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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Equinox: Ill chime in with something annoying Ive noticed. Again, if its been discussed/identified before Im sorry. If you set a waypoint with pauses for a unit, and then shift the destination by dragging it with your mouse, the pauses are removed. I cant imagine that that was intentional myself.<hr></blockquote> If I remember correctly, pause commands work only at the beginning of the turn. You can't order a squad to move, pause for 15, 30 seconds, and move again.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish: Can't they just load the dead guy into the breech and blow him out with the next round?<hr></blockquote> Tube 1, fire. Tube 2, fire. Bodies away, sir.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly: I've posted it elsewhere but got no reply, so here it goes again. I noticed in a game with a lot of shocked halftracks that they remained shocked for the duration (50 odd turns). However, they promptly executed all movement orders, but of course couldn't fire anymore. Is this normal ?<hr></blockquote> If the HT's crew is two people and the gunner gets whacked, the vehicle will still move around, tow guns, ferry squads, etc., but there'll be no one to pull the trigger on the MG.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Ditto. MarkIV is just too damn funny. I still can't figure out how a guy from Fresno could get that way. He must be a genetic anomoly. [ 10-26-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<hr></blockquote> He's from Michigan, or somefink, which calls for a sense of humor.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Further, "Yeast" + "Infection" = "Fermentation" + "Process" = "More" + "Beer" Thus, it must be true that: "Aussie" + "culture" = "More" + "Beer" QED! Mace<hr></blockquote> Well, done, Mace. Stixx has a grasp of the obvious, but you, sir, have that rare ability to delve into the crux (no Bauhaus, this is not for you) of the matter.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx: What is the American motto? "In dog we thrust" oh sorry it's "In God we trust" Looks like i get my Mords Wixed just like you.<hr></blockquote> Either or, macht's nichts.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Turkish: A anarcho-syndalist, now if any dictionary actually had that word in it I might know what the feck I'm gonna be...<hr></blockquote> When the Olde Ones really get rolling, sometimes their keyboards don't spell so good. Look up "syndicalism" and you'll know half of what an anarcho-syndicalist is, but don't come back until you've prepared a 500-word essay on the subject.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: A report just in The Stuka/Mace telephon has to date raised *tallies proceeds* a big 0! Come on, dig deep, this is the chance of a lifetime to get a bit of Aussie Culture in ya! Mace<hr></blockquote> Does "Aussie" + "culture" = "Yeast" + "infection"?
  9. I've had it work both ways with TRPs: falling in a reasonable area and falling all over the map. There's only two things to remember about using rockets: 1. WWII rocket navigational/targeting technology doesn't and 2. Target them 200m or so ahead of your lines or you're likely to lose some infantry or vehicles.
  10. Peng ya sodding, git, my money's on you agin them other Old Ones. An' make sure Berli doesn't keep the Elixir of the Old Ones all to himself.
  11. Lorak, take care, man. Keep your powder dry and remember: Windage and elevation. Our game remains open indef. [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cubbies Phan: Well a good work around for not having to deal with resource files is to buy a PC. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pray tell how downgrading your entire system is a good work-around? On second thought, don't. Thanks for the update, Matt [ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Mark IV, Fresno is not "SoCal." It's just . . . well . . . Fresno. =\ But hey, if there's some kind of drunken SoCal CM orgy planned tomorrow, how come I wasn't invited? Kitty =^..^=<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, the welcome return of Kitty to the MBT ... greetings. Hope all is well with you. The southern California contingent has some sort of soiree planned, but I'm sure they'll have a seat at the table ready for you. [ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: I'm flattered....comparing me to the great one. By the way, it's been nuts here, ask Moriarty and Berli. A house done blowed up (guy offed himself by seeing how high his house could fly filled with natural gas and a lighter), a science experiment gone bad and 7 kids caught fire and just general stupid stuff happening all week. News happens.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't know what you're talking about, slacker boy. And don't implicate me in your excuses for ignoring such a fine, upstanding kanigget as Sir Joe Shaw. And to Mark IV, congratulations on the successful completion of Phase 1 of the Mutha Beautiful Moving Operation. Are we drinking single-malt scotch or martinis? [ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  15. I got yer game. Send it. Either game, any side.
