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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Except we are now in 2011, more then seven years after the release of CMAK. And there are so very many features still missing, some seemingly never to return. There comes a point when that is just not good enough. I hope they can finally play catch-up now that Phillip Culliton is programming sidekick to Charles. I see your "peripheral stuff" and raise you the delays on account of the current unwieldy campaign structure we have now.
  2. I don't see how you can make that assumption. If we are handing out fictional upgrades to the campaign systems then upgrading the old Operations to allow them to switch maps between battles isn't far fetched. *snorts derisively* Is this the same majority that didn't like Cherry Picking QB? If you were reading a lot of complaints, I reckon it's because it got played a fair deal and had its faults. I don't believe for a nano second that it was complained about because it wasn't wanted. On the desirability of a more sophisticated campaign in general: People love to upgrade things and improve their pixeltruppen. People like it so much that the MMOs are making money by the wheel barrow load. People the world over are grinding their little hearts out just to obtain that +1 boost to their strength stat. A +1 that only goes to make grinding that little bit easier. I reckon that if BFC just tap in to that desire a little, they'd be improving their game a lot. Current campaigns just don't cater for people that want to care about their troops. The kill stats are a good first step towards giving a reason to care about the success or failure of my pixeltruppen. I hope they build on that.
  3. Wet grasslands might come pretty close, I reckon. The apparent removal of ditches is going to be a bigger problem in re-creating the Dutch countryside, imho.
  4. As I noted you are hardly the first, so don't feel too bad.
  5. Experience in the past has shown that this reported problem is a result of trying to join wrong section A to wrong section B. ALWAYS.
  6. I liked RO's tank combat aspect the most. And while the mechanics for that seem to have improved, the vehicle line up is totally inadequate.
  7. I'm going to go ahead and call bull on this one. A human has very little to fear from wolves. A polite cough would have about as good a chance to scare them away as anything else. In any case, if loud noises are required I'd take my chances with the lung powered noise maker over the sound output of a phone.
  8. Why? We aren't done with it yet. Besides, unless you add content to this thread it's a dud thread and here is as good a place as any.
  9. They crash in the ocean about 200 miles north of Hawaii and then their dinghies get attacked by a twin engined Japanese bomber? I know, 27 days after the crash so the current could take them a great distance, but it still doesn't compute with me. *edit* I should have kept reading. Dunno, could be right.
  10. So how would we go about simulating roadside ditches and the like?
  11. Nah, from what I've read he started out as leaning towards Democratic views but not very much so. But if you've seen his vids you know that much of what he said since he lost his marbles was along Tea Party lines. But having said that, people trying to tie others directly to this happening is unjust and unhelpful. The kid is a clear lunatic. Did the crazy, crazy rhetoric help? Clearly not. But Dems trying to claim Palin caused this to happen are only adding to craziness. If they want to help, they need to calm the fvck down because politicians trying to tar the other side as evil is the problem. That and obvious lunatics with guns.
  12. View from a Dutchman: I always get the impression that the Germans are quite responsible and treat their WW2 doings thouroughly and pretty honestly. Unlike the Japanese, who have difficulty coming to terms wit their role. The ban is not there to cover things up but to take the wind out of the sails of Neo-nazis a bit. There actually is considerable leeway for use of Nazi symbols, it's just that few people would like to risk it. I think BFC could get away with SS symbols if they wanted to. But probably not worth the hassle to them. In the Netherlands there's a fair bit of honesty about the Dutch role in the war. Warts and all. Collaboration is mentiomed, though I felt in my education it was a little underplayed. But it's certainly in the general consciousness that there was more then our fair share of apathy and collaboration. Education of the actual war fighting outside the occupation is woeful. The war is only mentioned when some minority gets its feelings hurt. Referencing to the deportation of Jews in regards to immigration policy is another favourite. Other then that it's mostly jocular references during sports matches. Asking for our (confiscated) bikes back is a great favourite. Also, and it's slowly dying out, a German asking for directions still risks being told "Immer grade aus" (keep going straight ahead) regardless of the actual required direction. More tradition then hatred. The Germans redeemed themselves, seems to be the general feeling.
  13. Shame such men cannot be made to last forever. Hohum, you should have looked there too. At least you make up for it by making the OP quite good.
  14. Yeah MikeyD, that is it. I'm pretty sure I didn't really want it and just asked for it to annoy Steve. Prick.
  15. If you think that a company of green troops should still be green at the end of several battles, then your idea of realism and mine do not match up.
  16. Yeah, I noticed the potato mashers too. Probably the impressionability of youth, thinking that it's all very cool. Meanwhile his companions just think all the gear is a burden. Some things never change.
  17. But the stats are their most useful when the chance is a bit iffy. Say 75mm versus a Tiger. You may or may not get through, it'll be a close thing either way. And the advanced stats are a nice way of weighing those odds. Do I need to get a little closer, or can I chance it from where I am? That is the stuff where the detailed numbers did the most good.
  18. I think you may find this is some spillage from that most reviled thread, named after the chief miscreant, the Peng thread. While such things are to be condemned and deplored by all of good taste, it should, perhaps, not be taken too serious.
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