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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. If it was normal to take care of buddies while exposed and under heavy fire they'd stop handing out medals for doing so. Don't believe the hype. Being shot at is mind numbingly scary. And the 7 years refer to BFC's long held stance on national characteristics.
  2. I would recommend you consider how happy you are with current drivers before you install new ones. I think mine saw Carthage burn. The news ones might really work for you. Or fuxxor your rig.
  3. You are getting the demo and the game when they are ready. If you absolutely must play the demo four weeks in advance, by all means DL the demo (tomorrow?) and wait with buying it for four weeks. Problem solved! Most discussions wouldn't appear if people would get over their petty wishes and think about it from the other side. PS If you knew anything about the Beta process you'll know that it's more likely to breed a deep hatred for the programmers then it's going to bribe you into writing up a glowing review.
  4. Be sure to wear a diaper when you first fire a Javelin, it's amongst the most awesome things ever.
  5. Since Dan is disputing monkey-ness... Above monkey is an ape. The librarian of Unseen University is coming for you!
  6. The solution is easy: Get another opponent. If he's constantly using the same side and setting you are missing out on fun battles with someone else. Failing the above, you really should be able to get along with Pak40s. They are deadly versus KVs, not sure why you aren't getting satisfactory results from them. Don't take just 75s though, get something cheap to do in the T-60s. Or get the ability to throw a decent smokescreen and get in amongst his tanks with PzIIIs.
  7. I wasn't talking CMSF specifically but more in general. I play all sorts of games and while I'm told ATI have a marginal performance edge (on paper) a quick read on the average forums would enlighten you in the advantages of nVidia. ATI complaints outnumber nVidia complaints by a wide margin. On CMSF fog.... who knows? Fog is not a feature commonly associated with your typical Syrian battlefield. I'll look into it for you. But nVidia is the BFC favourite so you should be fine. Not that ATI users are SOL, you guys should be okay too as long as it's a vaguely decent card. But IIRC Steve did say that ATI shadows weren't as good as NvIdia.
  8. You'd be wise to stay away from ATI regardless. Their drivers suck and often have issues.
  9. As I understand it there is no French version, not as such. All languages are included on the same disc. So yes, you can order from Battlefront and get the French version. And the Polish, the German etc etc.
  10. At this rate of development we'd all be lucky if CMC gets released before CD-rot sets in on our CXMBB discs.
  11. Yeah, saw that. Doesn't actually look like a Bren to me, top banana magazine excepted.
  12. You need to unlicense seperately. Uninstall does NOT do this.
  13. God forbid you should be challenged by a game. It's do-able.
  14. Polish campaign as Poland and you were looking for a gentle learning curve? That, stratman, may have been an error on your part.
  15. AFAIK no such prepay card exists in The Netherlands. Pity, I'd use it like a shot. I can't help you either, I don't own a creditcard either and I find bumming one from my sister a big hassle which I don't like to do for myself, let alone someone else. Sorry. If you are a student I believe some banks have a very cheap CC deal. It's a pity that BFC don't quite seem to realize that CCs aren't essential over here and are rather uneconomical for those that use it once or twice a year only. Or those that just can't qualify for one (I believe in the US everyone and their dead parrot can get a CC, not so here) I understand that PayPal isn't that good for them. Charges and/or processing hassles, probably. Well, charge me extra then, I don't mind it too much as long as it's reasonable. That's what Taleworlds did when I purchased Mount & Blade. A service I would appreciate, and seeing as this is a oft recurring theme, so would others! Ohwell, I guess BFC know their stuff and they aren't doing it just to be mean to those that don't own CCs. (probably) Veel succes!
  16. The differnce being that through Iraq we can now know how modern US stuff would cope with 80s Russian export stuff. How 80s NATO stuff would have fared against 80s WP stuff however is largely unknown.
  17. Barrabas has pretty much the right strategy. I only differ that I put my 37mm ATgs on the ridge too. That way they are safer from German rifle fire and are easier to re-crew with reinforcements. The poor quality of the German armour means the Bofors can still knock out most tanks at long ranges. Those they can't knock out you save for your 75mm guns. Also, keep an eye out for good quality gunners and make sure they are at the best guns. A TKS with a good gunner is just a waste, assign him to a 75mm. Do this also during unit purchase. You might want to take ALL gunners! I mean, swap the gunners of vehicles you aren't using with infantry in a squad you are taking along. Keep these spare gunners close to the guns for when the gunner gets killed. If that doesn't work: Some people swear with deploying on the reverse slope.
  18. There is a 'stop' and a 'hold position' command. Seems to be you are using the former where you should be using the second.
  19. Except it's not a game, really. It's a military spec simulation. According to one of the youtube posters it costs $1500. Now, if you and a few others have the CPU/GPU muscle and a big wad of cash I'm sure BFC can set you up with something mouthwatering. CMSF tracers are pretty good. Not yum yum high end eyecandy, but they do what they should. The video doesn't quite do justice to the satisfaction you experience when all hell breaks lose.
  20. Now now, let's not be hasty. The Hitler quote isn't flattering and Eichmann isn't a rare name.
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