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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Like I sad BAD... if you want to sell it, e-mail me.
  2. I would pay over $100.00 for another "better" version of CM. I would want buildings with much more variety and towns that look ALOT more realistic with closer buildings and such. I DO NOT want to control individuals but I still want to see individuals. Kinda like CC I guess.
  3. I'll buy your copy off you if you really want to sell.
  4. It just goes to show the sloppy work.
  5. They really need to model supression. It is like a flight simulator that doesnt model flight performance of different aircraft. Major oversight.
  6. So..... according to that video CMBB is waaayyyyyy off.
  7. Yeah... After playing the demo for a few hours I am going to have to pass on TOW for now. So pretty but nothing under the hood that resembles a realistic WW2 simulator. You know the complaints: useless troops, pointless AT assets, No buildings to enter, lame maps. I think that somebody said it best when they said "we just want CM with better graphics". Amen brother. Can you imagine CM with some work done to make the buildings more realistic? Make the buildings closer together and more variation to them? HEAVEN! I am going to go back to CM PBEM and see what happens to TOW. I don't hate it...just doesnt feel deep enough.
  8. LOL! Well...since they know they are going to die because of the lack of realism they probably are looking for that! [ April 19, 2007, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  9. Why have infantry at all with the way they cannot hide?
  10. Why do the infantry constantly shift from prone to sitting to prone to sitting in an endless loop? This game would be MUCH better if they simply would have added the ability to hide and ambush. There is simply no way to hide the infantry unless you are behind a house.
  11. The problem is that the infantry and the AT guns cant hide. I tried to lay my boys still in the grass to maybe try a grenade attack when the panzers came by but they were always spotted and killed. Even though I had them "Hold Ground" and "Don't fire" they always are seen. Why do they always go from prone to on a knee and then prone every few seconds? Sit the F*U*C*K still! No wonder they are seen. I am "kind of" enjoying the demo but the lack of anything to hide in or around is really going to hurt this game in the long run. It just feels way to open for any infantry. [ April 18, 2007, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  12. So you have played it? Why is it a waste of time? Is it a cheap CM ripoff? Please explain.
  13. I was in the computer store today and saw "Panzer Commander Winter Offensive" by Matrix Games. It looks alot like CM but with 40 second turns. Not too sure if it is as detailed as CM or not. I will try the demo soon but I was just wondering if I am wasting my time with this or not? I am a huge CM fan (like most people here) but I am looking for a objective viewpoint. Has anyone tried it yet?
  14. If you just wait for the mail order and forget the download then you still only pay $45.00 plus S&H. No big deal about the $10.00 savings. Nice of them to offer it though.
  15. I don't know. Have you? </font>
  16. The "saving $10.00 deal" isnt really a great deal. I am not complaining at all but I really don't see why people need to save the $10.00 so bad. If you just order the game through the mail and not get the download then it will cost you the same. Just wait a few days to get the game. Geeez. You do have other things to do dont you?
  17. ...but in the airlines there is no such thing as holidays, weekends, or birthdays.
  18. Could be a dealbreaker for me but I want to try the demo first.
  19. If you just order the mail without the download then it is still only $45.00 You can wait a few days cant you?
  20. Man I want that demo NOW!!!
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