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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Having fun with CMSF and all... but... just sayin... How about a Normandy bone?
  2. I just wonder why all the changes for the Red Arty times. Was'nt the way it was before this 1.21 patch realistic? Did Battlefront make the changes to "level the field" more or did they come across new data?
  3. We dont know yet... Maybe we are doing something wrong here...
  4. +1 For the love of god +1 It is time to address this.
  5. I can only ask but I am sure it is too late... One thing I REALLY miss is the ability to do a 180 degree covered arc with the press of a single key. I know we can do 360 degrees with a press of the control key but I use 180 degrees way more often and the best part of the 180 degree key is that it allows you to CENTER the exact point where the troops or main gun will face. I find drawing a nice 180 degree arc with the current system a bit clunky. I was hoping that this would be a very "easy" add since the quick 360 arc is already in there but I know not of these things...
  6. Yes they work with many games and sims. If you are a flight sim/dogfighter they are a must! The only reason I am getting rid of them is I just dont sim that much anymore and want to try to recover a small bit of cash for other hobbies.
  7. 4 months old and perfect but I must gid rid of them. Make me a fair offer at jameslandsfeld "at" ptd.net
  8. Mg teams inside buildings can take about 5 minutes to set up. If it said "deploying" under the troopers actions on the left side of the screen then all is well. Just give them more time.
  9. hmmmmm... If this data is correct then the RPG's ing the game need some tweaking.
  10. Well.... You cant shoot out from the windows of the Hummers so I am not sure how "Black Hawk Down" it will be.
  11. Is it really a big deal because I dont want them to divert time or resources away from other things to get a pistol graphic in the game.
  12. Since this is a CM:N question thread... I don't suppose that we will ever see weapons damage graphically displayed on vehicles like in TOW2? Even if it is just penetration holes? Adds so much "feeling" to the game.
  13. As it is now, I load up my troops with all the ammo from the Strykers at the start of a battle because there is no penalty to do so. They dont seem to get "loaded down". They can run just as far. I hope this gets fixed.
  14. Well I played the demo all day and I have to say that it is not for me. Fun in the training mission as you can keep track of what is happening but when you introduce the number of units in the normal mission without turn based WEGO then the details get lost. I was hoping that this could be my WWII fix until CM:N but it is back to CMSF for me. I have never been the "twitch" crowd.... well....except for Red Orchestra....
  15. It is called a period ------> . Try it sometime.
  16. Thanks moon! I was only viewing the threads from a few months ago and not a year ago. Duh! Many of my questions are answered. I still cannot find the reason for the multiple sights in the demo though. I know that a few are night vision but are the others just "quick zooms" of the different sights for the different ammo?
  17. This is why I like CM better. I am a turn based guy.
  18. What I really dont get is if the tank is using a fire control computer that takes a laser rangerfinder and elevates the barrel correectly then why cant we use just 1 sight for all types of ammo?
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