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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Were you playing with 'trees off' and 'smoke off'?
  2. Thank you Looks like you’re being kept busy on other stuff
  3. Then two Panthers from another patrol snuck up on the surviving JS-IIs and engaged one from the rear. Got him! You can see the hit. The smoke in the centre rear is one of the other Panthers from the earlier ambush. I was sweating this exchange though. The first shot hit the rear of the JS-II but failed to penetrate. Then it started turning around. Second shot hit the RHS of the turret and again failed to penetrate. Third time lucky - shot went into the hull and KO'd it.
  4. Its mates did better. They managed to move into a great wee hull down position and ambushed several JS-IIs moving in the open - range was around 1800m. Ding dong exchange of fire - one hit. After several exchanges several JS-IIs are out of action but my Panthers took hits. Immobilising one and KOing the other (all the crew made it out though).
  5. Panther (one of three) doing recce to ID firing positions of Soviet JS-IIs. Look like its found at least two. Spot the noob error...
  6. It's also worth noting you can swap stuff out in the editor. so if you don't want Tigers/M1s/T34s then swap em out for something else. Although it might mean the scenario is err 'unbalanced'. FWI I tend to create scenarios that have a historical foundation so that does mean the units involved will be 'samey' i.e. you'll get PzIVs, PzV, StuGs, T34s, JSIIs if its 1944 timeframe and PAK, lots of PAK. I'm not a great fan of infantry only stuff - not my bag really. But I guess it is why you need a broad range of designers who all have their own feti...err, interests and create stuff that reflects them.
  7. Ah..! Gotcha yup v6 Hammertime is the most ‘recent’. Hammerzeit is a complete overhaul with different Syrian OOB, completely new AI plans using triggers and reformed map using CMSF2 terrain features. May some point I’ll update Hammertime to CMSF2.
  8. Hi @Erwin not sure what you mean by variant. V6 is an improved version. This scenario saw a lot of action and I hit lots of feedback. Hence I kept updating it as the feedback came in. V6 is the most current. I might get around to updating it to CMSF2....
  9. All the new stuff will have SF2 in the file name. If it does not then it was not updated to take advantage of CMSF2 features e.g. triggers, water etc etc.
  10. @Combatintman has it right! 'Hammerzeit' should have water and bridges. I don't think i re did 'Hammertime' - TBh memory bit hazy as did a heap of stuff in updating for CMSF"! I'm away from my PC at the mo so can't check.
  11. This is a war game forum not a political forum. The politics of this can be debated elsewhere if that’s your bag. FWIW the actual research - objective and fact based is well worth reading rather than various media interpretations.
  12. Link to a thread regarding the actual research. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/135109-visual-examination-of-the-battle-of-prokhorovka/
  13. Thank you - good to be appreciated Aye working (very slowly) on some stuff as like you new responsibilities have curtailed my available time.
  14. Cheers Erwin - glad you enjoyed it. I did a bit of reworking this for CMSF2. So nice to hear the work has paid off.
  15. This book - bit pricey though - Commanding the Red Army's Sherman Tanks: The World War II Memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitriy Loza - is good for tactical insight into how they were used. Lots of action at CM level as well. rare as not often you get these sorts of accounts in English. If you read Russian there are lots more to go at. Sadly I don't.
  16. Ah now not so sure re QBs. In the editor you can switch around the sides but I'm not sure if you can do that in a QB (I never play them). I suspect not though. I'll edit my original post.
  17. You can do that now in the editor for scenarios (just switch the sides in the 'data' section then purchase) but I'm not so sure this is possible in the QB selector.
  18. Have you contacted @Bootie and asked for his help in resolving this?
  19. If you search for stuff by @SeinfeldRules over at https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ you'll find a load of small to medium size CMRT scenarios which might suit you. Small maps, small forces, brilliant wee fights!
  20. All my old CMX1 stuff is still at my website www.blowtorchscenarios.com if interested.
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