  16. A co-worker got me hooked on the beta in late November early December of 1999. For that, I am grateful. For that, my wife isn't. C'est la vie
  17. A nifty trick that I learned (the hard way) back in the Last Defense days, was that if the KT is caught in the open and you have 2 speedy TDs (a la M-18), you can sometimes get them circling the KT, one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. Eventually, one or both will get the flank or rear shot you need to KO the KT. Admittedly, all conditions have to be right for this to occur: terrain open but with enough nearby cover that you can get close without getting killed; no supporting German armor/Infantry AT hanging about to plink the TDs; etc. But, it's great fun when it comes together. Even being on the losing end of it, I had to laugh at the movie and my stupidity for not having adequate support for the armor.
  18. Nice work, Jake. The Midwest Chapter of the CM Cesspool invites you and your wallet to the NW Chicago area.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: So Moriarity, my little scheme of training the Lawyer has come to a close and you are now on the list of shame. It is a shame that one can earn only one asterisk, but I will overlook that and give you a shellacking like the ones pappy used to give you out behind the woodshed. Send me a setup you insufferable paper-man and I will trim my hickory switch. Prepare to drop trau and feel the sting of a branch on the back of your fish-belly white, flabby, office-worker thighs. Peng[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, well, the Pod has awakened. Have you any last requests, requirements, suggestions, alibis, excuses, wants, needs, orders, supplications or any other kind of statement pertaining to said setup?
  20. Sir OGSF, that's some of the funniest stuff I've read here in a long time. You gotta stop kickin' the spaniel, though, or we're going to have to call the ASPCA on you.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Moriarity, you bloody idjit. Did I mean to say that Fionn could not taunt? I did not. Did I mean to indicate that Fionn, exiled from the Board (and no one will understand that sense of loss, seperation, and being an outsider more than a member of the Peng Challenge Thread), could not actually post his goddamn taunts? Yes, Moriarity, that's what I was trying to indicate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I quite realise that, ya git. Do you think for a moment that if he wanted to taunt your sorry butt, he could not find the means or the channel to do so? Has he not spoken on the beloved MBT through Lorak before? Did he not make his views known here (wittingly or unwittingly) through you yourself, ya blathering buffoon? I believe he did.
  22. Hoist 'im on a stake. Then hoist a proper pint of Guinness to 'im, fine Celtic lad that he is. Can't taunt? Bollocks to that Senility, you haven't been around long enough. Even in his present circumstances, Fionn Kelly (yes, bolded out of respect) can taunt with the best of 'em if he so chooses. [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sightreader: Thanks Moriarty! I've been trying diagonal maps using the auto-generator, since most of my battles are very small. Do you think some of the maps on those web sites would benefit from the diagonal treatment? Ya kinda lost me on that edge hugging comment: I assume it's an inside joke over this newbie's head. Hopefully, if the diamond map works right, edge hugging is suicide unless you've gotten past the halfway point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> On the Der Kessel site, there's a battle map called "Tank Country." It's 1600m square, as I recall, and pretty open ... so the AFVs can air out their main guns a little. But, there's enough variation in the terrain that it's not a shootout at the OK Corral. You can make the map smaller by cutting down the size in the scenario editor. If you load the map into the editor, you can use the minus button to make it smaller from the North and West. Hold down the shift key, and you can decrease cut it down from South and East. This way, you can tailor the map to as much or little of it as you want ... and then put your setup zones in the corners, if you like. Edge-hugging is when your opponent moves his forces very close to the edge of the map, thus protecting his entire flank on one side. Some view this as gamey and as such it has been discussed to death. (Personally, I view the flank security of my forces as my responsibility and therefore not a gamey tactic as it also limits his ability to move). The references to maneuver and attrition are to separate schools of thought -- the maneuverist and attritionist theories -- on the most effective way to win a battle ... and the subject of very long debates (sometimes heated), which I was poking some fun at for Louie's benefit.
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