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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I saw a video on youtube or liveleak that shows one of our boys shooting a javelin and it clears his buddy by no more then 3 or 4 feet. Yikes!
  2. From all my books here at home on the A-10 and GAU-8 I have the impression that the run in angle doesnt matter AS MUCH with this gun. The D.U. shells on this monster should slice right through most of the time. I read that it only takes an average of 7 shells to kill any tank.
  3. Well I had a little time to test it and, so far, I think the GAU-8 is a little nerfed. It should be very rare indeed for a point target to survive more then one hosing from the DU shells of the GAU-8. Like I said, I hope Steve chimes in.
  4. It would be very usefull and realistic(?) if the stryker 1131 crew would not freak out and reverse/smoke when they are hulldown to a far away tank. The 1131 being hulldown means just the optics are above the burm right? Seems that this is what the vehicle was built for no?
  5. Yes but even with Point target I am not killing the T-54's. Maybe it is a training mission thing?
  6. I have been testing the Fire Support Training battle quite a bit and I have discovered a very strange thing indeed. This possible bug is in Iron setting. Now we all know that as soon as the Strikers see the static enemy tanks (T-54's) they pop smoke and reverse. I put my FO in the FSV and creep it up the left side of the map where there is a little rise in the land and I notice that at EXTEME hull down to the tanks the FO's in the 1131 can see the tanks but the driver and gunner of the stryker cannot. This is good and I assume that it is because the FO's are using the FS3 on top of the 1131 to spot the enemy tanks. This makes sense. What does not make sense is that when I call air support and try to do a point stike on the tanks the game wont let me mark the tanks location because it says that they are out of LOS. My FO's have a tank icon and I see the tanks but I cannot mark them. How is it the game is saying that I can see the tanks and tank icons in "Ironman" setting but have no LOS to them? Does this make sense?
  7. I know this thread is a few days old but I wanted to bring this to Steves attention. I have been playing around with the air support training mission and I call the A-10's for a light (cannon) strike on the T-54's and they make multiple passes (both area and point requests) and the shells just bounce off with no kill. Now I do know that the GAU-8 can kill any tank in the world let alone a T-54!!! Steve could you please take a look at this as it seems to be way off the mark.
  8. Well I am just really happy that MAYBE you you guys will be able to do something with the foxholes to keep them FOW. The trenches being visible doesnt bother me as much because if I am going to use trenches I will use lots of them so the attacker will really not know where in the trench system my defenders are. With a foxhole you know exactly where the guy is. With a trench system you do not know where the guy is. Whether or not you can get the foxholes to work, thanks for listening and trying.
  9. This is so true. But I do not have the willpower to not scout the battlefield from above.
  10. I THINK that we gain a product that is actually sold to us in a reasonable timeframe. To make the TFSS fall under the FOW rules in this 3D landscape would require too much time and resources.
  11. My thoughts? Well, Steve explained it in the other thread that he would love to have trenches/foxholes/shell scrapes (TFSS) only visible if the attacker gets LOS on them ala CMx1. It just will be too big a monster to code though. I accept this but it is a very jagged pill to swallow for me because in CMx1 I loved to ambush a squad from a foxhole and then pull back immediatley to my fallback foxholes deeper in the woods/scattered/whatever and hit them again after they try to regroup and push forwards. In CM:N the attacker will see not only my initial foxholes but also my fallback so my secondary ambush will NEVER work. I worry that my initial ambush will never work if my opponant shells my seen foxholes. I guess I will have to come up with some new tricks unless they figure out a way in the future to correct this. I think the message that people are not really hearing from Steve is that they WANT to do it but the investment of time and finite resources it would require is too high. I wish I could help them. All I can do is join the club of guys that will shovel driveways for them if the "Hold" feature is added in CM:SF
  12. ...and to summerize the FOW issue from the other thread: Foxholes (shellscrapes) in CM:N will not be visible to the attacker during setup but will be as soon as the "Go" button is pressed (WEGO or RT). Also, there will be fallback foxholes available and these, again, will be invisible during setup but visible when the action starts. Depending on setup stance, as it is called, your defending troops do not always start in the foxholes/shellscrapes. The defender can decide.
  13. Marwek77, From what I have heard pistol IS simulated but the actual graphic is still the AKM. They did this to save resources. If you watch the guys shooting the rifle (pistol) it is single shot with reloading after about 7-9 shots I think. Hand to hand combat? I have no idea.
  14. Well getting away from foxholes and trenches... What about vehicle smoke, ATGM (ATG) launch smoke, and muzzle flashes that give away the enemies exact position when nobody is in LOS? These dont deal with the lay of the land so can we fix these for CM:N?
  15. At least with fallback foxholes available the attacker wont know which foxholes are occupied and which are empty.
  16. Steve, Thanks for explaining. I get it. Sounds like it may be a HUGE coding investment. Your point about trenches being seen in the first few minutes of CMx1 is pretty much spot on. Foxholes were a different story, however, as you probably know. You had to get really close before seeing them and by then the trap was usually sprug. Finding a balance is your burden. Good luck. I will buy a few copies.
  17. Hmmmmmm..... Turn one = shell the foxholes. God I hope not.
  18. Steve, I will begin to read the thread link you posted but as it is a large thread this may take awhile but: Wont seeing the foxholes at the start of the first second give the attacker the exact position of the defender? Short answer and reason please!!!
  19. Webwing, Simple. Like in CM1, you charge points for trenches. If your opponant wants to spend all his points on trenches let him. I like the idea about camoflage trenches and non-camo trenches being different points.
  20. 1. I like my HQ's to grab a javelin CLU and sneak up to rooftops to observe the batttlefield and try to spot bad guys. I put a 180 degree arc on them only out to about 100 meters as I really dont want then to shoot anything and give away the position. Now my question is this: Arcs increase the chance of spotting? Is this true ONLY inside the arc itself or is the greater spotting ability carried out in the direction of the center of the arc to the LOS limit? Because I have a 100 meter arc on my HQ's is the enhanced spotting only out to 100 meters and everything beyond that is normal spotting? 2. Before my squads leave the stryker I have them grab all the 5.56 ammo there is (3300+ rounds I think) because there seems to be very, very little or no penalty that I can see for doing this. They run just as far as before no problem and they never have to go back to refill. Now Battlefront has been asked this before but I recall no answer: How much "over" the indicator does the ammo go??? Why wouldnt you make an absolute scale that shows the top as max ammo the squad can carry???Is there a relationship between scales? If I max out my 40mm grenades will I never be able to max out my 5.56 ammo scale? So darn baffelling to me.
  21. c3k, For what it is worth, I do very much like your "Hold" idea as well. I have listened to Steves argument against the "Hold" idea and, while I am NOT a programmer, I think your solution is slick and intuitive. I wish they would change it for us but I take what they give. Anyway, it sounds as if Steve may try to change it a little in 1.2?
  22. I wonder if this is related to the problem I posted about a half squad with radio and RPDA with green connects all the way up to battalion not reporting his contact even after 20 minutes.
  23. Thanks to the excellent product and support I just ordered my second copy of the CMSF/Marines Bundle. Thanks for the fine simulation guys!!!
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