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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. In a 60-second turn the rotation of the King Tiger turret of 150 degrees, give or take few, is about right. In one scenario, my KT was squared off against a 76mm M4 with the turret facing absolutely the wrong way. Because of an obstruction, it began turning the long way to its opponent. The M-4 bounced 4 shots off the frontal armor before killing the KT. The short of this story is that in the 60 seconds, the KT turret rotated just over a third of the way ... about 150 degrees, give or take. And an elite crew can get 2 shots off in a minute. In short, the answer to your question is: No. Tell him to quit complaining and get back to losing all his AFVs. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier: I think Mark IV, Knight of Outdated AFV's that make splodey noiseses should have a piece of newly liberated beach to keep him happy. Any news from thither? <hr></blockquote> Sent him an e-mail a few days ago, but have heard nothing. Perhaps, he shook his private parts one too many times at the jarheads, or they found out he has better weapons than they do, and they attacked.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Still wondering who the Senior Knights are? <hr></blockquote> Nope.
  4. None really, but rumor has it Pawbroon soon will be releasing a nifty mod of it. It'll look so much nice when it brews up.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: OK I think you maay be aware that I do not care one way or the other about the whole Knight and squire thing: if you persist in bringing class into the thing I will persist in insisting that we change over to a subcontinental caste system, where garbage pickers like the unbolded and lowercase pl are in the "untouchable" caste. You know the one that is so lowly and scumly that NO one of any standing whatsoever will even look at the grimey bugger? So give up your titular ways and see the new day of Castes.<hr></blockquote> A title is a title is a title, you anarcho-syndicalist.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: By the way, who the FECK is Patch and is she hot?<hr></blockquote> Well, she is married to Satan. Does that qualify as hot?
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: You're already a Seniour Knight, you pillock.<hr></blockquote> Feh! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Stand ready to serve in whatever fashion the Mother Beautiful Thread requires, ya' dangly bit of undifferentiated stupidity.<hr></blockquote> Just shakin' the bush here, boss. [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: A man who screams 'Freeze, scumbag, or I'll fill you full of lead' while describing his part time job and stuffing himself to the point of rupture on appetizers at family gatherings. <hr></blockquote> Tackleberry?
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Seanachai, Peng, It seems there is some confusion as to who is or is not a senior knight. I propose that we look upon this matter and post for an accurate list so the slow witted mortals may thus be enlightened<hr></blockquote> If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Say, how's Persephone doing? Lawyer had only the nicest things to say about her. Said right up front that she was your redeeming feature. 'Cept she wouldn't dance. But I understand that sort of thing. [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote> The only reason she wouldn't dance is that Lawyer kept screaming for the Chicken Dance, so she rightly declined.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Now, as for the status of Seniour Knight: I don't believe this was ever intended to be a status that you were either born with, or would be forever denied... So, as time passes, it only stands to reason and common sense usage, that long-time posters, found to be of value to the Thread, and useless for anything else in the Universe, will come to be Seniour Knights. They will, of course, be raised by the acclaim of their fellows, and by their contributions to the Peng Challenge Thread, and by the solemn nod of the Olde Ones. Oh, and sometimes just because we Olde Ones bloody well say it's so. Actually, that's mainly when it will occur. <hr></blockquote> Having neither the gift of verbosity nor diarrhea of the keyboard, let us cut to the chase here. If Seanachai is correct in his assertions, then none of us know who are Senior Kaniggets, if in fact any exist. It appears that the arbitrary and capricious first-10-pages exercise was in error. Let the assembled throng of Kaniggets clatter goblets, pound their staffs on the stonework, clank mail and generally be a nuisance as they await the proclamation of the Olde Ones [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: Oooh! Oooh! Wha' page were Ah on? SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<hr></blockquote> 59 quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by chrisl: There has however been no effort to tie GR and QM together in such a way that a moron such as yourself could understand it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, duhhh! Moron's listen up - this includes anyone who's moniker begins with an "M" (or an "m"), which of course includes "P"s due to an unspoken but lewd association. Superstring? Superstring? Helloooo! No effort my eye! What the bloated bladder of a barfing bandicoots pet hamster do you think the Superstring is for? Watch my lips - "to tie together General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics". What else would you tie them together with, piddle soaked lederhosen? Sometimes I looks and wonders, and sometimes I just looks. OGSF
  13. Ahh, found it. On page 53 of the MBT, we were graced with this from Elvis: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>OK ... time for me to chime in here. I've been lurking for too long now (Really, I only check it every 200 or 300 posts) ... But it is time my voice is heard ... aaahhh DAMN I forgot what I was going to say.<hr></blockquote> From page 33 was Mace's inaugural post: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Can anyone tell me if there is a prize for the 1,000th post? btw this threads has as many legs as Days of Our Lives, which is kind of sad really.<hr></blockquote>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: I didn't post on the first 10 pages? Are you sure?<hr></blockquote> Nope, you were late with your "wankers." If I can get the URL from Berli or Pawbroon, I'll double check, but I don't think it was there.
