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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: ... it was I who provided the stenographers during the Trial of Seanachai. Should I be appointed to the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I see the need for them increasing in the future. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great, a staff of lifetime bureaucrats. What's next? Hmmm, staff attorney (Lawyer)? Big black walnut desk in an office with a window (gorgeous view, of course)? Certainly, there is a level of lifestyle that must be maintained to accord the level of respect due the Cesspool Gig ... um, Justicar. bah!
  2. Sh*t happens ... and then your Hetzer dies. [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Albow: I just wish you guys sold this game in stores too, because parents seem reluctant to give crdeit card numbers over the internet <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's easy to fix. Get Dad hooked, too. Then tell him to get his own computer and you two can spend quality time together ... yeah, that's the ticket ... quality time. And it's all just in time for Christmas.
  4. Greetings, Albow, and welcome to our obsession. Hope you've got some power behind your computer because once you get the game, you'll need to go mod hunting. There's some outstanding work being done by a variety of mod makers out there. Then there's play-by-e-mail. Then there's TCP/IP play. Then there's Operations. Then there's creating your own maps and scenarios. Then there's downloading a ton of quality work already available on a whole slew of Web sites. You're joining this lunatic asylum at a good time, too. Get CM1, aka CMBO, aka Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord now because CM2, aka CMBB, aka Combat Mission: Barbarossa (Eastern Front) is getting close. So start saving your CDs for that one, too. I haven't seen the CM Borg in a long while so I'll paraphrase, no that'll take too long, let me sum up: Resistance is futile. You have been assimilated. Happy hunting.
  5. Panzerschrecks are definitely worth the investment as infantry squads rarely fire the faust if it means getting shot by enemy infantry. In short, if the other guy's infantry is nearby, the faust won't be used. In a city fight, especially with heavy, two story buildings, schrecks can be effectively used from the second story through the thinner top armor of the AFV. Take care in using them in light buildings as the backblast sometimes will set the building on fire and kill your AT team. Where possible, I prefer to have either squad or HMG support for the schreck team. A schreck and an HMG-42 is a nifty combination. [ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peaveyyyyyyyy: Make him waste his arty, by hitting 'withdraw', and running the boys back aout of range, unless: 1) There is nowhere for them to go and 2) You're sure it's only 81mm Mortar. The 81's won't hurt too bad, especially if it's area fire. :cool: Treebursts can be nasty. I believe the allies have something called VT artillery??? :confused: which is designed to treeburst, so it may make a difference which side you play.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 81mm mortar rounds will "treeburst," i.e. explode in the canopy. Although not as effective as larger rounds, they still can inflict casualties if they're on target.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: If you're building a scenario, you CAN put guns in buildings, but it's awfully tedious to do. You need to place the GUN where you want it on the map, then place a house somewhere close by. If you do it right (and you probably won't on first try) the gun will actually be inside the house. Probably what you have to do is look at the relation between gun and house, then either try to put the house down again, this time on the gun, or else move then gun somewhere else, then re-place the house. If you fiddle with it long enough, when you look at the map that gun will, in fact, be inside the house. That means the gun is stuck there, as it cannot move through the walls of the house. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe, that evil bastich Berlichtingen once put two quad 20mm flak guns inside two heavy, two-story buildings flanking a bridge that my opponent had to cross to get to the VLs. As I recall, he put a 150mm IG in the third heavy building. Gamey? Oh, probably, but it was great fun.
  8. And if you're looking for speedy deployment of mortars, try using the UK troops. The Brit 2-inch mortar moves at medium speed, i.e. they can keep up with infantry. Granted they're relatively small caliber ... something less than 60mm if I recall correctly ... but they're good for taking out MGs, onboard arty and the like.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michlos: Anyone know where to find Fionn's and Franko's rules?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fionn's Short 75, Rule of 76s and recon rules can be found at: www.Rugged-Defense.nl/cm/cm.htm I'll e-mail you Franko's Iron Man rules. Edited because the idiot who wrote this originally had the URL for TH when it should have been RD. All is better now. [ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: You mean there are MEN in here? *Looks around puzzled* Can you point me in the right direction please? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> France. Turn left at the snail carcasses.
  11. Jeez, can you imagine how ticked Corn55 will be if you don't send a PBEM file fast enough for his liking?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Gamey, gamey, gamey, gamey I'm SICK to death of GAMEY this and GAMEY that and tourneys cancelled (not that I care about THEM) because players are being FREAKIN' GAMEY! They want to see GAMEY, LET'S GIVE THEM GAMEY! While Mace was roundly and deservedly shouted down for his skill based tourney, I propose a tourney BASED ON GAMEYNESS! That's right, I propose that we sponsor the First Annual CessPool Gamey Tourney. I mean, Hell, it's about time we gave something back to the community isn't it? Let's set up a series of the gamiest maps we can think up, insist that every player make the gamiest purchases they can and that every single gamey tactic under the sun be used by each player. So who wins? The player who shows the most gameyness of course. We get reports from all players and the one who shows most CessPool gameyness is the winner. What do they win? Who the hell cares! GAMEY IS AS GAMEY DOES. It's about time that we GAMEY players get the respect we deserve. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mebbe you should have opponents select each others forces. Oh, and Mace, nice touch having the MG crew lead the attack. Fine piece of work, that.
