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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I agree that it may not be intuitive to everyone. And I'll grant you that it would've been a good idea to mention it in the manual. But come on now, anyone not figuring it out on his own inside of a minute has bigger problems then an iffy UI and unhelpful manual. Let's not make stupid the acceptable norm, shall we?
  2. Yopu can't move waypoints, sadly. You might want to try moving units with *gasp* a move command.
  3. Actually, the forum works great the way it is. There's been some VERY good scenarios and they top the forum for a while. Those that aren't so hot tend to sink downwards fairly quick.
  4. IIRC the first print run was faulty and had to be done again.
  5. Take away the guitar bits and it's the Total War theme used for the Middle East and North Africa.
  6. Living up to the Dutch stereo type. We don't pass up on anything free. TBH, I'm not running Linux yet. Too much hassle for too little pay-off. I'll switch over in a heartbeat when this changes, though.
  7. That would seem to be the correct patch. Have you fiddled with the Options screen yet? I know, it sucks, but you might want to change to different settings and/or resolutions to see if they work. The ATI/mouse setting thingie (probably not called that) should be the first thing you should try.
  8. Incorrect. The height bug for ATGMs was reported in v1.01, maybe even in beta. v1.02 did NOT introduce it. ATGM misses 99% of the time? Sounds like an exaggeration to me, TBH. Could you elaborate on the circumstances? (range, missile type, smoke, was ATGM crew under fire, that sort of stuff) ETA for v1.03 is one or two weeks. And trust me, as a tester I can tell you BFC is using the time well.
  9. You mean that people are always fiddling with Linux and thus it's kinda hard to code for? Maybe. But I think that primarily it's that not only is Linux a moving target, it's a godawful small target to hit. I mean, they already coded several games for Mac and Windows and the developers are still not driving Ferraris. Imagine how little coin Linux would put in their coffers.
  10. You are sure it's the good 1.02? I belief Paradox FUBAR-ed the 1st attempt at 1.02 and has since replaced it.
  11. v1.0? What help do you expect to get here if you don't help yourself? Patch man, patch!
  12. I wouldn't have thought so, smope. You only get one license number for both games, I think. So it follows you only own one copy (as far as one truly owns software, in any case) and aren't thus free to sell/pass it on while continuing to use it yourself. Theoretic you can do it though, as one is allowed two working installs. I just don't think you should, legally and morally.
  13. Yes. Hell yes! And to think on announcement I coined the term Shock Farce! :eek: The theatre, far from turning me off, instead proved to be an intriguing change from the norm that's WW2. While some forgiveness for it's current flaws is required, CMSF provides some great gameplay.
  14. Not much. Initial release is expected to focus on the US in Normandy. Likely modules will include the Commonwealth forces. It's release is expected not to take so long as between other CMx1 titles, but I would not like to make any guess as to when. *edit* Linkies: Original CMx2 announcement Normandy confirmed [ August 18, 2007, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  15. As a designer? Not sure, never was one for scenario design. But wouldn't it be just as easy to make the location where you want the tank to stay a non setup zone tile? btw, I continue to be surprised that there are people who can't figure unit placement out. It just seems so obvious to me.
  16. Rest assured smope, it WILL be added. If not in 1.03 then soon. And FYI, BFC remain committed to WEGO. This whole hysteria about WEGO being abandoned is as unseemly as it is uninformed.
  17. For WW2 I think chances are high we'll get QB unit selection. For CMSF? Don't count on it.
  18. Tom Chick again, huh? Show you how petty the git is.
  19. Lurker765, you've got to have a thin skin indeed to call those examples insults. Scathing criticism (of the article he wrote, not even him) at worst/best. Have you read the forum at Tom Chicks place? BFC have been positively angelic by comparison. I would have let Madmatt loose on Tom for less. But then again, I'm evil.
  20. I'm told the Sovjets intend their smoke to be projected forward in order to cover the path of attack. Western smoke launchers are used primarily for defensive concealment of the firer.
  21. Alternatively, you can set your screen resolution by editing the "display size.txt" in the CMSF directory. Just type the desired resolution and save it.
  22. It's a fair bet that as far as CMSF is concerned that Stryker is 'blocking' the door.
  23. You may wish to limit the use of the faster move commands. They tend to cause a lot of overshooting of waypoints and as you have noticed the ability of the AI to correct these navigational faux pas is *cough* limited. When precision is called for more then speed use ordinary move command for vehicles.
  24. It would appear this is typical. Ordinary save game files do seem to be compatible (for me at least *knock on wood*) so it might be worth exploring if you can load a recent PBEM file in an 1.01 version, save the game, copy+paste the savegame to a 1.02 installation and load it. Then proceed with PBEM as normal. Haven't tried it myself yet, but it might just work.
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