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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Yup - I'd echo that It would also be very useful in AI Plans to have that same behaviour for AI units - especially AFVs. FWIW my workaround at the moment is order AFVs forward and give them pause commands (around 15 - 20s) at useful tactical points. It also means I do tend to be way cannier with establishing units in overwatch whilst I either slow move forward my armour or have it move quick or fast with tactical 15-20s pauses. Overall using short pauses like above tends to work well in action although a bit time consuming to plot - hence I often save it for moments I've a good idea I'm going to contact enemy units. At a push plotting units to move 'slow' is a good compromise as the tank is moving slow enough it stands a chance of spotting and firing at the enemy.
  2. Hi Guys Many thanks for all the positive feedback - it's very much appreciated ta Yup it's one for the tread heads for sure. Although infantry are involved, just like in the actual action, it's very much tank vs tank.
  3. Thanks for the review and feedback Mr Olesen. Very pleased you enjoyed and appreciated it. The map was a very long time in the making. Cheery!
  4. The trees are switched off. You can see the stumps in these images.
  5. Sorry mate. I've no idea myself when they were loaded. Why not search by author in each section? I'm down as George MC.
  6. Hi Erwin Most are in the repository. I should add there is one more - Panzer Angriffe! Brandenberg and Wilcox were on the first CMSF disc; Armoured assault is on the CW disc.
  7. This is the link to a thread that contains a rather in-depth discussion about this very action
  8. Incoming! I've just released Wittmann's Demise to the repository. This CMBN scenario covers the action discussed in this thread. Background The small but fierce battle that took place some 50 kilometers south of Caen in the fields and woods between the small Normandy villages of St. Aignan and Cintheaux on August 8, 1944 has become famous for two reasons. First, it marked the death of Nazi Germany’s most famous tank commander, SS Hauptstürmfuhrer Michael Wittmann, holder of the Knight’s Cross with Oakleaves and Swords. Second, the battle was a pivotal moment in the next to last great British offensive in Normandy, Operation “Totalize.” Playing The Scenario First off you will need to patch your game to 2.00 to play this. This scenario was primarily designed for play as German attacker Vs Allied AI Defender and all third party testing has been done this way.. There is an AI Plan for the German side but the AI does not do attacking as well as a human would. Still it’ll give you some fun – especially if you like KOing Tigers! If playing against the Allies/Germans there are multiple AI Plans. German AI Plan 1 and Allied AI Plan 1 are the ones that best recreate the actual order and pathway of the attack. You can switch off the other AI Plans in the scenario editor. Given the force balance it’ll also do for H2H. However, this is a historical scenario and the forces are not balanced. If you can't wait you can grab a sneak preview at the following dropbox link (as well as the READ ME for the scenario): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gfdbyg6sk5jznqz/HW-zCDGUpf
  9. I did a load of scenarios that were primarily done as NATO vs Warsaw Pact forces. FYI they are: Attack in Brandenburg Passage at Wilcox Forging Steel (you can play this as a campaign or grab all the individual scenarios) Armour Attacks! (US armoured battlegroup in action) Battlegroup Attacks! (Brit battlegroup in action) Schmiedestahl! (German battlegroup in action) Hammertime! (US combat team in action) Hammerzeit! (German combat team in action) UK Armoured Assault (Brit battlegroup in action) Cry Havoc (US armoured group in action). Just downloading the mod files myself and looking forward to seeing how these all like 'in Europe'. I'm very impressed at the work involved in this
  10. First Clash has them in - centre stage as well.
  11. Text book formations are for text books. I take your point but I very rarely would use a text book wedge - I adapt the formation based on terrain etc i.e. taking advantage of depressions etc. This is also what RL units did adopting a loose formation at best - then what about how that formation interacts with different terrain or you want your armour covering their front right? This idea would be good for a 2D game with terrain abstracted but not the 3D world in CMX2 I think.
  12. He's just on his work placement in Lapland. You might want to repost here
  13. Good tip - I've used this several times to get company/battalion COs back into command of their units after I err inadvertently put them into the firing line.
  14. How I use recce stuff does depend on a/ the mission b/ when my reinforcements come along c/ terrain. So the answer is 'it depends' As a general principle if I have recce vehicles I'll move them up through covered lanes i.e. free from fire with overwatch. So generally lead with one vehicles others watch,to cover, then leap frog. If the terrain is more dense e.g. woods/built up area etc then I'd be more inclined to dismount and move scouts up on foot, clear an area then move the vehicles up. Ultimately you'll lose someone - but that's the job of recce in CM. Dangerous work. The trick is to lose as little as you can whilst gaining as much info as you can about where the enemy is, assets etc. In RL the whole business of recce is more varied. But most of these jobs would make for very boring CM scenarios (my mate was in the RM as a sniper and they were used for conducting recces and OPs. Hours, maybe days hunkered down in a hide watching empty terrain... His highpoint was sniping Challenger tank commanders (using TESEK) whilst their tanks drove into full view of his hide and laagered there.
  15. Hhmmm...According to Restayn 728 is a LSSAH Panzer - the sequence of shots that is taken from tie in with that. One image in the sequence shows the same panzer with Paul Close from LSSAH standing next to it. Looking at photos it would appear Totenkopf PzIV from 7th Company had white turret numbers whilst LSSAH appear to have had red turret numbers (or at least dark paint). Restayn in The Battle of Kharkov has a colour plate that shows a Panzer IV with a turret number of '712' painted in narrow white numbers with a slim black outline on a dunkel-gelb background. Sorry can't help with other PzIV turret numbers.
  16. I'll take a stab at them- although they are very small images. Th first top shot shows a Panzer IV of the I./Pz Regt 27 of the 19th panzer Division at Starobjelsk (from Restayn Battle of Kharkov page 36). Bottom shot of same image shows same panzer followed by a Panzer III N. The middle shot looks to be a Panzer IV from I./7./SS-Pz.Rgt. LSSAH in Kharkov. That company was commanded by Rudolf von Ribbentrop. There is a sequence of shots in Restayn's Battle of Kharkov on page 348 and 349 that show this panzer in action. Cheery! George
  17. you're a machine then mate. I spend a lot of my time (both professional and personal) walking in the hills. being forced to move at a pace not your own is tiring. We like to stride out at our own pace/length of stride. Constrain that and it gets tiring. I can only imagine what being forced to carry several kgs of metalwork in a stress position then does to that...
  18. As much as I admire your initiative I pretty much do scenario design to play stuff I like/want to play. hence it being released to the general CM playing public is a bonus. That cuts both ways cos I choose to take notice or totally disregard any feedback It's not a users market. If that dynamic changes, as you are hoping/trying to initiate then I'd be more inclined to listening to feedback. In saying that genuine considered feedback is gold dust and that well i do take notice off. I'm not much into whining though...
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