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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. These are just superb. Excellent work mate
  2. Bil The German losses in the game are very similar to their initial losses in the opening stages of the RL fight. Also similar is these losses were inflicted/claimed by the Canuks. I'm loving the AAR - great work
  3. Well I've managed successfully - against the AI to lose all the Tigers. However I reckon your tactical nounce is better than mine so I'll say two These Fireflies are deadly.
  4. Possibly more like these: Old graveyard or like this
  5. I feel your pain Bil I'm in a very similar position now. I've been having my advancing armour sniped at, KOd and by the time I get stuff into what I think is LOS my opponent seems to pull the buggers back. Every gain = losing some armour. Now two Tigers have moved up the road, just level with Gaumesnil and have come under sustained ire from several Shermans. Given the first few rounds went into my first Tiger i suspect Fireflies.... They are feckin' deadly these things!
  6. Hi Augusto Yeah at first it looks impossible. Although after playing this a few times (and given the Syrian army are unrestrained by any ROE I guess) you can pretty much drive along the streets hosing every building down or move pretty fast dodging RPGs as you go! OK I simplify the tactics required somewhat but in essence this tactic appears to work.
  7. Hi Bob Thanks for the AAR. Yeah it's an interesting map for sure. I've stayed as close as I could (given the limitations of the map editor) to the actual terrain. I used lot's of aerial imagery taken just before and just after this action so the tree/hedge cover is very close to the actual landscape at the time (lot's of aerial shots are taken at dawn/early evening so you can gauge the types and height of trees and hedges from the shadows. The actual German assault after Wittmann being shot up on the open ground between Gaumesnil and the orchards went all out through the orchards. The fighting here was very fierce and very close up - similar to what you describe happened in your own action. If you liked this one you might enjoy Schmiedestahl It's based around a German panzer Kampfgruppe which has been tasked with cutting off the enemy armoured advance guard from their supply echelons and further reinforcements. Whilst the Allied commander’s orders are to secure their communications along the rollbahn and ensuring the main supply line to their forward elements. Thanks again for taking the time to play out Wittmann's demise and glad it gave you and your opponent such an engaging PBEM. Cheery!
  8. Hi Umlaut My apologies I meant to reply to your post but it totally slipped my mind. Seeing Bil's AAR prompted my memory. I think your tactics were pretty sound in the first place. I did think this would play out more re H2H and I'm in the middle of doing so myself. It's very different from playing the AI as a human player reacts more to your moves. Unfortunately the AI, although I'd done my best to create reasonable plans, is not so reactive. Also the player has way more info than the Germans actually had so i think it's always going to be easier than it was in RL. One of the AI Plans does have a wee twist in that the Allied AI will launch a hooking attack to deal with the type of attack you just mentioned - just depends on what AI plan you draw though... Still it sounds like you had a good time. thanks for the AAR - it's always good to hear how players fight scenarios. For anyone interested Bil's excellent AAR can be found HERE
  9. One of my first casualties was a Tiger as well - albeit further to the German left. I was sneaking up (another Tiger in overwatch) when BANG! Right through the front. The crew all bailed (think the loader was killed). Fireflies pack a punch but they are very much eggshells with hammers though. Another exchange had a Tiger and Sherman Firefly duke it out - Tiger hit first and the Firefly went up in flames. So they are not so good toe to toe I've found, but if the get the drop on your Tigers....
  10. Should be OK - reckon it was just uploading. Took a while.
  11. Hi Bill I've been waiting to see your take on this scenario I've just started it as a PBEM (my opponent made a few wee changes) so I'm interested in your opening moves (we're also a bit into it). My opening moves were pretty similar. My oppo twigged this... I've wondered (after creating this scenario) why Wittmann's team did what they did. I can only surmise (and I think a clue is in Meyer's account i.e. he glosses over his briefing with these guys) that they were sold a pup, in that they did not know the enemy had pushed as far as they had or were told 'nah don't worry they are not that far forward...' I'm looking forward to this one Bil
  12. Rotbart der hauchdünne - that was the nickname; also seen them referred to as 'messtins'
  13. Here ya go I think they are all in the BFC Repository though. Oh give em an hour to upload from the time stamp on this post.
  14. It was me who created 'Busting The Bocage' and I'm an amateur scenario designer
  15. Random generated maps in CMX1 were generally ****e. I prefer user made maps myself.
  16. Daraya Tank Raid - some in game screenies BMP covering T72s moving up road. Syrian armour coming under attack Rebel view of Syrian armour Allah Akbar!
  17. I don't want to give too much away - either way way but clearing an occupied NAI will lose you men. Not all NAIs are occupied and some you can ID occupants then bring down arty on their heads. Others you will have to get close and personal with your dismounts. In this case hose the area down before hand with fire using your IFV and tanks. Good Luck!
  18. Extensive discussion full of top tips here May also contain spoilers though. The key to this one is a/ terrain - have a good look at the ground from level 1 there are several not very obvious routes that allow your AFVs to move fast with some degree of cover. i.e. fast move from one point of cover to the next via shallow cover. b/ if in doubt use smoke c/ you don't have enough arty support to bombard each NAI d/ if playing as the Brits you have nippy wee mortars in all their sections... Hope this helps? This scenario is based on a RL tactical challenge
  19. I'd just like to add - Hear! Hear! JonS has nailed it. For me it's all about managing chaos and uncertainty. Revel in it - embrace it and victory is yours!
  20. Depends on the repair setting that the designer chooses - it's done as a % chance. So any vehicle, as JonS says that is damaged/immobilised/bogged will have a chance to make it back, or not. FWIW immobilisation in game due to bogging simulates not just a AFV throwing a track or getting stuck but also the gearbox blowing out, torsion bars snapping etc etc. So the repair could be more involved than just breaking the track and inserting a new track link - could mean refitting a whole new gear box etc.
  21. That's entirely down to a setting in the campaign the scenario designer can set. So it's a campaign design choice rather than a game engine limitation.
  22. Does look like it's been edited - you can see the change in light at about 02:35. I've also seen a clip where two tank recovery boys dash out to hook up a damaged tank to tow it away only to be cut down at close range by FSA guys. I'm not posting a link though as both men are very obviously killed. So hooking up damaged tanks whilst under fire is arguably a slow business and most definitely a very dangerous business for the guys who have to work outside doing the hook-up. I've also seen a video in Syrai where a tank recovery vehicle appears to drive up to the damaged tank, reverse into it, halt for a brief while then drive off towing it. This did appear to be done in minutes but was using a specialist recovery vehicle - no sign of guys outside but I thought they might have crawled underneath the tank and hooked it up that way.
  23. Hi Augusto Yup Mikey came up tops with this wee mod I'm in the final stages of tweaking the Daraya scenario. I'm thinking it'll be good for release for next weekend - Inshallah
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