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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Hi Molinator. Sadly, the big detailed info panel got dropped because with the whole array of different armour types and warheads that information wasn't very meaningful any more. However, all is not lost. In the unit information panel there is a tab with a shield on it. This will give you a general idea what level of protection you have against various warheads. The TCP/IP mode is being looked at, but no promises.
  2. But Tom sure must be pleased with the demo. Who says BFC don't listen?!
  3. There are a few issues with nVidia drivers (7xxx and 8800 in particular) and Dual Cores. Most can be resolved by new (or older) drivers, DL-ing a M$ patch for dual cores or settings. Check the Tech support section to see what may be the issue for you. Most performance issues can be fixed this way.
  4. There are a number of pathing issues, some pretty bad ones. But keep in mind that the Stryker has the turning circle of a battlecruiser. I have the feeling some of you fail to account for that.
  5. Give it time. The scenario builder has so many features that it's a bit more work do do a map right. Also, people are probably still getting to grips with the AI plans thing. Yskonyn, I don't think JaguarUSFs scenarios were rejected, AFAIK they never made it in due to time constraints.
  6. Nope, no arty dropped smoke. (yet) Must say though, and it's probably mean of me to say so, but I had a good laugh about this thread. Someone comes here to point out something appears to be missing. And then guys who hadn't even noticed it missing before then proclaim the sky is falling because of it.
  7. This video was talked about here earlier. It's a Javelin being used to take out an empty vehicle that the troops saw insurgents remove weapons from. So if you think you were using Javelins at the slightest provocation, think back to this vid and feel better.
  8. ZSUs would be well back from the frontline, with the arty and the SAMs.
  9. Abstracted. The support may not always come through, I believe.
  10. Oh, grog points for preferring those two over Dice games. not that I think they are totally bad. The user friendliness of the BF2 game is superior to the unwieldy ArmA. And they don't let the grass grow so so long that going prone is getting you killed cause you can't see anything. Pity the dice game form is less then ideal for serious gamers. And the typical user... *shudder*
  11. LOL, that was a funny one. Yeah, QB has some serious issues, I agree.
  12. Reason for not allowing extensive modding is twofold, I think: They are planning some expansions. First up will be Marines. Would suck for BFC if someone modded them in. And what hurts BFC financially will sooner or later hurt us too. Second one is more important to us, the customer. Cheating. Open the files up and all sorts of goings on are possible. In CM I have never even entertained the thought that my opponent was cheating. If no user mods is the price to pay for that ease of mind, I'm happy to do so.
  13. Nah, you weren't doing too bad. Infact, you've risen in my estimation by continuing to post. (and saying I'm right goes a long way too ) I just thought you were wrong, I did not think you an asshat. With the forum gone wild I guess peoples blood is up more then usual. So please, pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice and make yourself at home. Once you get to know us we're an okay bunch*. *Except Seanachai, stay away from him
  14. Camelus Dromedarius or Camelus Bactrianus? One bump and two respectively, I think you'll find.
  15. rgl85, I don't think anyone has an issue with how you behave, which is pretty fine. however when you said: you may find you'll catch less flak if you put an IMHO or similar in there. Making definite statements about something that is not in evidence gets challenged around here. A lot.
  16. rgl85, I think you misinterpreted what Steve was saying. BFC wanted both modes of play. What Steve was explaining was that designing it in (not for) RT they could easily make it do TB. If they had been designing it with TB in mind, they would have a nightmare making it do RT. If BFC thought RT was the way to go, it's a fair bet you wouldn't be having a TB option right now.
  17. Yeah, the way that tank blew outwards you can guess the Javelin wasn't the only explosive on the scene. http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=M9VBbSqaa_w That looks more like it. I think the Javelin is about right in regards to its killing powers. It's powers to collapse buildings seem overdone, even allowing for the usually shoddy building practises in the region.
  18. If you've played Cmx1 from day one you surely must remember it had it's fair share of issues on release? Have faith.
  19. Sure, here are some examples of the top of my head. </font> No WEGO multiplayer at all. Not even subpar or broken multiplayer WEGO. </font>
  20. By not moving quickly. Or better yet, not moving.
  21. You can build your own map, and it's better then ever. SAS however isn't currently included.
  22. I find that 1:1 representation has indeed made me more careful about suffering casualties.
  23. Griping and moaning is okay. In fact, on these forum it may very well be mandatory. It's just the foaming at the mouth that doesn't go down so well. I agree though that it might be worthwhile to put some low LOD thingie in place of trenches that are some way from the camera. But, and I do not know if this was intentional, it's kinda fun and not completely unrealistic to stumble into a trench you hadn't spotted.
  24. Oh noes, CM:SF ruined my life! You may have noticed that the developers are all over the forum responding and listening to their customers, including you. A temper tantrum does nothing to improve dialogue.
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