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Everything posted by benpark

  1. Can anyone refresh my memory as to what was the verdict on winter uniforms/vehicles? I seem to remember something about maxing out the space on the CMBB disks. Will these be in an update? Are there seperate bmp's for the inhabitants less hospitable climes? Wondering as I'm playing "Winter Wonderland", and cranking the AC. Brrrrr.
  2. JUST got here in Brooklyn, NY. No time to write...install almost finished... Thanks to the kind Germans who posted pics over the last few days, it was great to see what I was in for.
  3. Oh well. Thanks for the reply MM. I will push the anxiety/expectation level down until next week, when it will return a thousandfold.
  4. "Why didn't you place two seperate orders?" Argh! Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda been playing SC now. Back to the demo. Things are always just starting to get really interesting by the time it runs out. Oh well, I can stop running to the mailbox until next week, when I will be REALLY excited. 2 doses of BTS goodness in one package.
  5. Hi all. I ordered SC with my copy of CMBB, hoping that my copy of SC would arrive pre-CMBB. The order confirmation said that anything that was in stock would be shipped (is SC in stock?). Anyone done the same and gotten their copy of SC yet? I sent an email to sales@battlefront, no reply, but I guess things are running a bit slow and busy there-but it is only gonna get worse. Ordered last Monday the 9th-just over the acceptable time by CMBB standards to the US East coast (NYC). Anyone having similar waits? What version of SC is shipping? Should I get the patch now, so as to not waste any precious European domination time? I thought that my plan of staggering the two games would allow me to be able to get SOME sleep, but now I'll prob. grt them both at the same time. oh boy, hermit here I come... Thanks.
  6. Not included. Hopefully someone will do a CMMOS for the uniforms of all of the different national and divisional sub units of the East Front. It would be great to have some Spanish language speaker do some WAV's for it as well (and Slovak, Walloon etc.).
  7. I will await the Desert, Med and early war in anticipation. I would, however hope that the new engine at some point revisits the Eastern Front. I remember BTS saying that they were going to try and keep the engine fairly easy to "upgrade"-ie. add units to existing theatres and such. Hopefully this doesn't mean that they will have to do as much hard work to switch theatres. I do admit that a Pacific theatre CM would be of great interest to me (though nowhere near a revisit of Ost Front).
  8. I was just searching through the CMBB Demo BMP's, and there may be a few clues within. Look at # 1228-is that a trench from the top down? Also, #'s 25100-25126 have thumbnails of terrain types from the graphic interface. Interesting that snow was included in the demo. Has anyone tried to mod CMBB bmp's to CMBO yet? I am interested to see how the fire/ explosions would look, as well as the German uniforms. Would these have to be rescaled somehow?
  9. I plan on doing many Berlin maps. A few large ones, then many sector maps. I would love to post them somewhere. Very good idea. Maps are going to be big buisiness in CMBB.
  10. It certainly ended the war in Europe. Part of the reality of the situation was that the "head of the snake" had to be removed. There was enough Soviet intellegence that suggested that Hitler was in Berlin, along with the remaing structure of OKH/ OKW. The Western Allies, primarily the Americans, were unnerved by the German "Werewulf" talk enough to not risk having to assault two main fortresses of die hards (Alps+Berlin). I think (from reading quite voraciously on the subject for the past 2 months) that the USSR assault on the city was a prestige assualt as much as a necessity. The nazi capitol was as much of a symbol to those Germans that would have kept fighting as Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow combined had been to the Soviets (even if most Berliners claimed to be rather cool on the nazi's themselves). It speaks volumes that the war was brought to a speedy conclusion as soon as the city's fate was sealed, as well as the announcement of Hitler's death. The fall of Budapest or Vienna would not have carried the same finalizing defeat. One could argue that this final battle was Hitler's plan once his defeat was sealed in early 1945. Any suggestion that he would have left the city is not in keeping with his narcissistic personality. For the Soviets, Berlin had become the prize, and it seems a necessity that THEY took it.
  11. A lot of what people seem to be asking for lately seems like that gem of a "realistic" game "Sudden Strike". Realism (in terms of WW2 armor penetration rates, infantry tactics and so on) is term that is not taken lightly by many people on this forum, nor by BTS. While there may be some legit arguments about gameplay vs. historical accuracy being bandied about, alot of what I seem to be hearing lately is a drone of complaints that seem more in keeping with advice for your average, badly researched, un-historical FPS. I think it is great that CMBB has obviously attracted so many new people to this great game that we all really love to play, mod and talk about. BUT, I am getting nervous about the loud chorus of voices with some rather misinformed views as to what this game is intended to be-a VERY well researched, VERY true to the nature of warfare of this time and place (1941-1945 Eastern Front, Second WW), and for my $45- aVERY playable, informative, and realistic as possible-game. [ September 05, 2002, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: benpark ]
  12. Sergei, there was a post about a month ago about the Beta Demo. I think that the BD is posted somewhere-do a search, I'm sure there will be a lot to wade through, but look for that more recent post. I am pretty sure youre question came up.
  13. You should make a German one for pre 1943. Then we can use the USSR one for '43-'45.
  14. Anyone modded their whole CMBO to CMBB yet(in terms of what can be modded)? WAV's, uni's, etc.? I could go crazy waiting for 3 weeks.
  15. That is a sound description of how it should work. Of course, it is an insane tactic to start with, but entirely historical. That "Oooorah" is going to be extra scary in a night scenario...
  16. I was wondering why the "run" command takes place instead of the "assault" command. I would assume that the point of the human wave allways ends in an all out attack?
  17. Everything!!! The rotate while in follow mode, the sound, ALLLLL the new graphics!! Amazing!! Thanks BTS for putting up another server last night, so I could wake up to this masterpiece. East Front!! I'm very happy.
  18. Here goes!! I'll be playing BY 10:00!!! Just gotta keep the girlfriend away from phone/computer for 2 hours...
  19. 8 hours...now the time space continuiom distortion starts kicking in...5 to midnight..will...seem...so...loooooooongggg...
  20. Enemy helmets bobbing in slit trench factory beside the river burning Stalingrad, all in CM is new and my Brooklyn verse: a haiku? 'bout da combat mission... what da hell ya gonna do
  21. Neil Diamond's "September Morn'", in honor of every damn day I will check my mail box in anticipation.
  22. Hurrraaahhh!! It will be a bearable 19 days (almost). I'm going to have every nook and cranny of those 3 scenarios engrained upon my brain!
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