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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: Why doesn't CMBO model the Heavy at the Troop (HTTTC) Tank Throw Cannon? This is just another example of BTS's pro-commonwealth bias, as the HTTTC was particularly effective against tanks organized in troops. I believe US forces located a prototype of a Heavy at the Platoon Tank Throw Cannon near the end of the war, but there is no evidence that a HPTTC actually saw combat. I hope the Heavy at the Troop Tank Throw Cannon is modelled in CMBB<hr></blockquote> Yes, quite. BTS we simply must have the HTTTC ... please fix or do somfink!
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: What are we talking about here? I've never heard of such a thing.<hr></blockquote> The PAW is available as a German support gun from Jan 1945 on. It's at the bottom of the list with the Puppchen. [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  3. They're great when you can get 'em. 8cm round can punch a Churchill at 700m-plus and they have a good ammo loadout ... about equal HE and AP so they're good against soft targets, too. These are most definitely guns, not howitzers. But like all onboard arty, they are susceptible to bad placement, low LOS, enemy artillery fire, infantry fire, machine gun fire, flamethrowers, mortar fire, AFV fire, rockets and the occasional grenade. [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Fiddle-de-sticks! I am an all-american, german-heritage, butt-kicking gum-chewer. What have you to say to that! Send your worst, make me the Germans, and give me a warm body to pummel. Enuf said.<hr></blockquote> Funny you should mention this, Herr Knackwurst as I just a few minutes ago e-mailed Andreas about this very same setup ... and your name figured prominently in the message. Well, actually, it was either you or Sneezy Ichiu. Guess I'll save him for dessert.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Now, speaking of doing your reading in the proper place, I suggest that the Bard return to reading Tome 1 of the chronicles of cess and he will find me scribed as early as the oldest of Olde Ones (with a member number to match) and would likely be the senior member from the Lucky Country. <hr></blockquote> Hey, Berli, you wanna let the Scaly One in on The Secret? [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: What we're on about here is Eldest Australian. You folk need sorting out, you do.<hr></blockquote> Whyn't you set up a gamey ladder match for the honor of being old. Then all you'd have to do is figure out who qualifies. Sounds like Speedy and Goanna are in ... an' Stuka's already about 15 years older than his wife.
  7. As I recall, that pic that Patch did of Joe Shaw looked even better with Bauhaus' head on it ... you ain't the first ol' Just-A-Fahrvegnugen.
  8. I don't have a lot of experience with the crocodiles and such but if I remember correctly the player does not get the choice. I believe the AI, a k a the tank commander or crew, decides whether to use the main gun or the flamethrower.
  9. Keys to using sharpshooters are: 1. Good LOS. They need an area of concealment that has good LOS. It doesn't have to be a wide area, either. It can be good LOS to a bridge, a crossroad, wherever you want them to cause trouble. 2. Let them pick their targets. I have found them much more effective if the AI picks the target. I just walk them where I want them and let them do the rest. 3. Don't let the low ammo count put you off. One sharpshooter nestled in bocage took out a mortar crew, immobilized a medium MG and whacked the better part of a platoon HQ ... and was never spotted. In another game, a veteran sharpshooter took out 2 H-39 Hotkisses (2-man crew, get the TC and the driver usually bugs out); and took out a platoon HQ (no C&C puts a real crimp in morale). 4. As with FOs, the more experience, the better they are. Go veteran or better if possible.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: Dear Sergei, I tend to agree with you that at first glance using a Pak Front tactic in CM could be very difficult to carry out. But this just hopped out of my head. A judicious use of smoke may be a key element: Race up with armor, have towed AT guns following. Lay smoke in between. Unlimber the AT guns under smoke concealment. Move the armor back thru the smoke or off to the flank. When the smoke clears, you have a Pak Front with an armor strike force. Some complications of course, like what happens when the smoke dissipates unevenly and lets the enemy gang up on each gun individually as it appears. But on the other hand if the armor strike force was on the flank I think you would get a lot of flank shots targets. I think torpedo bombers in the pacific called this the "hammer and anvil" approach. Probably much better deployed in the desert or on the steppes. Daydreaming Toad<hr></blockquote> Interesting concept. It would bear some experimentation before use in a game. I think you're going to need about 4 turns of smoke for a gun of any size. As I recall, that might use up an entire allotment for an 81mm FO dumping it in as fast as it can.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Damnation, so that's who he is!!! I drove past this OGSF character just the other day, as he was standing on the street corner. He was wearing a funny little skirt if I remember correctly (yes I could have been more succinct with IIRC, but it would have gone over the heads of more than half the Cesspoolers). Oh, and he had this live cat slung under his arm, and he was squeezing the poor animal so hard that it wailed with a sound so horrible I had to close my windows and turn up the Techno CD I was listening to. Last I saw, the National Park Police were chasing him across the Reflecting Pool down in front of the Lincoln Memorial...<hr></blockquote> He tends to kick his wee Spaniel, too.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Actually I am a dyed in the wool, registered, weapon toting, bagel and cream cheese eating, bond carrying, trained law enforcement officer 1 None of this renta cop crap. I work 12 hours a week part-time plus extra work on special assignments. It can be a bit weird leaving DOJ, teaching my research class, then going out on the street (where I have to wear my uniform and weapon to class to save time) but so far it has been a lot of fun. However, since I know you could really care less, feck you.