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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. I'm not a fan of rushing the VL, but I do like it when my opponent does it. Personally, I favor moving units in a more realistic fashion, i.e. leap-frogging, overwatch, a little recon along the way, etc. It usually takes longer to make contact, but it also usually prevents walking into overwhelming trouble. When my opponent rushes the VL, the nature of the game now has changed to an attack-defense, with both sides on equal footing in terms of points. And, the defender cannot dig in. I now know where a portion of the opposing force—usually a significant portion—is situated. This opens up a wonderful bombardment opportunity. Arty, smoke, attack. Most often now, when I play MEs, it's on a third-party map with no VLs. [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: I think I'm in it too. I don't have a title I think, I'm just here to kill people. Which brings me to: In order for me to be able to continue killing you I need someone to send me 1 (one) zipped copy of the program MS-DOS. This is not a joke, I need it to install Windows ME which I need to play CM. please send it asap to njn@home.se. Thank you, and remember if anyone could give the term Die-A-Lot a face, Bill would be the man. Bill is our friend.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gah! Should have bought a Mac.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Moriarity Don't make me come across the room at you!! (Der Kessel is next, but not many mods). The trouble is boredom in Scotland, or wherever Aitken abides. That's why I'm encouraging him to become a street fightin' man, or else get some tips from Mace on sheep buggering. Scotland has plenty of those to spare.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, Lawyer, let's take this from the top. First, if you're coming across at me, you better be carrying a martini, a proper one with the vermouth; a G&T -- well, gimlets ain't bad either ; or a single malt scotch or all of the above, boyo. And a laptop for a game or two, too. And bring some for yourself. Second, knowing a few of the fine folk at Der Kessel, I can't think of a one who would be intimidated or in any way riled into petulance by Aitken and his occasional lapses into Grognardism ... or anybody elses for that matter. And, third, well, you just may be onto something there. The Aussies had to learn it from somewhere, I guess.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Right then, MORTUARY I've about had it with you. I make it practice to bold AND correctly spell the names of Knights and Squires to the CessPool, not as a gesture of respect (I hold you ALL in equal contempt ... well, some are more contemptible than others) but as a nod to tradition and STATION in life. That you should continue to make sport of my noble name is an insult that is not to be borne (or born, I forget which). I expect a full apology forthwith ... or cash, either will do. Joe {edited to add venom toward MORTUARY} [ 07-28-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There you go with that gnat nattering again. Well, then, Sir Joe Shaw, Persecutor of the One True CessPool, it is apparent that you are intent on changing long-standing 'Pool tradition, specifically the bastarrrd-ization of one's nick, or did I miss that in the Code of Conduct? I was looking for it by chapter and verse, but that little wanker Elvis got there first and did away with all the numbers and such. Next thing you know, MrSpkr will steal all the vowels. Feh! Back to the topic at hand, I propose a little tilt at the quintain (or windmill, if you prefer). I suggest, Sir Kanigget, this shall be resolved on the field of dishonor. State your terms, Sir Guffaw!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Message to David Aitken Shut yer pastie hole up around CM modmakers. Better yet, stay away from them entirely. They don't need your turds in their punchbowl. Now, I'll survive the loss of Tiger since I have all his mods that I want. But if you get near Marco Bergman or Magua, I will personally phone the Daily Express and tell them you are Jeffrey Archer's boy toy. Got it?? (BTW, truth is an absolute defense against libel) So keep staring at yer 8-bit color palette at 256x256 and lying to yourself that it must be good because it looks so crappy. Ya Tony Blair look-a-like git! You probably have posters of Princess Di and Claire all over your room. Why don't ya got out and throw rocks at the asian youths in yer neighborhood instead of causing trouble on the forum!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aitken didn't cause Tiger to do anything he wasn't planning to do anyway, in terms of leaving (either for good or for awhile). I will grant you, though, that telling an artist that his work and long hours in a given medium essentially has no meaning or value probably will get you the Cartmanesque "screw you, I'ma goin' home" response. As a flame war goes, it was lame -- certainly not enough to warrant leaving the board based solely on that.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: As me ole pappy used to say "Jesus H jumped up Keerist". I take a couple of days off to travel between there and here and miss all the best pissing contests. OK, so after reading the combined detritus of locked threads and our own lovely home (what's that smell?), I only want to add: wussies I hope Germanboy can put me on his dance card soon, because I really love getting beat up by a pro. Now, on to business at hand. I am in need of a map for the perusal of the closet numerologist and myself in the dreaded Blood Hmaster. mensch if you could pull your thumb out and send something to both Elvis and I we can get at hazard forthwith (but certainly not fourthwith). Berli has already moved onto the next step, so we are just waiting on you untermensch Finally, if any of you want to continue our current stouches will you please send me whatever you have currently as i couldn't be bothered swapping and sorting which are which from the laptop. This means YOU Moriarty, OGSF, Shaw, Lorak and Agua<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Have you cleared out yer verdammt mailbox yet, LizardGit? No point in sending if they just keep bouncing back. You should set a priority where my incoming takes priority over and pushes out mail from, say, Joe Pshaw.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator: Grrrrr - Lay off the mighty Mr Pawbroon. I will defend him with all the means in my power (ok, not many, I'll admit) right up until the point that the releases his promised Daimler mod, then he's all yours & taunt him an extra one for me. Just make sure he doesn't withdraw the mod when you really upset him before I have a chance to download it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He's awaiting a flash of artistic inspiration ... one just never knows when that'll happen. Until then, we fight.
