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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Hand to hand combat is a must. This game needs it. I did a small trial yesterday. I had a blue squad fire off all its ammo and nades and a red squad did the same (playing hotseat against self). Then I had the two squads walk down the road hand-in-hand without so much as an insult to the other (enemy) squad. Surreal......and wrong!
  2. This is so true! and get rid of the frikkin dust that non of my units have LOS to!!
  3. Wow....he has a great point here! WTF???
  4. Just wondering if there will be a new demo based on 1.10 and if it will have any of the Marines stuff in it?
  5. I would love a campaign like this Blucher. The "not knowing" is one of the best and most realistis parts! Even a cakewalk can be very exciting.
  6. Dammit Steve! Now I cant play CMx1 knowing all this!
  7. Speaking of new players.... any ETA on a 1.10 demo for some of my interested friends?
  8. Remember how many times we played that first demo over and over trying out different things? Remember how shocked we were to see a tiger get hammered by hellcats!?!? Ahhh those were the days. I miss the "member numbers". It was like a senority list. I was #309 I think....or #306...
  9. Actually...it is "stick forward and HOUSES get bigger, stick back and houses get smaller". No biggy
  10. I think this has come up before and it is just a limitation of the game engine at this point. You have to move the Bradley to get a better angle on the buliding. I may be wrong though...
  11. this great thread sorta "ended" a year ago. any changes to the action square spotting issues since then?
  12. Is there a change list? I looked at the updated manual but I was wanting just a consolidated list of changes...
  13. I want real time play but with a pause and replay the last 30 seconds to 1 minute feature.
  14. Could some one please post a link to that website that had all those great CMBB "Tips & Tactics" like how to turn a tank faster or the delay time on arty. Many many thanks. P.S. Hey!....wheres my old member number??!?!?
  15. This is a great read for me and very informative. I am picking up little "tidbits" of info and tactics that I cant wait to use. oh....and I went on to be a pilot Tux.
  16. ...and to fill time.... What do you plan to do with your Aerospace E. degree Tux, if I may ask? I have an Aeronautical Sciences B.S. myself.
  17. Goog luck! ...and great story telling!! Many thanks.
  18. I do hope those mines pay off for you too! I love the placement. Really enjoying this AAR Tux...keep em comming!
  19. Hey TUX, Does Steve come to these forums? If so...wont he see your ambush here?
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