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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jwxspoon: You are right about that Moriarty - I thought we had done that but we had not discussed specifics as far as types of squads. My favorite kind of game is to pick a date, nationality and game type and then let the computer pick the forces, but I find few takers with those kinds of games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Last time I played with computer pick, I got my butt handed to me on a platter. Computer gave me three Stuarts, a 4 US rifle platoons, no MGs, no bazookas, a 60mm mortar, an 81mm FO and 2 HTs. I went up against 4 PzGren squads, 2 HMGs, 3 schrecks, a Panther, a StuG III and an 81mm FO. It was a great battle, though. Let me know if you want to go in a computer pick 'em. That doesn't bother me at all.
  2. Yo, Your Bald Immenseness, will you take Canadian dollars?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: et al <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What'd he just say?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jwxspoon: I try to play all of the nationalities in the game. I particularly like to play axis and use a mixture of 1/2 Fallschirmjaeger and 1/2 Gebirgsjaeger (sp?) for my infantry, supplemented by a few additional shrecks and HMG's. I have had one platoon of G-jaegers stand off an entire US company in the woods before, after which my opponent got mad and said I was cheating... [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just a suggestion, but you should iron out the details with your opponent before the game begins. Some folks consider mixing German paras and mountain troops as an order of battle that is neither historic nor realistic. Others don't care what you pick and the majority are probably somewhere in between. Many people new to the game have created unrealistic OOBs (mixing troop types, nationalities, etc., which while plausible likely will be frowned upon by a player who prefers to stick to history) because they don't know better. Others do it intentionally and risk being called gamey. My personal preference is to view the game in its most historic context: I'm facing an opposing force (however it may be composed) and I've got to do the best I can with what I've got available. The short version of what I'm suggesting is that, as a courtesy, work out parameters (limitations on troop, armor, arty, etc.) of the game with your opponent before you choose your troops.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Sir,there is nothing 'honorary" in being a lawyer, however we have established what type of man you are, we are only haggling over the price" Spkr I see Jake has again focused his eyes deep in the vast tomes of the law. Why don't you see if the Defense fund has something for this....ah-hem gentleman ? I am sure a "Cost Advanced" against our client's account will suffice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, thank you, kind sir. The little man in the wrinkled suit ambles away muttering, "Getting some of the unbolded one's money, yes, the rainmaker likes that, he does. Get some of Peng's, too." Money from the prosecutor, money from the defense. Muahahahaha.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Huh?! What was that? Of course. Spkr quickly the law books. Now what was that doctrine they taught in law school. Ya the one I forgot immediately after passing the bar 20 yrs ago, Agency wasn't it? Of course! (Rising) M'Lord, may I approach the bench? As it has come to our attention that Peng claims dominion and ownership over all that transpires here,... well that makes Seanachai his agent. And as this is a role that requires communication, it is the Challenge thread after all, and ipso facto requires that a challenge ie communication transpire (I refer you to M. Shaw's commentary to his lackless lackey Lars) therefore and to wit and whazzat.....Seanachai as Peng's Agent with speaking authority can bind his principle, Peng to the circumstamces of these charges. Now follow M'lord (Spkr the bottle for M'Lord) that means that under the Doctine of Respondeat Superior Peng is responsible and MUST answer in tort and damges for the actions of the Celtic Bard as if he had committed the offense himself! Therefore your honor, we amend our plea of "Ni" and add The Old One Peng as accomplice and co-respondent. What is visited upon my client must preforce apply to Peng (unboldened so that he may get a taste of oppribium)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> the little man who once was an honorary attorney until he was honorarily disbarred sidles over to defense attorney jdmorse Cost ya a C-note fer handin' your team another defendant. [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  7. Glad to see it's up and running. And to all the members of Der Kessel, nice work on the site.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mr Spkr said<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your honor, I present the following evidence and move for Summary Judgment in favor of the Defendant, Seanachai, on the merits. Your honor, I present this sworn statement by the Old One Himself, MrPeng: quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MrPeng Member Member # 1019 posted 10-12-2000 12:15 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hamsters/Meeks(!) you are all very silly. There is no Cesspool anymore. It is gone. It can never come back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You see, your honor! Seanachai cannot be found guilty of the heresy charged against him, namely of inviting the grogly ones into the Cesspool because, the words of MrPeng himself, THERE IS NO CESSPOOL ANYMORE! IT IS GONE! It can NEVER come back. a little man in a rumpled suit, an honorary attorney at one time before being honorarily disbarred, sidles up to the prosecutor and tugs at his arm Hey, Mr. Prosecutor, got somefink for ya. Mr. Shaw slips him a C-note Y'know that Peng guy has posted in the Peng thread subsequent to that statement and has claimed the contents of subsequent incarnations of the thread as his own. That would mean all subsequent incarnations are, per se, part of the one true Peng thread. The prosecutor mutters, "thanks," now get lost. [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  9. Morgoanna and Cole Slaw should resolve their differences over von Scrod in a kaniggetly manner: On the field of battle. Small map, dastardly conditions, 1 company of INF each, meager support, 20 turns.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: OK, for any of you that missed it(look I know you're not ignoring me over here), I have a new scenario done and ready for feedback. No, it's not one of those used to beat up SSNs. It's a good one. Maybe even a great one. Well, OK, maybe not the kind of product that comes out of He who I do not beleive in, but at least totally adequate. Won't a couple of you speed freaks give it a try? Mace is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, quit yer blathering ya sun-baked hatband and send that scenario thingy post haste. Me an' Oh But I Just Stomped The Guts Out Of Moriarty ABCD have a rematch to attend to.