  8. Just a question for those of you paranoid-schizo-psychos who are making lists (hmmm, the blustering blaggard Joe Pshaw, Persecutor of the CessPool comes to mind, as does the Johnny-come-lately in the wacko department Aitken): Are you numbering the people on these lists? Elvis wanted to know so he could add you to his.
  9. Broon, ya lumbering, cotton pickin', CessPool-dwelling Git, if you don't get a taker for one of those new Berli maps at Der Kessel, pick one and we'll have a go. Now, that you've exorcised those German AFV demons, maybe you can beat me legit.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: (Shaw being a prime example of an overweening buzzing gnat) I offer these thoughts. Take for example Loraks statement: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come now, Tailgunner Joe, Persecutor and Projector of The One The True CessPool, it may well be that the pseudo-pommie Simon Fox was referring to your tendency to natter, thereby rendering you a nat ... sans king cole, of course. Perchance you remember the phrase "nattering nabobs of negativism" ... well you get the picture. T'is a sad, sad thing to watch the downfall, demise and probably ultimate ruin (unless stern corrective measures are taken) of one held in such esteem as is possible in the CessPool. Doubtless you are unaware of the slow workings of demise but the signs are there, Mark IV has seen them, I believe. The dead giveaway was all that mucking about at the bottom of the 'Pool with Whuppin' Boy. Post after post engaging in bad repartee with one so beneath your station in Cess. What sort of behavior is that for a Kanigget of the 'Pool? I ask you. Then, the paranoia that struck out of the blue. Evidenced by the blathering on about lists, conspiracies, subversion, perversion, aversion, inversion, etc. ad nauseum. I submit these quotes from your recent posts: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> just remember that I've got spies everywhere. The Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices NEVER RESTS I wanted to strike a little fear into the hearts of the SECRET supporters of the Outerboarders and SSNs, you know who you are ... and SO DO I! And you still might for calling me paranoid, you're just like everyone else, all of you are out to get me, following me, taping my phone calls, substituting pod people for my family, WELL YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps a bit of readjustment is in order. Is there a doctor in the 'Pool? Failing that, where is the Keeper of The Brick? [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest: Gee Steve I wish you would show a little more compassion. Tiger and Marco and many many many many others that have even made one mod have helped guide us to what is possible with this engine. CMBB's graphics are influenced by these mod artists. Charles in an article praises all the modmakers and scenario makers around. We are not just losing a contributor (which is bad) but we are now losing a leader. Again. And I think the most disturbing comment on this entire thread is the seperation of the MBT thread and the "outer forum". What the hell is that? We all belong to the forum and as such should support each other and discuss (and argue, not flame or fight) the two things we all love: CM and WWII. Like I said before the issues of elitism and holier than though attitude are really grating. Get over it! [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Priest, this is the second or third time in as many threads that you have intimated the Cesspool, aka MBT, comprises elitist and holier-than-thou board members. If that is your opinion of it, you seriously misunderstand the purpose and location of the pool. I will not delve into an epic discussion of Seanachai proportions. I will say, however, that the pool is neither elitist nor holier-than-thou. It caters to the lowest common denominator: fun. Admittedly, it is rude, childish, contemptuous, bile-laden and politically incorrect, but it is open to anyone. Yes, there are rules clearly stated, although the numbering can be bewildering, above and beyond the rules of conduct of the board. These rules do not suit everyone and the vast majority of the board wants no part of it. But that is the individual's decision. The individual excludes himself from the pool, not vice versa. The differentiation between the Outer Board and the 'Pool is such because the members view the 'Pool as a haven from some of the intellectually disguised silliness that goes on out here. Lastly, the Cesspool exists as it does because BTS wants it contained for the benefit of the majority who do not want any part of it. And with the exception of the occasional "leak," which is rapidly attended to by His Baldness, our faithful steward, that is how it will remain until BTS decides otherwise. [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  12. A part of the problem is attempting to communicate strongly held beliefs and positions using the written word. In this format there is no voice inflection, no eye contact, no cues as to what is "between the lines." (Side note: The various emoticons can impart some of this but only if the reader accepts them. Many do not, believing instead the author is using a smiley or winky to hide the dagger.) For example, from the opening post (Disclaimer: Nothing is intended about Franko by choosing this particular statement and I am simply using it as an example). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>No one on this board knows as much as they think they know, all could stand a bit more knowledge, and just about everyone could stand just a tad more civility.