mesnil Jourdain, Canappeville, and Acquigny. All the best Andreas
  24. Yeah, I wasn''t happy about that either. It seemed to help though that some of those Elite German commanders had never heard of the 17pdr, such as the chap who IIRC motored his Tiggers into the ambush by a battery of my divisional AT Rgt. Of course, later we were at least given the right amount of artillery, and a 25-pdr shell does not distinguish between a green and a crack target. My favourite battle for amusement value was 5th Glosters in their ACs shooting up that hapless German column of MG armoured halftracks, and the reaction of some Germans players when they were told about the mass surrender that had taken place. Snicker... Ahh, happy memories... All the best Andreas
  25. That must have been Leland, the chap who gave us Mapping Mission. It was a re-run of the Ardennes. Corps was fed high-level faulty intel, and when my lot told them that this was plain wrong, we were labelled defeatist. Lesson is - never have an ex-intel officer as your head GM. Mind you, I am not complaining, 43rd got a riot of a fight out of CMMC1, and in my view (despite being pretty much annihilated) was the division that ensured that we did not lose the campaign very badly with all of the credit going to my CRA and my Brigadiers by the way, my contribution was to select them and let them get on with the job. I did a bicycle ride along some of the main battlefields of 43rd around Louviers a while back. If anyone is interested I can post the pictures here. In particular - I crossed the field of the very controversial battle where the Panthers were ambushed by one of my battalions. I am sure some people do NOT want to see those pictures. All the best Andreas
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