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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I just ventured into the Cesspool and discovered they have nominated TWO people to represent them in the tourney. I will let them get away with this since they have total disregard for rules, procedures, or any sort of orderly way to do anything. [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While what you say is true, I hasten to bring a point of order to set matters straight. Herr Winecape, himself, unbeknownst to you, offered the pooligans a second invitation to the invitational ... prolly as a way to get the gits off their dead asses.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott B: Were Churchills employed in a similar formation to that mentioned above? That is, 4 tanks in a troop, 3 troops in a squadron, etc.? I'd assume these would be part of the armored brigades tasked with supporting the infantry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In general, the British model Armoured Platoon (includes Canadians & Poles) would have 3-4 tanks per platoon (companies with platoons of 3 would have 5 platoons... Otherwise 4).. One Firefly per platoon, even in Cromwell armed platoons. Never mix Shermans and Cromwells as a division was either Cromwell or Sherman armed. Armored recce Regts were armed with Cromwells for the Brits and Shermans for the Canadians and Poles. Company HQ would include a CS tank (95 or 105 armed). Churchills are resticted to independent Tank Regts. They are armed with Churchills only -- no Fireflies. Hope that helps.
  3. Congratulations to Berlichslingelfingen and Handdork on your elevation to tourney wanks. You'll make great bunkmates. Go forth and slay. Now, sod off.
  4. How many different threads you guys got going here. Jeez, you'd think it was the cesspool or somefink.
  5. Lorak, Babra has sent a surrender my way. Do not bother to enter anything. I expect we will play when the lure of death, destruction and mayhem strikes him again.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: A bunch of hoobla habla about a tourney or somefink. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, well, my member number is still way lower than yours. [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  7. Lorak, welcome back. Lessee, loss to Geier as if that was in question. Another loss ... hehe no way you can catch me now. That gamey bastich Seniletea managed to eke out a draw in what should have been a most magnificent victory. Must remember to use short-turn games when on defense. I believe you already racked up the losses to those equally game bastiches Blousemouse and Goanna. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: What grass mod to use? Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Old Dog's update of Tremblett's velvet grass is nice, but a bit harder to play as it doesn't show the elevations like some of the others. I do like his transparent tree bases. It's a lightened version of the subdued terrain mods. DD's work is excellent, too. You might check in with jd ... mod slut. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  9. Ah, the joy of T1 at work and ZIP to ferry the goodies home.
  10. Well, somebody left the door open. Step right on in Nutbag84. Usually, we post the cesspool rules in the first message but Elvis was all tuckered out after his wife did all the work of presenting him a son. So, without further ado, here's the short form of the rules if you're looking for a game. Disclaimer: Do not expect us to welcome you or be nice. There is a certain protocol. Also, we have our own numbering system, which you'll get used to if you last that long. z4. Pick out one git from the pool (not the pool at large) or the earless ratfaced boy (don't fret, several answer to that description). xxxiii. Taunt them with style and verve, alliterate and prevaricate ... LIE. If you're thin of skin, this ain't for you. #9. In short, Sound off like ya have a pair! Nasty, mean, vile is good as long as it's done well. This thread is about gaming .. CM to be specific ... and taunting. It's also about having fun. J~7. Do not expect games with the senile old ones, rather focus on someother scum sucking newbie, for the entertainment of us all. 2) Hang around for a while, get the feel of the place, avoid disinfectant. If this is your gig, and you are willing to mortgage your immortal soul, well, line forms to the right. 34A.7) It's a game and we like it here so that being said, get lost. For further information please contact our Solicitors at the Old Firm. Or just cut to the chase and sell your soul to Berli. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  11. First, to business: X. Leeo, the Great Baldness does not need a black cloak and scythe. He already has a wheelbarrow and holocaust cloak (yes, his middle name is Fezzik). ii. Elvis -- well done. Maybe your son will be able to beat me at CM. Glad to hear all are well. Give my best to the missus. Now to the real work at hand: 4.3-8. OldGummyStinkyFingers you gaseous pseudoScot. You, sir, are the remains of 4-month-old haggis left in a dank, dark 87.2-degree place of ill repute. You stomp about in the cess creating waves as you trumpet your vile and debased victories over the Scum-Sucking Newbies. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the courage? The Chivalry? Where is the tilting at windmills? Where is my hat? (oops, off track). Where is your tactical prowess? In the sewer? Nay, that is where you live and from whence you came. I borrow liberally from Peng when I say to you, Bah! Gah! Feh! You, have been hiding in fear since the battle eons ago over the length of your freaking nick. Well, the time has come, boy-o, to meet on the battlefield. The time has come to grind the pixelated, addlepated, lupin-eating swine you call soldiers into such a wallowing pool of goo that you won't know their dangly bits from their eyeballs. The time has come to decimate, desecrate and discombobulate your armored retreating vehicles so that there is nothing left but crunchy little bits as my valiant forces walk over them. Your time has come, sir. Now, stand and deliver! [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  12. I would not recommend that this mod be used with subdued terrain mods. Just a thought.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YECoyote: In "Valley of Trouble", I dropped a line of smoke from the 3 spotters, and ran the Engineers in the middle of it to the 75mm Bunker. Now, is this gamey? I lost 5 men, but the bunker was taken out easily. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gamey is in the eye of the beholder. But, by telegraphing your move like that -- especially if you're heading for an obvious target -- don't be surprised when there's a heavy weapons platoon and a couple infantry platoons waiting to shred your engineers.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Otto Mekanik: ***Stupid Question Alert*** When YEcoyote says he uses his "spotters" does he mean Forward observers? Which artillery FO have smoke? I wasn't aware of that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Otto, basically its your choice whether you use your mortar FOs to fire smoke or HE. Your mortar FOs can use all their rounds as smoke if you want, but it isn't listed as such in the information window. The 81mm FOs are especially good for that with their relatively high loadout. Your gun FOs can lay big smoke for you, but I don't recall if you can use all or just a portion of their loadout for smoke. Your armor and onboard mortars have limited smoke capabilities.