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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Sure would be great if we could see a hole in the tank where the AP round hit in CM Normandy! Since it is tracked to the very spot and all.
  2. Well Darryl, you convinced me... I am buying another copy.
  3. calm down.... I am sure your problem will be addressed.
  4. Yes there was a green conection all the way up to battalion and they had radio and RPDA working. What they were looking at, which is some enemy out on a balcony, SHOULD have eventually made its way up, right? I double checked everything and it should have worked. I did not save but I will continue to replay/test this stuff (I DO love the work!!!) and I will let you know if I see it again.
  5. I am digging deeper and deeper into this great game and I am currently enjoying and testing the C2 going on behind the scenes. The game is just great. But I have come across a strange thing that maybe you guys can explain. I sent out a single vet squad from 2nd platoon to make contact and to test how long it takes to get the info up the chain to the platoon comander sitting in a stryker out of LOS. I split my squad and the "B" part (fire team) went one way while the "A" part (manuver team) went another. B team went into a building and spotted an enemy a few buildings away and I tracked the info to the platoon commander and up to company. Cool. Everything was working well. Now the A team made contact with a different enemy. Even though the team was not spotted/pinned/rattled and had a radio and RPDA they would not pass the info up to the commander in the stryker with a radio and BFT. The A team even had the squad leader in it. I waited 20 minutes for the info to work its way up but it never did. I then rejoined both halves and it still didnt work. Is there a reason why I could not get the info passed or is this a bug? Why wouldnt team A send to info to the platoon commander? Wont all teams be updated with the latest "?" on where the enemy was last seen given enough time for the info to go up then back down to every squad in C2? What am I missing?
  6. Did I read that the spotter has to be unbuttoned in a certain Marine vehicle in order to use the FS3?
  7. yes but I find the 180 degree arc much more usefull unless I am defending a building from all sides.
  8. Speaking of covered arcs.... I would like to put a vote in for the "instant 180 degree coverage" key from CMAK. Not only was this a quicker way to do the arc but you could set the center of the arc with precision (you have to guess a little as it is now). Also...PLEASE change the color of the arc to something less..................neon!!!! Just trying to make this game better as I love it and CANNOT STOP PLAYING IT!!!!
  9. So are you saying that if there is a door on one side of the wall but not the other side then the AI will go up and through the roof or through the door that is not visible? sorry...kinda confused.
  10. Not sure if this has been asked... When I am clearing a building it is not very easy to determine if there is a door from one room to the next. Sometimes my troops will go through an invisible door directly even if one is not depicted and other times they go up a floor and outside on the roof then down into the room from above on an invisible staircase! Is this a known problem and is it just a matter of the scenario designer using the correct "wall type" with a visible door or solid wall? It is in the excellent demo quite a bit.
  11. Tiger vs. Hellcat X 3 What I win??? P.S. Remember all the "why did my tiger get killed so easy" debates?
  12. Are you REALLY complaining about the subject matter of the first screenshot? Go outside man....... there is a whole world out there.....
  13. MikeyD......................... WINNER! very very good
  14. Been here all 10 years! member number 306 or somfink...
  15. Did anyone notice that the far Tiger has different fenders missing then the close Tiger? Very very cool!
  16. I wonder why the American ammo wouldnt fire?
  17. Was there an answer from Battlefront on this at all? It seems they built it...they should know or provide some direction on this. I may have missed the answer?
  18. Just to chime in.... these are very valid and I hope they are "fixed" before the WWII game is released.
  19. This is a valid point. I have been concerned over this as well. I tested by playing both sides in WEGO. I can have a team watching a building at close range in an arc and a hidden enemy will get up, reposition himself to a window, aim out said window, and fire all the while my guys not doing anything until AFTER the shots. If my guys are watching the building with covered arcs then they should see the movement and react BEFORE the enemy shoots. This is very true vs. RPG's.
  20. The problem in CMSF is that you can PINPOINT the said vehicle.
  21. Steve, I never considered that for some people the blue bar calculation took the same amount of time as the turn itself due to slower computers. I am lucky enough to have a fairly faster computer and I play smaller battles so my blue bar in CMAK/CMBB was, at most, about 10 seconds. I see your point now. Thanks for the explanation. Lanzfeld
  22. I very much agree. On some of the turns that I know nothing will happen it is a pain to have to sit there for 60 seconds instead of being able to "fast forward" right away. I would like the turn computed in advance like in CMx1.
  23. I do understand why they replaced routed troops and prisoners with the CPU friendly "!" symbol instead...but I will miss them. Reminds me of two stories from CM centered around the prisoners feature. The first is the time my PBEM opponent had a group of about 25 of my guys as prisoners marching them to the back of his side of the bocage map. He marched them right into my secret flanking squad which liberated all of them! The second story is a tragic insight into the realities of war...but an "OMG!!!" moment in CM. I was marching my captured German prisoners to my "holding house" at the back of the map. I had about 6 or 7 captued German squads guarded by a squad of mine with "low" ammo. I had everybody neatly lined up in single file going down a road when an freak nebleweffer (SP) landed square in the middle of everyone! Only 1 German squad lived...routed forever I am sure. I know CMx2 is not a prisoner simulation but it sure was a cool little side feature of CMxx1.
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