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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. CMBB stands for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. It is the sequel to Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord and covers the Eastern Front from the commencement of hostilities in 1941 to the fall of Berlin in 1945. While it *based* on the same code as the original Combat Mission, CMBB has hundreds of enhancements not least of which are higher resolution graphics, new sound effects, all new commands, better TacAI, new terrain tiles and 5 years of equipment in a TO&E that is simply mindblowing. We have not released an "Offical Release Date" at this time, regardless of what you might read. Until such time as you hear it for us, the earliest you can expect to see CMBB is when it's done. Madmatt
  2. Two things.. #1 What about vehicles? Won't it look odd to see a single soldier when it was a Panther a moment before it went behind that tree line? #17B5 In CMBB there is now a hot key toggle that will disable all game aid graphics which include targeting lines, the compass rose, padlocked unit outlines, TRP's and spotted markers in the action playback mode. Flags and bases can be turned off normally. Madmatt [ April 08, 2002, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Normally that error can be resolved with a reinstall of DirectX. I say normally as I have not see anyone have that issue with XP to date but in 95,98 and ME a reinstall of DX solved the problem. Now I need to remember how to re-install DX on XP as I don't recall it being the same way as with the earlier OS's. Madmatt
  4. Whats so arduous about using the "/" key which instantly rotates the camera around 180 degrees? Madmatt
  5. Sounds nifty, we at CMHQ (which is a member down at the moment) simply don't have the time. Madmatt [ April 06, 2002, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. Ted and I are sorry to see you go, I know you had some great things in the works for CMHQ and beyond but I also know all too well how often and cruely REAL LIFE can intrude into our favorite little obsession. Take care of yourself Mark! Madmatt
  7. I counted at least 25 things listed that ARE already in CMBB. Madmatt nope, I aint saying which...
  8. You all seem to forget that we are not talking about arbitrary numbers and ratios here but people with variable skills and abilities and relationships with those they command. It would be totally unrealistic to set some sort of default progression of abilities for HQ's the higer up the chain of command you go as it would have no parallel with reality. I know of several friends that are Platoon Commanders that would probably be MORE effective if they were somehow removed from there chain of command to their Company Commander. Face it, sometimes leaders just plain suck regardless of rank and thats why it is common in CM to sometimes see a platoon leader with great stats while a Battalion or Company Commander does not. It has even been suggested on more than one occasion to model NEGATIVE modifiers, but I am not sure if we will ever go that far or not. Madmatt
  9. Can he see your detailed unit info? Can you see such info for ALL of his units or just one? Is this a QB or scenario? Are you 100% positive FULL FOW is enabled? In CMBB you can now bring up a quick brieifing which lists all the parameters at play in QB's which can often clarify such issues.
  10. Umm, guys, why don't we get back on the topic and try to help this gentleman out with his problem so he can enjoy Combat Mission online. Abuse and foul language are not tolerated here. Sarge Isa, please drop the attidude, CM isn't the problem here. You came here for help, let us do it but there are thousands of people that play TCP/IP day in and day out so I can assure you problem is not on our end however we will try and work with you to resolve the issue. Tanaka, you need to relax as well, he has a problem and came here looking for help, let us provide it. Cani, you best just drop the issue as you are not helping matters at all! Let me say that CM's TCP/IP implemenation is VERY stable and fault tolerant. We are aware of of least one bug during TCP/IP play but it ONLY occurs once a connection has already been made and is triggered by a specific game event which have nothing to do with the physical TCP/IP connection itself. Madmatt
  11. Moving to the Tech Forum...And for me I wouldn't use an AMD processor if you paid me.... Madmatt
  12. Moving to the Tech Forum...And for me I wouldn't use an AMD processor if you paid me.... Madmatt
  13. Yeah I was expecting some dorky April Fools day threads. Madmatt
  14. Slingblade, there is nothing for us to fix as CMBO IS XP compatable fully. All reported problems like you are seeing have always either been related to device drivers, or with other applications running concurently which can sometimes cause instability. I have a Nvidia video card and run Windows XP as do many of the beta testers and none of us have had any issues at all. Anyone running a AMD processor needs to ensure they have the latest 4 in 1 drivers installed for their motherboard chipset. I have seen these drivers fix over 95% of ALL reported issues affecting AMD powered systems. You can get those drivers right here: http://www.viahardware.com/download/index.shtm#4in1 There is a new and updated XP 4in1 version there. You should ONLY ever patch your install of CMBO if the version you have on the CD is NOT v1.12. If you bought the game in the last year and a half it would be already. The rule of thumb while trying to fix issues like yours is to first re-install DirectX, then install the latest video and sound drivers. Next go into your CMBO folder and delete the Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file. Then try and relaunch the game. If the crashes persist, try and play with sound disabled and see if that improves things. If it does then ensure that your sound card is not sharing a IRQ with other devices. Try the above and then come back here and update us on your situation and we will see what else we can do to help. Also, don't assume that because other games work that the problem is not somewhere with the other installed software on your system. Other games all do things differently and it is not wise to base any troubleshooting assumptions on something like that. Some games use DirectX, other games use OpenGL and even games of the same type can do things internally in different ways.
  15. You can adjust the gamme internally in the game with Alt-G as I recall. Do you have the last version of the Banshee drivers? That particular card had numerous problems though with many games. Madmatt
  16. That type of crash is usually indicative of a corrupt save game file. Madmatt
  17. Yes that is correct. The new Pattern 45 troops for US become available in Decemeber 44. The TO&E changed around the time of the Bulge in reality. It was just easier for us to call it the 45 pattern instead of "December 44 and beyond". Madmatt [ April 01, 2002, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. Why does everyone think thats a telescope or a inert peice of lead? It is actually a from a British Mark V tank and its the 6pdr mounted on the right spigot. That tank can be found at the Imperial War Museum... Here are some other pics of me shoving apendages into gun barrels. Welcome to my world... Madmatt [ March 30, 2002, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Okay, I am going to go ahead and move this one into the new Airborne Assault Forum. Please post your thoughts, questions and comments there on this product. Thanks! Madmatt
  20. Yes we understand the differences in ground cover and ground condition. The interface has been upgraded to permit instant access to weather and environmental conditions such as wind strength and direction, ground condition, temperature, time of day and prevalent weather pattern (overcast, clear, snowing, raining etc...). Madmatt
  21. Deep snow does effect artillery effectiveness in CMBB. It is modeled. Madmatt
  22. Be sure and READ the full Press Release which covers some of the questions you are asking. http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/aa/Press.html Madmatt
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