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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I would have thought it to be a bit better, since the mount was more stable, but overall, not much better. All the best Andreas
  2. The desktop has appeared. All the best Andreas
  3. Bloody bridging rules. Well, a bit more support from Corps wouldn't have hindered the operation either. As DW points out, that could have really changed things. Of course, bloody nobody up there wanted to listen to me or my CRA. Ah well... Andreas
  4. That crossing was always a high-stakes gamble. All the best Andreas
  5. Accuracy of low-velocity weapons is overstated in CMBB and CMAK. There, I said it. All the best Andreas
  6. If it has something growing on it, it ain't Vodka. You are confusing it with milk, a mistake easily made by the underage drinker. All the best Andreas
  7. Which Brigade did you command? I thought Elvis commanded the 214th which got its butt kicked at Cailly? It was definitely one of my brigades that suffered very badly there - I commanded 43rd Wessex. All the best Andreas
  8. Someone frame those words and mail them to Andreas, please. He should be able to gaze upon them in the years to come, yea even unto his very old age, and ponder. Michael </font>
  9. Is the Vodka included with the game? All the best Andreas
  10. Do they give speeches and hold meetings to toughen the fighting spirit? How many sponsors does a young gunner need to get into the Komsomol? Will we be able to play through the ceremony of him being handed the membership card in real time? Will there be a regimental newspaper section that can be chosen, in which combat lessons are distributed and heroic tales told? Will soldiers who spend part of the battle reading it be better fighters? All the best Andreas
  11. He's a troll. Just ignore him, everybody else does. All the best Andreas
  12. Hi But that's the one with a dedicated graphics card, right? And what are you doing there? I thought you were defending us im Hindukush? All the best Andreas
  13. Was mann hier alles lernen kann: eine Motte die wie ein Kolibri ausschaut. Wer haette das gedacht. </font>
  14. 2007 kommt vielleicht auch ein TGV zu Euch. Sonst muss ich meine Frau halt mal von den Vorzügen eines Besuchs in Strassburg überzeugen, damit ich Ihr "Den Mann, der daran Schuld hat das wir soviel Geld für die Kamera ausgegeben haben" zeigen kann. Alles Gute Andreas
  15. Hmm. Once you have CMBB and CMAK, could you come back and tell us about the performance of the integrated chipset? Thanks a lot! All the best Andreas
  16. I'll be playing CMBB/CMAK and will be designing scenarios for them for as long as I have a rig that can play them. So far, none of the products that are being talked about comes even close to being a replacement for me, based on what I read, and that includes CMx2. All the best Andreas
  17. This report states that someone who is very close to Syria has working Milan rockets. AP Report Could of course just be clueless journos. Would a Merkava feel threatened by a Milan? All the best Andreas
  18. Not a bad movie if you are blind drunk. Or just like watching Marlene do her thing. I did not get around to putting the conversion you sent me online, because of some health problems. Should go up tonight. Sorry for the delay. All the best Andreas
  19. I'd say no, and no. I'd say yes, and that SO is obviously easily excited. All the best Andreas
  20. Drop Team WW2 announced - the replacement for Combat Mission is announced!! </font>
  21. It won't be, ever. Drop Team is not a CM replacement. Not designed to be one, won't ever be one. If you believe differently, please send me a Drop Team PBEM setup once the WW2 mod is out. Or write an AAR about how your game against the AI in which you took a battalion combat team into a defended village went. All the best Andreas
  22. That is not quite correct. The term was used in German military writing from the early-mid 1930s, well before the famous journalist used it in relation to Poland. It is however correct to say that Blitzkrieg was not an official doctrine. All the best Andreas
  23. That's not a replacement for CMBO. Did you ever try and play it? All the best Andreas
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