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is this: A) a statement of well-reasoned observation, a statement of obvious truth and wisdom, C) a statement that the author thinks he is smarter than everyone else, D) a statement that the author has more smarts, more courteous manners and therefore is a better person than anyone who enters into a debate. I think the answer is "B" with a little "A" thrown in, but another reader could take it another way. How you view the written word depends on what you bring to the table. Do I, as the reader/recipient, take the words at face value or do I go looking for meaning in between the lines that may or may not be intended or exist? Do I categorically reject the statement because I saw Franko's name and didn't like or agree with what he has written elsewhere or because we have been on opposite sides in a flame war or debate and I have no respect for him? Am I just in a pissy, hypersensitive mood today and this just struck me wrong? This happens a lot with e-mails, too. Sadly, we as society largely have lost the ability to argue a point without taking it personally. In the days before TV (and no, I'm not that old), debate was a form of entertainment, an art form, if you will. The great debaters vehemently and emotionally argued positions based on clearly thought out reasoning and evidence. Lawyers will say some of the most outlandish, provocative things to further their case, but when it's over ... it wasn't personal. In my side job as a firefighter/EMT, the chief of my department and others, myself included, often do not see eye to eye. He is of the sort who can get into a verbal donnybrook, complete with shouting, ingenious concoctions of cuss words, etc., and after it is done, buy you a drink at a bar. Why? Because it was business, nothing more, nothing less and definitely not personal. You may not agree with him, but you do respect that in him. The Reader's Digest form of what I'm getting at is that before you respond to a perceived slight: 1. Take a quick look at different ways the post could be taken. 2. If you're going to enter the fray, argue the issue. 3. If both sides have made their points and neither is swayed, it's time to agree to disagree (or challenge the other guy to a game. A lot of respect can be regained over a good PBEM game of CM). Just my 2 cents. [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Gawd what a twit. I SAID ... Before You Ask about the list ... and I never said you WERE on the list, I merely suggested that if you kept up your current attitude you might end up on it. And you still might for calling me paranoid, you're just like everyone else, all of you are out to get me, following me, taping my phone calls, substituting pod people for my family, WELL YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That would require that I read and comprehend every word you wrote and that might be in violation of some cool 'pool rule. Substituting pod peeps for your fam? Yow, that would take Penging to a whole new level ... the Pength degree, as it were. [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Now you weren't paying attention Sir Moriarty, I stated first that I had a SECRET list of FOUR Knights and I asked if you wanted to be number FIVE. See the beauty of the secret list is that it is SECRET and I can add whoever I want. And before you ask, no I won't publish the list because then it wouldn't be ... hello ... SECRET! But just remember that I've got spies everywhere. The Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices NEVER RESTS! This is fun, I can see why Joe McCarthy got such a kick out of it. Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool And to answer the question, it's normally NOT the done thing to bold one's own name, but in this case I wanted to strike a little fear into the hearts of the SECRET supporters of the Outerboarders and SSNs, you know who you are ... and SO DO I!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, I see paranoia has struck deep in the beloved 'pool with a newly risen "Tailgunner Joe." I was paying attention, but you evidently were not. I never asked you publish the list ... only to identify the SSN I purportedly supported. As you failed to strike any jot, whit or iota of fear into my heart whatsoever, I guess I fail to make the list. It's either that or I don't know who I am. Which is possible.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet: Now that's more like it. But you miss the point entirely. That was irony, ya twit. Referring to the "including blood and gore shows respect for the fallen" prattle that caused Seanachai to verbally assault me. Hence my challenge. Have you seen the junk getting debated on the outerboards? It's enough to force someone into the MBT just to avoid the stench! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your irony needs starch. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Edited, 'cause I want to make a really good impression. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Another sycophant. Wonderful. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Another original from Sir Joe Pshaw That would be Sir Joe Shaw to you Moriarty and don't think I haven't had my eye on you for quite some time now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As long as you insist on standing on ceremony, ya bilious, blustering, Mormonizing lawyer git, it's Sir Moriarty. One day we shall meet in battle and there will be more standing goin' on, Sir Knigget. And as far as your having your eye on me, keep your Bauhausian tendencies to yourself. