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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I did not think your post was particularly clear, or helpful in term of historical accuracy, so I filled in the background to address its deficiencies. Maybe you somehow misconstrued that as me saying that your post was factually inaccurate. Which it was not, it just completely failed to address the most important problem, if one considers historical accuracy. All the best Andreas
  2. That's all fine, except that there were not enough Pak 38 to go around, historically. Maybe four-six per division (TO&E was two per AT battery, but I have my doubts that this was achieved in all divisions). Historically, KV-1 were either stopped by their own supply services not performing, or by 8,8cm Flak, 10cm K18, 15cm sIG33, 15cm sFH18, or 10,5cm lFH18 in direct fire mode. Pak38 is nice, but not a realistic option, and does not qualify for historically accurate. Of course this was an expensive business for the artillery, due to the high profile of these guns, and their immobility. All the best Andreas
  3. And whose fault would that be now? First you sling ****, and then you complain about people responding to it? If that is your idea of honourable behaviour, you're about 60 years late. Any proof for the 'millions of German women'? No, thought so. Probably the same 'proper' historical research that worked out that all those German aces really got the kills they claimed. Regards Andreas
  4. Except that you are full of brown stuff, and while I hate to run the risk of interrupting your 'I love the honourable truthful Wehrmacht' masturbation, I will have to point out to you that it takes all of a couple of minutes of internet research to show that there are serious problems with Luftwaffe kill claims, just the same as there are with the kill claims of other air forces. So, no historians ever verified Luftwaffe kill claims doing 'proper' research. Regards Andreas
  5. You would have felt right at home in SS-T no doubt. I thought I'd preserve this for posterity, so that I can point others at it in the future. Regards Andreas
  6. Just find scenario designers who are not infatuated with 'cool' German kit. I know at least one. All the best Andreas
  7. I'd rather have an extra platoon of infantry. All the best Andreas
  8. Stay away from the keg Mark, and nobody will get hurt. Thanks for your card - a very nice touch. All the best Andreas
  9. It is back in 1.03 or the whatever the latest patch is. Try the first month German forces are available in Africa in the latest patch. All the best Andreas
  10. Try the first month German forces are available in Africa. All the best Andreas
  11. As long as I get beer out of you, you can have your revenge. Which reminds me, did you get any of my recent emails? All the best Andreas
  12. My guess is that you either have only T34/85, or pretty much none. Soviet policy seems to have been to run down formations to the last man standing, and then to withdraw it from action and to rebuild it from the remains. So the remaining cadres would go into an interior district, leaving the remaining tanks (if there are any) behind, receive returning wounded and freshly trained reinforcements, as well as new equipment, and create what would amount to a new formation. All the best Andreas
  13. Wow. That was... unpleasant to read. I had a hell of fun in CMMC1. I learned an awful lot while playing it, and it was a great experience. I got out of CMMC2 for personal reasons, and would have liked to be able to continue. So, it is all not hyper-realistic, but then again, neither were the TEWTs run in Great Britain in 1944. So friggin' what? I'll get back to the coal-face. With proletarian greetings, Petrow, Major-General, Workuta Socialist Re-education Camp
  14. Thanks a lot Redwolf for the tip, and TufenHuden for further digging. All the best Andreas
  15. Because it is much better to fight for the continued oppression through Stalin, err, liberation of the Rodina than it is to fight for the continued oppression of the Rodina by Adolf. Should be self-evident Comrade. With proletarian greetings, Petrow, Major-General, Workuta Socialist Re-education Camp
  16. Oh, and don't join the Germans. All the best Andreas
  17. I suggest posting your questions over at the CMMC2 forum, since there are probably people there who can answer them. All the best Andreas
  18. I'd take away the planes, but that would make it even less replayable. Other than that, since I do not consider replayability when designing, I can not answer the question. JasonC does rather well at improving my scenarios I find, he may have a view. All the best Andreas
  19. Kingfish is right. The scenario is not designed for replayability. None of my scenarios are. FOW is an essential factor in them, and consciously designed in. Nevertheless, it is good to see people still playing, and presumably enjoying them. All the best Andreas
  20. See, don't you feel better already? All the best Andreas
  21. Just think of the time you could have spent playing my scenarios instead. Maybe that make's it seem more worthwhile. All the best Andreas
  22. Turns out it was false alarm. Yesterday I tried to start the G4 in the forlorn hope that maybe something would happen. It did - the light on the on/off button came on, but nothing more. So I pressed the reset-button. I got treated to a look at the firmware interface (never had that happen before) inviting me to type mac-boot to start or shutdown to, well, shut down. So I typed mac-boot, and it booted up fine in OS9 (which was the last selected start-up disk). Then I switched the start-up disk to OSX, and ordered a restart. Nothing happened - so I press reset again. It starts up normally. Once the date and time are corrected, everything is back to normal. Weird, but there we are. Thanks again for all the tips! When the time comes to replace the G4 (hopefully not for a while yet), this thread and what I learned looking into the matter will come in handy. BTW - any recommendations for a good yet affordable UPS? All the best Andreas
  23. I think you are making a mistake if you divide things across the Brigade, as you have done with the SUs. The first question is whether this is the main effort, or the secondary effort. If the main, you can just add most of the support to this battalion. If not, you don't. All the best Andreas
  24. That angle is based on research at least as far back as MacDonald's 'A Time for Trumpets'. He had a chapter in his book called 'The Damn Engineers' Sorry for spoiling the book for you Richie. Remember, the murderer is always the butler. Final note: Peiper was an idiot. He must be one of the most over-rated German commanders. When he was first given a Panzerregiment to command he managed to lose it in a very short space of time. But because he was one of Himmler's favourites, that did not seem to matter. Read Timo Worst's posts on the matter here: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=106165 All the best Andreas
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