<hr></blockquote> Lock up this thread, the wimmin, the chillun, the sheep an' let's have a Cesspool bash in Columbia, S.C. An' Slappy, as a well-respected member of the law enforcement community, will put out the word that this one's off-limits to police interference, er, intervention. [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Oh and what’s this. Moriarty as a second to chrisl. Now there’s a pair of feckin bookends if I’ve ever seen a pair. I sure hope someone is videotaping this match as I haven’t had a s much comic relief since I stopped volunteering weekends at the group home. snip Finally, just to refresh the record for the denizens of deep southern Wisconsin who have the attention spans of mayflies on Thai-stick, my foray there resulted in the serious counting of coup for the Scaly One and much forlock pulling, toe scraping and lamenting on the part of all of the residents in the vicinity. <hr></blockquote> Regarding the first quote, let us be quite clear on the order of thingies here. MrPeng and Chrisl are the combatants. Joe Shaw and I are merely creating a boatload of misery, er, um, selecting the forces, yeah, that's the ticket, for the aforementioned Kaniggets. Regarding the second, you were in deep southern Wisconsin and didn't stop by for a frosty? For shame, Future Boots, for shame. [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl: I don't recall that it said all caps in our email exchange. I was thinking just one or two, carefully chosen. Just the "h" perhaps, as it has a nice symmetry when capitalized. Ah, well, so be it. I will play for ALL CAPS vs the Gates-slut. In the interest of not causing such a furor as OGSF with his stinkin' long name, Peng will have the option of simply using Gates-slut, with the formerly known as Peng part left in his sig or the body of his post. I too shall need a second--unless Shaw would be so gracious as to populate the map for both of us. [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]<hr></blockquote> I will serve as your second, Chrisl
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by lcm1947: I forgot to put mine down. Austin, Texas, USA. That's in the United States of America for those of you that don't know - or care. <hr></blockquote> Texas in the US of A ... when'd that happen? B. on Richards Gebauer AFB in Kansas City, MO; raised at Truax AFB in Madison, WI; ended up in McHenry, IL. [ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Richard Cuccia, the PiggDogg: Here is a closely related question. Do engineers spot anti-tank mines when they walk over them or spend time adjacent to those AT mines? :confused: I have found that generally engineers do not spot AT mines even when walking over or spending time adjacent to the mines. Cheers, Richard <hr></blockquote> I have to agree on the spotting thing. The only time I've seen engineers do anything on buried AT mines is after one of my HTs or armor has been disabled. Then, they'll go to work on the minefield ... assuming there is not too much incoming.
  17. Other than the obvious daisy chains, I've yet to see infantry detect AT mines. I've only found them the hard way.
  18. Often, you'll get a kinder reception to basic questions on the Tips & Tricks board. [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: Anyone care to adjudicate a jolly round of Moriarty and I slapping each other with fishes (I mean, Combat Mission)? I've never had a second set up a battle for me, so that would be great fun. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Oh, and as far as Roget's, well, I've never been Rogeted before, and I don't intend to allow you the privilage either, Moriarty. Perhaps one of Mace's sheep is available for a good Rogeting by yourself. Oh, and that brings us back to singular. By yourself. Alone. One, un, eins, een, uno, ichi, eun, i, en, moja. [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]<hr></blockquote> You may be right, perhaps a Rochambeau would be more appropriate for the likes of you. If you do not find a second, Sir Leeo, then just name your terms. [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: Uno? Now, If you'd asked me to name "one who exudes a malodorous, puerile, presence", why of course, the answer would be Moriarty. However, I had assumed you were asking me a difficult question.<hr></blockquote> Mucking about in the Roget's again, eh? No, I would not pose a difficult question to you, sir, as your once rapier-like wit has been dulled. OK, you reeking heap of scum-encrusted, plague-ridden hamster droppings, you are a collection of pustular boils on the posterior region of a malarial nematode. This has gone far enough. You, a former pissbucket provocateur, are a mere amalgamation of Stygian bat droppings who has strained the boundaries of the Cesspool to the point that its noxious effluent is oozing into my abode. I demand satisfaction. Delegate some lackey to come clean up the mess. Failing that, send me your head in a bucket of Drano. [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: Singular.<hr></blockquote> Yes you are, fortunately for the rest, but you still haven't.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: The Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng<hr></blockquote> You forgot to mention Generalissimo, Feldmarschal, Grand Poobah and Lord High Commander of the Army of Peng ... AoP for short.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: [edited because ... by golly, people like me!] [ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]<hr></blockquote> Name one.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: You should be ashamed!!!!!!! (<---- lots of exclamation marks to display my loathing and disgust) Mace <hr></blockquote> Joe Shaw, take no offense at this most recent hurling of Mace, for he means not what he says. To wit, since the continent known as Australia is south of equator, things there are done in reverse. Ergo, if it were moved north of the equator, then the continent would be incontinent, Down Under would be Up Above, Outback would be In Front and Mace's use of multiple exclamation points would be declaring his undying respect and admiration for you. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  25. If I remember correctly, the map size (small, med or large) is relative to the number of points. If you have a large-point game, even the "small" map is going to seem big. You could search out battle maps (maps with no units) on sites like www.derkessel.de or combat mission scenario depot at http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/ to find maps that fit your needs. Then d/l them, choose your units and you're on your way.
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