  13. If you use split squads on setup as Kiltie Lad brought out, you can sometimes trick your opponent into using mortar or gun ammo on empty foxholes. On setup, use teams to establish foxholes in the treeline. The other teams set up deeper in the woods. On the first move, bring most of your troops back to the second line of foxholes deeper in the woods. I'd leave one team up for spotting purposes. A variation on this, depending on the shape of the woods, would be to set up the second line of foxholes far enough back that they won't be readily seen, but close enough to fire to the treeline and into the open but perpendicular to the treeline foxholes. Depending on terrain and weather, your opponent may see the treeline foxholes and begin firing on the empty foxholes with mortar, gun, tank or MG fire. Getting no return fire, he may advance infantry to the foxholes in the treeline. Then, well, you know what to to do .... [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Roight, then. And as for the 'Knights', I want an essay, 25 words or more, on "How The Peng Challenge Thread Has Redeemed My Otherwise Useless Existence". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See Seniletea crouching in the tree line. Silly git thinks I don't see him. "Ready on the right!" "Ready on the left!" "Commence firing ... bring all guns to bear on the git." Status: eliminated. Ah, I feel much better now.
  15. I once used 300mm rockets in a QB, targeting the village in the middle of the map. Three minutes or so later, two-thirds of the (small) map erupted in very large, loud booms. I didn't find out until the end of the game that I had destroyed or immobilized 75 percent of my opponent's AFVs ... mostly HTs and ACs and scared the poop out of some of his infantry. The downside is that I pulled my forward units back 175m. Should have pulled back 200m or 225m. Darn near lost 2 squads. Keep in mind when using them, rocket technology circa 1944 isn't what it is in 2001.
  16. A generic TO&E for the U.S. 4th Armored Division circa 1944-45 indicates that the Recce squadron would have approximately 8 HMCs and 15 M8 Greyhounds and 17 M5A1 Stuarts available ... with maybe a couple extra popping up. For those interested, the site is at: http://us4tharmordiv.tripod.com/ArmorTO.htm If you're trying to come up with a historic lineup for a QB, 18 or even 9 is probably a bit much. But, if it's not a "historic" or even "as-historic-as-we-can" game, the other side doesn't have much ground for complaint. My own preference is to limit purchases to two. [ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  17. Congratulations, you are now a commander of combat troops, digital though they may be.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Can't you just start a 500 Pts ME and suddenly stumble on 1000 Pts worth of fiendish pixels? If that process was random then you'll have to sweat over pressing an attack or falling back. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're mad, Pawbroon, completely and utterly mad. What an outstanding idea. When you get back from vacation and get your computer working again, let's scrap the 5,000-point map I sent you. We could set a point range or, in the true spirit of fighting against Boyo's Rules of Diminishing Pleasure, no point range. (And no VLs, either. I hate those in MEs and am not too thrilled with them in Att/Def). You take what you're comfortable with and I'll take what I'm comfortable with. And, if my recce company meets your Army Group, c'est la guerre. What say you? [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  19. I like 'em. I've not purchased a Panther, Tiger or KT in a QB ... as I prefer multiple AFVs.
  20. The HMC M-8 is one of my favorite vehicles, but then I tend to favor the less expensive and more common armor. When using it, keep in mind that it was employed, along with the M-8 Greyhound, MG jeeps and HTs, in recon elements of an armored division. It is not intended as a MBT. It's best use, in my experience, is in infantry support ... especially if your infantry can target and keep the 'schreck team's collective head down. It's particularly effective against MGs and dug-in squads. That said, at relatively close ranges and generally from protected positions it can take out German armor ... any of it ... although you'll need a good dose of luck or a distraction in dealing with the big ones. The HMC's finest hour: In one turn of a PBEM game, I had an HMC whack a 243/3 (the HMC had tagged it's mate earlier in the game ... just a fine shot), a Nashorn heretofore unseen in a wheat field (targeting a TD ... distraction) and a King Tiger (targeting the aformentioned TD). The KT had swung around and brewed up the M-10. The HMC, at about 70m put a 75mm round through the back of the turret. [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  21. Pwbrn, y gt, whr th frk s th stp? r dd y gt lst tryng t wrk th scnr edtr? Y knw, ths s lk tryng t spk Scttsh, y bstrrd ... nd GSF s bstrrrd t [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rebel: Which do you prefer? Any tips, tricks, and what not would be appreciated (for both! I suck at armor!) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll use either or both. It depends on what type of game (attack vs. ME) and how many points you have to use. Probably the most important tip I can give you about armor is a paraphrase of a German Army tactical document: Armor supports infantry; infantry supports armor Use them together. Armor that strikes out on its own, without infantry support for recon and eliminating AT teams, oftentimes ends up a flaming hulk with nothing to show for it. In return, the armor takes care of MGs and things that hurt the ground-pounders.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chad Harrison: i would like to play with no VL, ive seen a lot of those no VL maps at Combat Missions and various other places, where do you get yours (or anyone else?). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A number of people I play against (Cesspool) routinely also are into building maps. If I need one for a game, I'll just post that a map is needed. Also, keep an eye on some of the CM sites. Der Kessel (www.derkessel.de) has a section for scenarios, ops and "cartography," which includes battle maps. You can d/l these and set up your own scenarios. The quick, easy way is to have someone auto generate a map in the scenario editor using the parameters that you want. In the parameter window, have the map builder set the number of small and large VLs to zero.
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