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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Cannister rounds containing multiple bomblets. My bad.
  2. I haven't had anyone dissappear yet but I have had some MMG crews suddenly decide that they needed more PT. One minute they were merrily firing away and the next the squad had left the gun and were jogging across the battlefield. That has happened to me twice.
  3. We emptied an entire battery of 81mm AP at them and they still kept coming! We hit them with 155mm and they still kept coming! We shot them till our trigger fingers went numb and they still kept coming! Managed a Minor Victory but man the carnage. Lost 9 vehicles and about 100 guys while killing about 20 total vehicles and about 700 guys. Needless to say there wasn't much standing in the middle of town.
  4. I think that is one of the broken things in the game. Armor should use DPICM airbursts to take out armor while general should be HE. If you use large callibur AP rounds then they will knock down buildings. Smaller stuff won't hurt people in buildings. At least I don't think it will.
  5. I prefer the "Send plate of Bratwurst" button.
  6. In the Total War series the battle field is smaller than the overall map and reinforcements appear on the non-playable part of the map and then move into the playable zone. It works pretty well but then you have the situation of troops being in range of your guns but untouchable.
  7. You should see what happens when you get the bright idea to strap a smoke pot, you know the big ones that the engineers use, to the back of your 113 and drive around to make a smoke screen. Now imagine you hit a bump and the canister pops loose from the straps holding it down and rolls into the open troop hatch. Luckily it ended up sitting upright against the ramp so it didn't set anything on fire. Left a hell of a mess in the back of my track though. Those things take a long time to burn out.
  8. I think there were some Salerno scenarios at the old Scenario Depot. Not sure though. I'm sure if you say nice things to Kingfish or Treeburst they will whip you up one. As for the book, I had it on preorder and have had it sitting on my shelf for most of the semester. One last paper to finish and then I can start on it.
  9. I just had one of my squads say, "Enemy infantry ahead," and then take a pot shot at one of my own squads, even though no one had moved from their initial setup zones. FNGs!
  10. For me it is a close tie between Red Baron and CMAK with the ETO mod. I loved Mech Brigade as well and the original M1 Tank Platoon and Harpoon round out my top 5.
  11. 1 squad was in a 1 story building with another building in between it and the Bradley. They lost 2 guys. Two other squads were on the roof of a 2 story building next to the Brad. One squad lost 7 guys and the other lost 3. This is just unrealistic. Even a 152 round hitting the Brad wouldn't have had that much of an effect. Even with fuel and ammo going up they don't go up like a bomb. They are designed not to. The visible effects of many explosives are much worse than their damage causing ability. All of my infantry were covered from direct effect from either the blast or the T62's round but all of them suffered blast casualties. This just doesn't happen in real life.
  12. Usually they will although nothing is 100 percent. If you can get a squad behind the bunker they will eventually close assault it and take it out.
  13. Just played through the version with the A10 last night. Ended up not using any indirect as my guys were too close by the time they were availible. Possible Spoiler Alert I just ended up with one of the most enjoyable close quarter armor fights I have had yet. I had 3 squads and two Brads in a group of buildings when 3 BMPs and a T62 come roaring in. For about 5 minutes there were rounds, grenades, and AT4s going of constantly. My guys managed to kill all the Syrian vehicles but were taken out by a long range shot from another T62 that killed the Brad and half my infantry. (HEAT overmodelling strikes again!) Great fun. Will download the latest and give it a shot.
  14. Here's little example of blast overmodelling. In a recent fight, I had several squads in buildings backed up by a Brad. A T62 hit the Brad with a HEAT and roughly half the soldiers died along with the Brad. 1 squad was in a 1 story building with another building in between it and the Bradley. They lost 2 guys. Two other squads were on the roof of a 2 story building next to the Brad. One squad lost 7 guys and the other lost 3. This is just unrealistic. Even a 152 round hitting the Brad wouldn't have had that much of an effect.
  15. Overall smoke need serious work. M1 smoke in game is nothing like real life. Handheld smoke is useless, unlike real life. I also have trouble believing that Syrian smoke is supposed to launch itself 500 meters away from the vehicle where it gives absolutely no concealment for the launching vehicle. And, of course, they have to put arty smoke back in the game.
  16. No, it is just one of the strange design decisions BFC made. It goes along with no bridges or water and not being able to put things back when you pick them up.
  17. But even with Borg spotting, CMx1 troops were constantly saying, "Did you see that?" Maybe there just aren't a lot of options.
  18. I keep hearing someone ask if they will please trade them for some cheese spread. And of course endless rounds of "Does anyone have any S**t paper?!"
  19. Western militaries have decided that smoke is gamey and have stopped using it.
  20. Maybe everyone has a chemlite attached to their K-pot for safety purposes.
  21. I think a lot of adjustment comes from the paradoxical realization that you have to slow way down to succeed in the faster paced modern environment. You have to be much more careful about routes and cover and much more decisive in your movements. Where a mistake in WWII would get you shot at, a mistake in modern combat will get you shot. As far as the effects of AT rounds, they are way overmodelled in the game. I think their is a connection in the program between blast and penetration effect where both have to be high or low. HEAT rounds should have high penetration but a relatively lower blast when compared to HE of the same calibur. You should not be able to take down a building with a Javelin, unless it is a tin shack.
  22. I am not sure but I think the night spotting needs to be tweaked. It seems entirely too easy to spot and engage targets at several hundred meters in the dark. For both sides. I used our NVG's all the time and they don't work as well as they seem to in the game.
  23. From akd: "Regarding the .416 Barret, the special ops community has the flexibilty to play around with a number of new products and alternative calibers, but that doesn't mean a wholesale switch is happening, or even likely to happen." Very true. When you only have to buy a few thousand as opposed to several million it adds a lot of flexability.
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