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have a secret list of at least 4 Knights and 6 Squires who are in league with and supporting SSNs and Outerboarders. Would you like me to up that total to 5 Knights? Just keep it up pal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Secret lists, eh? How outerboard of you. Time for a sing-song: Which grog's side you on, boy Which grog's side you, on ... Just which SSN have I supported? Stand and deliver, your lupins or your life. (oops, wrong bit, there, but I digress) <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That's it Sir Joe, git 'em.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Speedhump, ya snivelling wretch ... *KICK* [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet: The rest of the Kniggits should have drawn and quarted you when they had the chance. Hanging isn't good enough for the likes of you. We need gore! Guts and gore, to appease the whining of the outerboards. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Re-pLeet, you impudent cur. While I agree that hanging and evisceration is too good for the likes of the Bumbling Bard of Avon Calling, who I hear tell in fact does drive a pink Yugo, what in the name of all that is Cess, makes you think we need to "appease" the outerboards? It's statements like this, ya plodding whelp, that will bring swift and sure retributions from the likes of Pshaw.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: People of the Peng Challenge, I come before you tonight a man much puzzled, much tried, a man, in a word, with much on his mind. Now, for many of you I know that last is a state you will never achieve. You will never suffer the stress of a multitude of thoughts competing for your attention, nor the viscitudes of having to weigh one thought against another, as the scale of your intellect has only one arm, and 'mental balance' means to many of you 'thinking very hard about the best way to walk home dead drunk without falling over'. et al <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No hangin's then, huh. Rats.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Pshaw p.s. It was +7 Underwear you goof, and they were Underoos at that. As if I'd be caught dead in +5 Underwear.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You sure those weren't +7 Garanimals ... we'd hate to see you uncoordinated. [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Step two involves you and Goanna deciding who will play the Allies and who the Axis...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, for a minute I thought you said the French and the Germans.
  21. Yes, I'm one of the tew, the proud, the MacAddicts (figured I'd get that in before Gluteus Maximus shows up) Running an old PowerComputing PowerCenter Pro 240 (got in on the fire sale when they got bought out), upgraded to G3 400, 192 MB, and Rage Orion 16MB vid card. It ain't flashy but the old dog works. [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Here, you little pillock, I keep looking for the thread where that unbelievable git Fieldmarshall accuses you of having started the Peng Challenge Thread, but I can't seem to lock it down. Could you let us know where this rather droll and empty-headed post is located? By the by, I never know how to deal with objects so apallingly useless as Fieldmarshall. Obviously he either has the mental age of an 8 year old, or he is in High School. Now, you want to encourage and mentor young people, certainly, but the repeated occurrence on the CM Boards of those with an ego strength far larger than their IQs, world experience, or anything interesting to say, does present a bit of a problem, which is further exacerbated by the nature of communication via the Internet. That is, the little bastards, with no more accomplishments in the world than the ability to turn on a computer, manipulate a few keys, and then evacuate themselves online, show-up and expect to be treated like actual human beings. Of course, when they are treated like actual human beings, that is, with no respect at all, belittled, laughed at, and pointed out for the useless little ****es they are, they bristle, yip, and demand favourable status. But I digress. Lindan, you horror. In the style of Penggrog, let me just say: we have reviewed your conclusions and must question why ignorant posters of a young age receive so much attention in cm. look for our soon to be published work on correctly modeling kicking the little swine in the head, with special reference to the data from the testing grounds outside selected montesorri method daycares. especially of interest are the cross-referencing of data regarding the results of droning on in badly structured lowercase english referencing topics that won't feed the hungry nor teach the young, but that we insist are as significant as the use of proper english or even having a a political process. when these are matched against data suggesting that scientist/technilogical posters have no more responsibility to the process of fostering awareness and educating than they do to making any effort to make themselves understood while endlessly indulging their own hobby-horses then i think you will see that the function of cm in the coming millenium is to indulge specialists in their monomaniacal specialties while trying to ignore football hooligans as well as any need to engage their minds in any way. Sorry, all, as I haven't the necessary intellectual tools to properly elucidate the Grog approach to CM while attempting to engage the minds of the people it's aimed at. Bugger. Still, I had a damn good whack at annoying young people and grogs both, eh? [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What'd he say?
