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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Ah okay, did not know that. The site is one copyright violation, but most of it in Russian. I take down the link, thanks for the heads-up. All the best Andreas
  2. Naja, es gibt ja immer noch Autos. Hier, guck Dir das mal an wenn Du Zeit hast, und sag mir was Du davon haeltst, falls Du Lust dazu hast. Okay, if anyone wants to waste more time on improving my photography skills... We went to Bourgogne for the weekend, a week back, and this is what I brought back in terms of using the Nikon. A visit to Bourgogne Official website for Druyes-Les-Belles-Fontaines Thanks in advance for any tips - you may note that I am trying to implement the ones I already received. No doubt failing badly while trying... All the best Andreas
  3. Wo ist mein Zug Jochen? :mad: Hehe Andreas
  4. Markus - sag mir Bescheid falls Du mal nach Paris kommst. Viel Spass beim Biertrinken! Alles Gute Andreas
  5. Nothing to see here All the best Andreas [ August 05, 2006, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  6. Wie, saures? Saure Lunge mit Reis oder andere südliche Spezialitäten? Würg. Andreas
  7. And that speculation is based on the well-known fact that no German Tiger or Panther was ever knocked out, and the only ones lost were blown up due to either running out of fuel or being immobilised by a crater, right? I'd say it is impossible to say what caused the demise of this tank by looking at the picture, but that's just my overly critical approach I guess. All the best Andreas
  8. Wattle and daub was still used as a building material well into at least the 18th century, and probably the early 19th century. Much cheaper than bricks. All the best Andrea
  9. Das finde ich auch. Alles Gute Andreas
  10. Das war mein kleiner Bruder. Ab in die USA mit ihm, gesponsort von Ignaz Kiechle. Alles Gute Andreas
  11. Ha! Alpenneid... Ich war sieben Jahre Entwicklungshelfer im Allgäu. Alles Gute Andreas
  12. Der gute Süden ist alles bis zu 20km südlich des Mittellandkanals. Für alle anderen gilt, falls ihnen der Sinn nach einem Bad in der Zivilisation steht: "Hol schon mal den Wagen Harry", und fahr nach Norden. Alles Gute Andreas
  13. Wie wäre es denn wenn wir uns mal alle auf Deutsch beschränken und nicht die Grunzlaute der primitiven Beutegermanen aus dem Süden mit in die Konversation bringen? Man dankt. Alles Gute Andreas
  14. Ich habe doch gar keinen PBEM modus verlangt! Mein Luftkissenboot ist voller Aale. Alles Gute Andreas
  15. Well, one important point in this regard is that it was not always 'after'. It was in theory, but in practice there was a big incentive for the front commander to help the rifle forces during breakthrough by inserting the exploitation force (too) early. This could go well, as e.g. with the insertion of 3rd GTA at the Koltov corridor during L'vov-Sandomierz (and lead to an interesting treatise on the decision by Konev in his memoirs), or it could go spectacularly wrong as with the insertion of 2nd GTA at the Seelower Hoehen. Another instance is during Operation Maly Saturn, when two out of three tank/mech corps are used to help the rifle formations break through the Italians. In doctrine however, this was a nono, which explains Konev's lengthy explanation on why it was a good idea at Koltov. That was of course hindsight speaking. The risk was quite simply that the exploitation force would also fail to achieve the quick breakthrough and get tangled up in the tactical zone of defense, giving the Germans a free pass at stabilising the front. All the best Andreas
  16. Ich bin ein Berliner. Alles Gute Andreas
  17. Self-plug May not be desert enough for you. Meet the Queens discussion I'll send you the other one tonight, spent the weekend in Bourgogne away from the computer. All the best Andreas
  18. In the case of Maltot, that's intentional. If it is still unwinnable, you did well at converting it. All the best Andreas
  19. In the case of Maltot, that's intentional. If it is still unwinnable, you did well at converting it. All the best Andreas
  20. You're in luck. The book was sold out, but is now available again. http://www.leapinghorseman.com/ All the best Andreas
  21. While I can understand your frustration, I think that's not quite fair Mark. And I say that as a fellow Mac user and someone who does not play RTS. In any case, I liked the puzzling idea. All the best Andreas
  22. Congrats, even though it won't be for the Mac, and RTS is not my thing. But Il-2 was amazing, and if this is anything like it, you should have a great product! All the best Andreas
  23. John Do you actually read the links you provide, or do you just ignore the info that is not suited to your agenda? The 250,000 number (from your fifth link) appears quite high compared to the numbers below (from your third link): So, during the worst period of the 1942 retreat, in the worst affected sector, they shot less than 2,000 men. I have serious issues extrapolating this to 250,000 over the whole war, especially when the historynet author is not even bothering to give us a source for that number. From the fourth link you provide: So you had probably between ten and thirty penal officer battalions in the whole Red Army at any one time. You probably had up to the same number in battalion equivalent at army level. From memory, the Wehrmacht had around 15,000 men shot. All the best Andreas
  24. Thanks for the correction Jason. I always thought that was just late-war propaganda renaming of the Abteilung, nothing more. Same as calling artillery regiments Volksartilleriekorps when they were nowhere near Corps size. All the best Andreas
  25. Intuitive, but probably wrong. All the best Andreas
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