  15. How long one has had the game, heard of the game, etc., has no bearing on one's senior kaniggetness. Nay, the standard is much lower than that. The arbitrary and capricious standard—as if could there be any other—that was used to determine senior kanigget status was decided upon aeons ago. It was who posted in the first 10 pages of the precedent-setting, original thread that started it all. Stuka's name is there. To wit: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Berlichtingen Member Member # 40 posted 09-08-2001 03:06 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senior Knights, in the order of their joining: Seanachai jdmorse Moriarty Berlichtingen Speedy MrPeng Bauhaus Lorak Mark IV Stuka Germanboy Geier Aitken Joe Shaw Goanna GI Tom Taken from the first 10 pages of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, and it will always be there <hr></blockquote> Edited because I almost forgot to cite my references: The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread (Page 4) [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: He's not Australian so I fail to see how that would help ... now if it was Stuka ... Joe<hr></blockquote> Roight, now see here Joe Shaw, don't you a-go rippin' up on my former vassal like that. He fulfilled all his obligations as Squire right fine, he did. An' now look at him (getting all sentimental), in his shiny Kaniggety armor and clanky thingies ... You got a problem with Stuka, you settles it on the battlefield all gameylike. An' don't even think aboot givin' him a *kick* as he's a full-fledged Senior Kanigget.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Too complicated. Why don't we just shoot Moriarty instead? Mace btw I have my Kniggit papers!<hr></blockquote> You'll always be a hanger-on in my book, Mace old chap.
  18. If I understand MrPeng correctly, he was saying that AussieJeff is one of them DownUnder types, right? Hearing nothing to the contrary, I must be right. Ergo, we should let the Aussies assume full control and responsibility for him. As such, if he steps too far out of line, as noted by the Olde Ones and the Justicar, who stands in Lorak's stead, then we demote the senior Aussie Senior Knight, Goanna to Knight, then to serf, then to SSN, then Out. Then we start with the next Aussie Senior Knight, etc., etc. Then, move to Knights. Then to any random Aussie hangers-on (Mace), then to the NZers ... In this way, Seanachai achieves his goal of crushing the Southern Hemisphere. Eventually, they'll all be gone and we can start on the Euro-Scando cabal. Of course, there is a slight possibility I may have misunderstood him.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Aye! Well I would saye aye except I'm not a senior Kinnigit due to some technicality. btw, who do I have to sleep with to get promoted around here? Mace<hr></blockquote> Shandorf If that be distasteful to you, some use of my senior status might be arranged for, say, some use of your mutha beautiful NDA [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: We should point out that the GOAL of this scenario is that I scurry my troops off the back of the map.<hr></blockquote> Oh, did I forget to mention that?
  21. Holy moly, there's no stops on their organs. BTS, please fix or do somefink! Congrats, Bill.
  22. Hiram, you and yours are still in our thoughts. Meeks, glad to see you back,sir. Au contraire Joe Shaw, but the MBT is missing one of the family without him. Now, an MBT without Flossie, well, that would be ... Now for a wee update: Blousemouse, got off to a good start as his feldgraus shredded my recon units. He now feels the steel of the Mighty Poles (sit down, ye sodding git). jd is massing his feeble gum-chewers for the assault across a couple of bridges. He's feeling might good about beating up on a couple of hapless Marders and the Hetzer from Hell. He will be destroyed like the phlegmatic old coot that he is. Joe Shaw is scurrying his troops off the back of the map in a scenario that is so ploddingly slow and tedious that it would serve outstandingly as a means to extend Dunbar's life. Leeo is in for some serious whup-ass but he doesn't realize it yet. The gamey edge-huggin' sumnabatchin ice ... thinks I don't see him sneakin' up the border. Herr Oberst and I are just getting under way in Andreas' newest, or one of them anyway. He's leading the assault with an H-39 Hotkiss. I give him credit, he's got some serious 'nads to be a-doin' that. OGSF, the gamey, rush-the-main VL snot-gobbler himself, has foiled my initial plan in Goanna's fine Fertile Ground scenario. So, now he'll have to cross the bridge for a blood-bath at a secondary VL. MrPeng has vanquished my feeble feldgrau forces in a byte battle being playtested for Andreas. Using some of the finest examples of right-out-of-a-grog-textbook military tactics and in truly uncharacteristic anti-Cesspoolian form, he has methodically walked his unending artillery from one edge of the map to the other, destroying all resistance in its path. He followed that with precision use of infantry and supporting armor to rout the disheveled and unhappy forces that remained. In true character, however, he did have a squad jog down a dirt road to their utter annihilation. But all in all, a truly grog tactical spectacle for him and debacle for me. Steve the Rat is MIA, no doubt quivering in fear as he ponders his next feeble move. adieu for now. Edited to reflect yet another loss to the Army of Peng. [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
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