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: ALROIGHT, THEN! HEADS UP, MOUTHS CLOSED, AND LISTEN TO THE ORFICER, YOU LOT! The Rules of the Peng Challenge Thread are quite straightforward, really. Astonishingly simple, in fact, in a complex world. First off, no one here likes you, has any desire to know you, and, in fact, the entire sodding Universe doesn't give a stuff what you want or have to say. Go Away. Should you remain on despite the first rule, we next wish you to know that coming in, striking a pose, and challenging everyone in the Thread to a match will cause the wastelands to echo with laughter, and you will look like the stupid pillock you are. You will then be told to Go Away, more forcibly, and people will really begin to mean it. Pick someone out, preferably something as newly arrived and worthless as yourself, taunt and challenge it, and you might get a game. Next, you should sound off as though your wit, courage, and intelligence were not in question. In the vulgate, Sound Off As Though You've Got a Pair! I believe it is. Oh, and more than half a brain, please. If you sound off well, wittily, and with great force of person and humour, you may be accorded a measure of respect here, perhaps for the first time in your doubtless tawdry little life. It's something to look forward to. Finally, while sounding off, we'd like you to remember that this is the Peng Challenge Thread, not your local boozer where every vulgarity, expletive, and prejudicial slur are met by howls of laughter from halfwits who are only 15 minutes and 3 drinks away from spending the night in Detox. We have standards here, whether you can follow the concept or not, and if you ignore or trample them, you will not only be told to Go Away, you will Go Away, both from here, and hopefully the Forum in general. Now, that's our simple rules, told in an unsimple way and at great length. Shortly another of the inmates will probably be along to revile me, and repost them in a shorter and easier to understand version. [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 6.3B-1 What'd he say? x22. Well, Sasquatch didn't number the rules so he must be an Elvisian entity. (And isn't it odd that Peng, who invented the MBT numbering system has risen to the defense, or defence, of Elvis who's has a thingy against numeration?)
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would'nt mind picking say um...Berli, or wait on second thought not him.. evil bastard. Senachai or that nob Manority.. majority.. or what ever the nobs name is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You talkin' to me, Wensch Random thought: (I am allowed one per year) How is it that Elvis can deal with posting on the CM board that numbers the posts sequentially but cannot deal with playing the game the same way?
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: My God, Elvis, we don't have to prove you wrong, as genetics has done that for us already. Do what ever you like with your turns, we aren't coming to your house to watch tumbleweeds blow across your empty and uncluttered hard drive. Just stop demanding that everyone else in the universe climb on board the latest quirk in your spiralling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and allow the rest of us to do what we want with our files, Rainman. And we never said you couldn't count. What we said was 'you don't count'. Several of us, of course, did point out that you can count, but only with difficulty and by concentrating to a point that usually causes you to wet yourself. People (well, Lawyer, actually) are demanding that I apologize for inviting Grogs into the Thread, while Elvis is on his umpteenth iteration of his innumeracy rant, and no one's shot him yet. Someone run out and get a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy to come in here and put a warning shot through the back of his head. (edited to remove referance to an actual number that might have sent him off into another fit of gibbering. Hopefully the child will take after the mother). [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what'd he just say?
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