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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Okay, time to poor fuel on the fire. I actually like that the game doesn't auto-slow down vehicles for turns. My playing style rather relies on insane high speed dashes. I'd rather risk the corner at high speed and perhaps messing up then crawling along an unfriendly intersection. If I wanted to crawl along it at a safe speed I can do so. So hands off my choice in the matter! Oh, and may I add that for me it is a mere risk of a corner being taken badly. You'd think, reading this thread, that no corner can be taken at speed without the vehicle doing a 360. But yeah, some feedback from CMSF on the issue wouldn't go amiss.
  2. I must admit I never even checked that. Does it really matter, though? Either behaviour is undesirable.
  3. I believe Tom meant the 1.05 demo. Hopefully in the coming week. It's probably best to wait for that, as trying things for yourself is the best way to discover if you like it.
  4. You'd be surprised about how wrong you are. Us testers are more productive then you might think. I'm probably the worst beta tester of the lot, but you'd be surprised at the length of the list of stuff I reported which you guys haven't even noticed. Some of them you guys really, really should have spotted by now. AdamL has a fairly good eye for (some) bugs, I'll grant him that, but IMO suffers from tunnel vision and as a result a lacking sense of proportion. Personality wise it's probably even worse. If you invite him in to beta, it's entirely possible other highly competent testers sneak out the back door.
  5. Okay, so that didn't take as long as I thouht it would. And curses for being found out as a slow typer. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Well AdamL, you post an opinion, I decry that opinion. Contrary to your beliefs I most certainly do have that right. And damn me if I don't find your opinion so contrary to mine that I will exercise that right when I feel like it, until BFC ask me not to. I was hardly telling you to leave, though do I urge you to use your best judgement on that issue and give it serious consideration. Because if after coming all the way from 1.01 to 1.05 you still think CMSF utterly unplayable and indeed not improving but going backwards then what hope is there for you that playing CMSF will every be worth it? None, I tell you. So why waste your time and mine carping here? Cutting your losses would be the sensible thing for you to do.
  7. Did you by any chance have them target something whilst still deploying? You may want to cancel that fire order. Depends on what missile you are deploying, too. The Kornet should take about 2-3 minutes or so. the older stuff takes longer, IIRC.
  8. Sorry AdamL, but calling the game unplayable and 1.05 less playable then before is such a *ahem* dubious position to hold that you are bound to get a negative response to it. Indeed, such statements seem calculated to draw such negative remarks. Considering the circumstances under which you changed your name I feel Melnibone was quite apt and deadly in his choice of retort. If after 1.05 you have still so much ill feeling towards the game then it's clear to me that your expectations and the game will never meet. Cut your losses and move on?
  9. That's odd, as the defensive firing of smoke has been in since 1.02, I believe, and I never saw issues with it. In your example, have the Strykers perhaps fired smoke a few times before? They could simply have ran out. Or perhaps been exposed to a lot of small arms fire? That can very easily disable the smoke dischargers.
  10. Firstly, may I remind you that you are no customer of Huntarr? Secondly, customer relations isn't just a one way street though. Plenty of people here going out of their way to be dickish yet asking for restecp.
  11. Sadly no, there is no way to convert a 1.05 .btt in to a 1.04 .btt. Have patience, hopefully not long now.
  12. Kommissar was referring to Dorosh's post count. That of this forum and it's beta area are much smaller. Still not going to see the light of day though. CMC is dead, unless they gave up on CMBB and are converting it to CMSF.
  13. Being under NDA I can't go in to detail of when and what, I'm afraid. That's up to BFC and as they've said, they are focussing on get 1.05 out the door. thewood, I think you and I aren't all that far apart on opinions about CMSF. Certainly not on the release version. It's just that I take issue with some of the complaints. I don't require people to sing it's praises but I feel it's important to remain fair. Some complainers do go quite overboard in the slagging off or their wild and at times mean spirited speculation. Fair point about people jumping on top of legitimate complaints. It does happen, and it shouldn't.
  14. MeatEtr, I can heartily recommend you give 1.05 a try. Or chance, if you will. It's much better. And going by forum chatter isn't perhaps the best indicator. It's chiefly the inveterate complainers you'll hear while their plenty of people who are enjoying the game. They just don't go banging on about it. And on and on and on and on.
  15. The initial LOS check is drawn from the square the squad is in. If a squad is in several squares, the initial LOS check is made from each square where those respective squad members are in.
  16. Learn to cope with the interface or realtime. Both... not a great idea. And don't worry too much about the above issues, 1.05 is much better IMHO.
  17. I'm afraid it's not true 1:1 but an approximation of 1:1. Some people decry the 8x8 grid but it's a bit better then most people suppose. In short the 8x8 grid is principally used to determine if LOS is possible. If yes, then a more fine grained LOS check determines whether or not it actually does. The system itself is quite good but has some rough edges that need smoothing out and the odd bug that needs fixing. Various possible reasons why your squad got shot to pieces without returning fire. Spotting of enemy squads in buildings is particulairly difficult. Definitely too difficult when they are firing, IMHO. Also the range of the M4 is a mere 300m so beyond that someone with a bigger gun is going to shoot you to pieces. Did the SAW or the marksman return fire?
  18. I'm all for the cone to reappear, provided it doesn't look like the airburst confetti dispenser we had before.
  19. Have you tried lowering the graphics to balanced or lowering the resolution? I know that in one of the earlier versions the 'best' settings produced some of the worst results for me because my machine couldn't handle it and the auto adjustment kicked in. I wouldn't really expect it to be a problem in 1.04 if it wasn't before, but it's worth a try. btw Other Means has a quote from Steve as his signature. He isn't actually called Steve himself.
  20. To be fair, the Cone of Death wasn't all that good either. Yay for the cone shape but the speed of the shrapnel was woefully slow. Looked very odd. Don't know why it was changed though, no-one complained about it.
  21. Actually tracers did, arty did not. I have seen on several occasions a tank round in flight at turn end. </font>
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