  11. When things have gone straight into the toilet and there's no chance of winning or minimizing my opponent's margin of victory by fighting to a minor or tactical defeat, I'll offer the options of cease-fire, surrender or continuing to chase my troops around the map for another 10 turns. I've yet to have someone say "that's weak" or anything to that effect by doing this.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Peng still cant find the goddam rules. edited goddamit because we are not so sober anymore <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A sweet and gentle post as ever there was, sir, but as to this point ... WTF, over. Why don't you make up new double secret probation blood hamster hoogiewhatsis regulations? They're your rules, after all. This, of course, does not constitute willful and wanton freedom to rewrite every rule in the book or there would be no stability in cess. But, with such a monumental undertaking at hand, there well might be sufficient cause for an emergency injunction or somefink. Of course, our resident legal beagles (so cute and cuddly you just want to kick them and vomit on them) could provide extant or nonextant grounds for such a course of action. Perhaps a quick consultation is in order but would soon be out of order because when you put two lawyers in one room you get no less that 15 opinions. Further, while He whose name goes unbolded is incommunicado, have you delved deep into your bottle of wisdom to commission the map for this extravaganza le militaire? Will you select your own troops or entrust this to combative noncombatants?
  13. At the request of Ol' Flubbernuts, Seanachai (unbolded until he comes to his senses, such as they were) ... I have been asked to inform those of his opponents who do not yet know that he will not be sending turns until Tuesday (as if a 4-day delay is a surprise, sheesh) as he is communing with nature at some Joan Baezin', dandelion-wine drinkin', folk-song singin' wootenanny in Win-a-keg, Canerda.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I'm at a loss for words. Joe <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Finally.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: Single malts, the only liquor with a point. It's the way to go. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, so that's why youse guyses went a-pillaging in Scotland. Makes sense to me.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Moriarty made a slight mistake - the Polish 1st AD Recce Rgt was equipped with Cromwells. Only the Canadians had all Sherman ADs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My post was intended as a general guide for QB selections and not meant to encompass historical OOBs. I should have made that clear. That said, many thanks to Germanboy, Simon Fox and Vanir for the truly historical perspective. I found it interesting.
  17. Ah, gin. What a wonderful idea, Mark IV. Brings back memories college days, lazing about on the pier with pitchers of gin and grapefruit juice (health drinks) awaiting the boat's return with tired water-skiers. Then gin and tonics (protection against malaria, dontcha know) in the afternoon and martinis at night. My own favorite is Bombay. The old side labels had the statement: What is gin? Gin is a state of mind. How right they were. Now, the Tanq martini (the green meanie) is nothing to turn down but the juniper is a tad strong; Beefeater's being a bit weak. Bombay is a tasty compromise. Having had Genever gin, I found it too sweet and would rather have an ice cold shot of Aquavit. As far as the "browns" go, I'm a Scotch whisky man, single malt, if you please. And, if I must drink bourbon, I prefer the small-batch bourbons ... Knob Creek being the current frontrunner. I remember reading in "The Cruel Sea" about a little concoction called pink gin ... a mix of gin and a dash of bitters. It's not bad, actually. [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>For what it's worth, I say make the guy a Kniggghty,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A teddy maybe, but not a Knigggty <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok, so I don't play, but surely the fact that I sit here every bloody night reading all these posts counts for something?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In a word: No. [ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  19. I enjoy using the Polish Abn ... bunch of cranky bastarrds like to mix it up with the feldgraus.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Monsieur Pawbroon Maybe I could squire you? Or we could squire each other? Ooo, I tell you what, lets get Y2K in and WE'LL ALL SQUIRE EACH OTHER! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Winecape and I are very pleased you Denizens of the Dank Domain have given us Berli and Jshandorf. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The 'pool would be willing to consider a trade for Shandorf ... a spitoon mod, perhaps, but Berli is only on loan
  22. Lorak, when you get the chisel out of your ear, you may scribe thusly. David Aitken wins by somesuch amount of points greater than those accumulated by myself. Mr. Aitken played the game fair and square, although the tactic of running out of the woods into the open where boomie thingies were landing had me confused for a time, and was by all accounts a complete gentleman. He spoke very highly of a number of you cesspool denizens.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: *****THE MACE CM2 BETA CHALLENGE***** While I realise that as a collective, you lot only rate an IQ of 10 (and that my very presence bumps the average upto the 100 mark, or even the 100 Peter). I thought I make someone's day by delivering this pre-CM2-beta-challenge, even though it means that my peers my no longer talk to me because of my association with the dregs of both humanity and podamity! So, once the CM2 beta is released, who's up for a game? Sign up now and avoid disapointment (but then again, your lives would be one daily disapointment? I mean, you'd wake up in the morning, consider what you've done with your lives and what the day holds ahead, and you'd think..."BUGGER!") ************************************** <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So, the Pommie wants to play in Russia. I'll take a piece of that (in)action.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Moriarty, Yeah, WineCape let me know right after he waded into The Pool with that offer. I was just taking a cheap shot at The Pool since it seemed like the right thing to do. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's the only kind of shot we serve to you fly-by-night visitors. Warm Budweiser, too. We save the good stuff for ourselves.
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