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley: Actually, this won't work. If you take an identical saved orders file and hit "Go" multiple times, you will not always get the same result. So the two players will see different (possibly VERY different) turn results.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks, Leland, good point. Didn't think of that. Sorry, Louie. [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: c. If I wanted to play in ladders with boardies, I would. I don't. The recent walk down memory lane (more of a dark alley, actually) has inspired me to revive The Lawyer's Cup challenge, however. Stay tuned for details.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lawyer's Cup Zwei? Count me in (as long as I can play PBEM). Someone's gotta lose in the first round.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40: It is possible for a gun to hit something out of it's line of sight, especially with the low velocity guns like the Howitzer. Picture the round missing your targer high. The round will keep going but drop a little, possibly hitting something out of it's line of sight. Usually these rounds land off the map but I can totally see a round actually cresting a hill and then dropping a little to hit a building. I'm not sure if this is what happened but it's interesting. Do you have the movie file? I'd like to see it if you do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunately, that turn was pretty early in the game and I no longer have it. I would agree that the round could have missed hitting the target, but I would think that a 105mm round would still be rising 786m out. Maybe not, I don't recall the effective range of the 105mm HOW and, the more I think about it, the angle of the barrel at firing would have a lot to do with it. Maybe t he ricochet formula in CM kicked in? In short, I guess I don't know what the frick happened. hehe. [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  18. Pak 40, I do recall some discussions of that. And, I readily admit that the second occurrence could have been just a shot that went long. I'm at a loss to explain the first one if it wasn't a skip as I don't believe the trajectory of the howitzer would have tagged the building if it had just missed the aiming point.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: My cousin and I often play on the same side vs the AI. We would both like to see the results of a game turn. Right now we each take turns doing the GO and then tell the other person what happened. Is there a way (after the green and the blue bars have run their course) to halt and save the game before starting the VCR ? Then send the saved VCR to the other player so we can both view the turn? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiya, Louie. You can only save a turn during the orders phase. Say it's your turn to do the orders. So, you plot your moves, but before you hit "Go" you save the game. You could e-mail the saved game to your cousin, thus each of you could watch the events unfold. Then your cousin could do his orders and save before hitting "Go" and send it back to you. Hope it helps.
  20. While playing a winter QB, I stumbled into an interesting occurrence. On the back edge of the map on my left flank I had a 105mm HOW targeting rough ground being traversed by my opponents INF. The target area was approximately 450m away on a slight rise. My opponent informed me at the end of the game that a round from the 105mm HOW skipped off the rough ground and slammed into a 2-story building, killing half the FO team and disrupting the fire mission for the next four turns. The building was 786m and out of LOS of the 105mm HOW. At the end of the game, my opponent had a rifle squad and platoon HQ in a small, light building approx. 40m from one of the large VLs, which I occupied with significantly more troops. The building was screened from LOS of the 105mm HOW by a small hill. Being the last turn of the game, I decided not to commit my INF to oust his troops from the building. I had sufficient assets to hold the VL. Instead, I targeted the crest of the hill (424m) with the 105mm HOW. Approximately 10 seconds into the last turn, the building blew up. The platoon HQ was eliminated and the rifle squad cut to 2 or 3 men, which were quickly dispatched by fire from 2 SMG squads and an HMG squad. I do not know for certain if it was a round that went long or if it skipped off the crest of the hill into the building, but the coincidence is intriguing. In any event, it’s not a bad tactic to keep in your arsenal if the conditions are right.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: To The Pool, I personally would consider it an honor if the members of the Pool would choose from among their own a representative to take part in WineCape's Invitational CM Tourney. I've enjoyed reading the Peng thread for many months (years?) now and feel the forum and the CM community in general would lack a certain something if there were no Pool. I also know there is a fair amount of CM talent among you. Since we are trying to organize a tournament of prominent CM citizens and/or very skilled players it would be a crime not to invite The Pool to send one of their own as The Pool is both prominent and skilled IMO. If The Pool is interested simply send me a name within 72 hours so I can send your representative a formal invitation complete with the tournament mechanics, etc.. I would suggest you nominate one of your best tacticians as the competition will be very stiff. Sincerely, Treeburst155 DIE-A-LOT NOW!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would nominate Mark IV to represent us, if he is willing, especially as he overcame the rigging, skullduggery, backstabbing and politicking to emerge victorious in the Lawyer's Cup. [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  22. Engineers can be very useful on defense. I have both used and walked into an engineer ambush in woods. Very effective. A pair of flamethrowers can really change a squad/platoon's mind about continuing on that course. And satchel charges can tear a squad a whole new butt. Same ambush concept goes for defending VLs. For buildings, there are two ways to approach. You can defend the building from within (keep the rifles in the center where they are less likely to be seen) and the FTs provide a nasty surprise. OR, you can wait for your opponent to occupy a building and then flame it from concealed positions nearby.
  23. Depending on how much the AI hates you, the AFV may get free on the next turn or it could take four turns. Then, too, it may become immobile. I have tried the move order, reverse and rotate in instances when bogged and no matter what I thought would work, the AFV became unbogged or not on its own. In short, a bogged AFV will get free by itself ... or not.
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