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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. That is one of the biggest problems with the infantry model. Your guys can be shot before they can shoot. Individual soldiers can be spotted by enemy squads but if the center of mass of the squad has an obstructed LOS then you end up with some funky targeting results.
  2. Whatever tanker, getting you guys out of those things is like shucking oysters.
  3. I wonder if this is related to the fact that you often see the tracer continue on after a tank hits a target.
  4. I used it once to try to reman an immobile tank that still had HE rounds. Didn't quite work.
  5. I usually police my casualties during the end phase of a scenario. When I am just mopping up I will move spare hq units to any casualties that haven't been treated by their own squad and they will always start aid. If I don't run out of time I usually clean up all my wounded unless I just can't find them.
  6. I don't think you will ever be able to recreate something like this in CMSF. I mean in terms of time taken and casualties recieved and inflicted. I say this not from a programing point of view but purely from gameplay. If you made game battles the same as real battles no one would want to play. The board would be full of threads like: "Why did my guys surrender after only losing 1 dead and 5 wounded?" "Why isn't there any action?" "Why can't my guys hit anything?" "Why do my guys keep running away when no one has even been hit." A buddy I served with was in Panama with the 82nd and told me about taking hours to just set up a building entry. Combat just doesn't happen in ways that people would find to be entertaining, there is just too much at stake.
  7. Pick up Keegan's surveys of WWI and WWII for a good overview. Look in the bibliography for more specific titles. Pretty much anything by Keegan is good an very readable.
  8. Smoke in the game is wonderful. Now if you could deliver it by arty and not just vehicles.
  9. They have had them from the start. The book "King of the Killing Fields," notes that the designers were concerned about stopping Soviet versions of the British HESH warhead which creates spall effects as its primary killing agent.</font>
  10. The question isn't troop type so much as over accurate fire. 99.9999999% of all small arms fire is area fire, and poorly aimed area fire at that. I believe the current figure from Iraq is well over 200,000 rounds fired for every casualty. A bullet doesn't care if it came from the weapon of an Uncon who barely knows which end to point at the Americans or a SF veteran who can put a round through your ear at a mile. If it hits it will do damage, and there's the issue. In the game, in any game actually, rounds hit entirely too often. Compare casualty figures from any actual battle to those you get from any wargame and you will find them entirely too high. In real combat moral will break long before a unit is physically incapable of combat. This, however, makes for boring game play. People would be howling if their units broke after having one guy wounded much less killed, but that is what really happens. Vehicles also take a lot more to kill, especially from smallarms fire, than people believe. Usually you stop a vehicle because you incapacitate the driver. So again you end up with a game with people complaining about how "unrealistic" it is. So basically what I am saying is that game play issues mean that the results have to be closer to Hollywood than reality.
  11. Usually if you manually target anything they will fire a Javelin at it. Sometimes it gets kind of annoying because even "target light" doesn't make them save them.
  12. I haven't tried this since my first few times ended in dissaster. My half squad entered the building and died without returning fire and then the support element followed and died as well, all without returning fire. The infantry model is killing this game for me. I am sick of my guys getting shot before they seem to be able to fire back. Even in hunt movement I have only rarely seen members of a squad fire before the center of mass of the squad has reached the movement objective. Meanwhile the enemy is blazing away at each man as he enters the door. You shoot as you entere the room, you don't enter the room, wait for the entire squad to come through the door, wait for everyone to spread out, look around, and then fire.
  13. Just make it so that if a unit can shoot at me, my guys can shoot at it. Not too much to ask I think.
  14. Right now I give it about a 6 of 10. I love playing with all the toys I played with when I was in but continuing gameplay issues are killing me. I average at least 2 WTF's and 5 G--Damn It's a battle. Right now it is just good enought that I haven't just given up.
  15. They have had them from the start. The book "King of the Killing Fields," notes that the designers were concerned about stopping Soviet versions of the British HESH warhead which creates spall effects as its primary killing agent. In any case, HEAT rounds are entirely overmodelled in the game. A Javelin missile will NOT take down a building other than a wooden shack. In the game you can bring down a skyscrapper with 2 or 3. In RL the U.S. fired 16 TOW missiles at a building during an attack on Somali warlords. They caused a lot of damage but the building was in no danger of collapse. Delta went in and cleared the room after the attack.
  16. Yes, you can do this during the game as well. I try to ignore it but sometimes my FO's just can't help but plot some test rounds on that "empty" area.
  17. Road grog. I think Minimum range is only implimented for big missiles. Even HEAT rounds have a minimum range but I have seen M1's engage with HEAT from within a couple meters. I think the real thing is around 70m.
  18. I think that it is a reflection of the overmodelling of ATGM blast effects. It is the same reason that you can take down buildings with a Javelin. Or maybe every RPG hit goes through the fuel tank and sprays the interior with flaming JP8.
  19. That is why I think the aquire command should be like a fire command. You give it a target, either a vehicle or a soldier and the list pops up and you tell the squad what to aquire. The way it works right now is somewhat retarded.
  20. I think they are having trouble with the bangers and beans.
  21. It will happen automatically sometimes, but there is no way to order it.
  22. I haven't seen terrain give much cover to infantry but on the other hand, a single palm tree can appearantly stop multiple 120mm HEAT rounds. I guess Syrian date palms have ERA installed.
  23. I notice that I get finer movement with the keyboard but it is too slow to use all the time so I mainly use the mouse. I use the keys when I am trying to zoom in on a specific floor.
  24. I think many of the problems could be solved if the pathfinding were removed all together. BFC have repeatedly stated that one of the problems is that player movement orders are too vague and so the AI has to think of creative ways to do what the player wants. I can accept that, so if we are supposed to give detailed move orders even with the AI then get rid of it. If you want a unit to go somewhere then you have to tell it where to go. If a move path is impossible then you can't plot the inaccessable point. On that note, if there is no direct path to a point I wish the path arrow would show this, especially in a building. Movement within multisection buildings is so random that it is becoming the number 1 game killer for me. It doesn't matter if there are internal walls or not, there is no consistent way to judge what your guys are going to do. Are they going to walk straight through the open space like you tell them to or are they going to climb 8 flights of stairs, run across the roof, and then down 8 flights of stairs to get to a section of the building with no visible obsticals? Just turn the pathfinding for the human player off and let me know where my guys can go. I will gladly spend the extra few seconds to plot the course I want rather than watch my guys continue to get mowed down running around an entire building when told to move into the next room.
  25. Ok, recent play using blast. Blasting through walls: 10 trys 100% success. They go through just like they are supposed to. Blasting in a building: 5 trys 0% success. Inside or outside, once the blast goes off, squad immediately exits from nearest door other than blasted wall, even if there was a door in it, and runs around building to find another door. So far, blast for me is just a "breach high wall" command. I have noticed no difference from 1.03 to 1.04 with respect to this command, and very little with infantry in general.
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